Medical Master

v8 Chapter 398: A surprise attack, not a siege!

In the evening.

South Mi Chau, somewhere.

In a thriving rain forest, a dark shadow stepped out from behind a towering tree, walking carefully, without any trace of energy on his body. It looked like an ordinary person specializing in rainforest exploration.

Look closely.

This man looks exactly like the Six Lord Nirvana!

There was a trace of blood in the corner of his mouth.

The clothes on the chest were wet with blood.

The whole person seemed to have just recovered from the severely injured state.

"it's a pity."

Looking at the distance, the man sighed and said in a low voice: "I never expected that the cloners who had cultivated for so many years would have died like this."

"But it's worth it."

"Without him, I wouldn't be able to get rid of the unknown pursuit easily."

This person is impressively the Six Lords of Nirvana!

"I don't know what happened to Anonymous. The serial bureau I set up in the Holy Land of Paradise Island must have caused him a lot of damage."

Thought of this.

The six lords sank in their hearts.

In fact, from the time of the official launch of raids to countries around the world, the clones of the Six Lords have come to South Mizu, stationed here to lead all Nirvana people.

On the way from the south of the country to be hunted down by the unknown, the six lords secretly contacted the clone, and told all the information about the unknown and his own information to the clone in great detail, and agreed to meet at the paradise island holy land .

After arriving in the Amazon Basin of South Mizhou, he rushed all the way to the holy place of Paradise Island, but did not expect that the nameless rushed out halfway.

Fortunately, he still had some life-saving things in his hand, and when the unknown came up, he helped him create a great escape opportunity.

Coupled with the encounter of a mature Moxiang fruit, it helped him disperse and attract the unknown attention, and won him more time.

That is, during that time, after arriving at the Holy Land of Paradise Island, he quickly set up the desired route on the way to escape, and then escaped alone.

To escape the nameless hunt.

He not only handed over the clones who had cultivated for so many years, but even consumed all his energy, leaving him completely disguised as an ordinary person.

After doing all this.

He chose a direction that was absolutely impossible to pursue, and walked towards the center of South Mizhou.

Although he did not use the slightest amount of inner strength to escape, but because of his strength and strength, he was also very physically fit. The six deities walked all the way and entered the town before taking transportation.

It was not until the evening that he finally came to a city called Cuiaba.

This city is very far from the unnamed Amazon basin. Although this city is also known as the "gateway to the Amazon", there are not many rivers in the surrounding area. It is also considered to be a city outside the Amazon basin in the entire South Mi Chau. Already.

After all, the Amazon Basin covers almost half of South Misami.

Without entering the city, after arriving in Cuiaba, the six deities immediately went out and came into a very vigorous rain forest outside the city.

Nirvana is stationed in the central stronghold of South Mizhou, deep in the rainforest.

"Nameless, I know that the plan of the Holy Land of Paradise Island will not kill you, but at least it will hurt you. It cost so much to bring you from the southern part of the country. This time I want to give you a good experience. What a feeling! "


The six lords raised their fists violently. Naturally absorbed along the way, the inner air that has been dare not to use has been suppressed from its body at this moment.

With the burst of inner qi, the six lords suddenly moved in speed and rushed to the depths of the rain forest.

This time, the emergence of anonymity has caused Nirvana to suffer unprecedented unprecedented losses, and even nearly killed him. As a military division of the Nirvana organization, this is a shame to the six envoys, so he will never let it go. of.

He wanted to blood-wash South Mizuo and take revenge on his clones and others who died in the unknown hands!

Deep in the rainforest.

Around an area that was bulldozed by bulldozers, there were eight towering trees, and small wooden houses were built on the canopy, each of which was guarded by three or two black robes.

In the open space below, there are a group of people in black robes who are sitting and training.


The six lords broke into the air and flew directly into the crowd.

Everyone immediately woke up.

After seeing that the people were six lords, all of them immediately fell on one knee.

"How is the fighting on your side?"

As soon as the six lords landed, they asked in a cold tone.

"Twenty Lords."

A man in a black robe immediately opened his mouth and said: "The siege of each place is still continuing. According to the information that has just been obtained, capable people from various countries in South Mizhou are gathering towards Natal.

"Natal is a coastal city. Local capable people use the coastline as a cover, and those capable of breaking out from various areas. After arriving in Natal, they all gather together to form a camp for capable people."

The man in black robe reported.

"Big camp?"

The six worshippers frowned, and asked, "What are they going to Natal to prepare to escape by water?"

"Our human resources have comprehensively monitored that area of ​​the sea, and there is no intention of any South Mizhou capable person to escape by water."

Heipao people continued to add: "The reason they gathered in Natal is most likely because of an anonymous post on an underground power forum."

"What post?"

The six honored faces sank.

Since this journey, his mind has been on escape, so he did not notice the news on the underground forces forum at all.

"I have sent a message anonymously, telling all capable people in South Mizuo that the Amazon basin has been cleaned up by him, and all capable people who break out can go to the Amazon basin to gather."

The man in black robe replied.

"So blatantly sending a message?"

The six enlightened with a brow and murmured, "Nameless, what are you trying to do?"

"Did he notice it?"


The Six Masters thought of the question Fang Qiu had asked him several times before.

Now that he knew that those who had been beheaded by him were resurrected, would he also think he was not dead?

"He wants to lead me?"

With this in mind, the six deities shook their heads immediately.

In order to get rid of the nameless hunt, he arranged a perfect game, no matter what the nameless would never think that he was killed by the clone.

"If it's not for me, it's for organization!"

The six deities thought carefully, and the reason why the namelessly publicly announced the position was obviously to provoke the nirvana organization and tell everyone of the nirvana that the people they have stationed in the Amazon basin are dead, including the six deities, the wise master, To the Lord and the Little Lord.

The announcement of this news will undoubtedly cause a great blow to the morale of the Nirvana organization. At the same time, they can also attract people from the Nirvana organization to the past.


With this in mind, the six enemies snorted suddenly and said, "You're a good abacus. Since you want to be spared, I'm going to bury those who believe in your ability!"

Say it here.

The six lords waved their hands and ordered the black robe man kneeling in front of him: "Contact all the people near Natal City immediately and gather together to launch a surprise attack on the capable camp outside Natal City. "

"Remember, it was a surprise attack, not a siege."

"Time, just tonight, I will kill all these unconditional trustless people!"

With that said, the eyes of the six enshrined were glorious.


The man in black robe took command.

Soon, the evening sun had not dissipated, and a few dark shadows rushed out of the rainforest and rushed towards Natal City.


Outside Natal.

A mountain forest about fifty kilometers from the city.

A large number of South Mizhou abilities gathered together, like tribes in the mountains and forests, all around a bunch of bonfires, talk about the next route.

Look closely.

These people are more or less injured.

Seems to have experienced a battle not long ago.

Although the injuries were obvious, these people did not imagine the tension in China, but looked very relaxed one by one.

It looks like they should have won in the battle that they experienced not long ago.

Otherwise, they will not behave so calmly.

"We are still about 1,500 kilometers away from the Amazon Basin. After a 30-minute rest, we continue to follow the previous plan, proceed along the coastline, use the coastline as our battlefield, and use naval battle to fight against Nirvana.

"As long as we can walk to Marajob Bay, we are safe."

"In front of Marajo Bay is the estuary of the Amazon, where we can rest assured to wait for rescue."

The power of those around the bonfire is outstanding among all those who are capable.


Thousands of Nanmizhou abilities who sat and rested on all sides recognized their leadership and were willing to obey their arrangements.


Thirty minutes have passed.

"Are you all resting?"

A bearded man sitting in front of the campfire stood up and said, "If everyone is rested, we will hurry immediately, and there is a distance of 1500 kilometers. We ca n’t be considered safe until we actually enter the Amazon basin. Only Hurry up and arrive early to escape from the real danger. "

Hear the words.

Everyone nodded and stood up.

"Okay, go!"

The beard saw this, nodded with satisfaction and waved, motioning everyone to start together.


"Well ..."

A sharp sound of breaking air came from the mountains and forests in all directions.

The sharp arrows encrusted with black magic enemies blasted from all sides in the south. Under the concealment of the night, it was impossible to tell what it was.

next moment.

"Ah ..."

The exclamation sounded suddenly.

Some people in the outermost area suddenly felt as if they had encountered some terrible power shocks, suddenly rising into the air and smashing into the crowd.

This scene shocked everyone's expression!