Medical Master

v8 Chapter 457: When did you sign the partner

For Chinese medicine.

I heard that Fang Qiu took the initiative to enter the Chinese medicine market and took the initiative to take the matter of entering the Chinese medicine market as a key point. All Chinese medicine practitioners were very happy and also warmly welcomed Renyi Group to enter the Chinese medicine market.

"This news is indeed good news for Chinese medicine."

"Great, the reason why traditional Chinese medicine has not been able to get up for so many years has a lot to do with Chinese medicinal materials. The insufficient effect of Chinese medicinal materials directly leads to deviations in the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, which in turn affects people's Cognition has even led many people who prescribe inferior Chinese medicine and counterfeit medicine to angrily stand on the opposite side of Chinese medicine and believe that Chinese medicine is fake. "

"Now, the entrance of Renyi Group will definitely bring the traditional Chinese medicine market into the formal, so that the traditional Chinese medicine market can be regulated from now on, so that all patients can prescribe the most formal Chinese medicine, so that all Chinese medicine practitioners can prescribe medicine with confidence. That's what TCM should be like. "

For a time.

All Chinese medicine practitioners who are watching the webcast have made a barrage of statements.

"Traditional Chinese Medicine staff, warmly welcome Renyi Group to enter the Chinese herbal medicine market!"

A Chinese medicine doctor issued such a sentence.

Next, almost every live broadcast room was screened by such an extremely neat barrage.


For all Chinese medicine.

Most of the traditional Chinese medicines on the market today are too poor. If the Chinese medicine market is allowed to continue like this, Chinese medicine will be killed sooner or later.

To make Huaxia TCM stand up, we must first straighten the Chinese herbal medicine market!

Conference site.

After a burst of laughter from reporters.

He Xue stood up directly, took out several contracts prepared in advance, and said to all the media on the scene, "This is a contract signed by our Renyi Group and several large Chinese herbal medicine chain stores in the Chinese herbal medicine market. Before the official launch of the conference, we have signed a cooperation contract with them, and the first batch of procurement of Chinese herbal medicines has begun. "

"From now on, Renyi Group officially entered the Chinese herbal medicine market!"

Then came the words.

All reporters at the scene were surprised.

Who would have thought that Renyi Group was so prepared for this press conference that it took only three days from the time when it was determined that the press conference would be held urgently. Renyi Group even signed the contract?


think carefully.

After all, it is the Benevolence Group.

Since the establishment of the Renyi Group, everything we do and every business we do is steady and uncompromising.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Renyi Group to find some partners from the current Chinese herbal medicine market. On the contrary, there will be a large number of partners who will actively request cooperation with Renyi Group.

Think of it this way, Renyi Group has such a speed, but it is normal!

And here, the major Chinese herbal medicine merchants who were watching the live broadcast, when they saw He Xue took out the contract directly, all of them were dumbfounded.


"What's the situation? When did Renyi Group sign the cooperative partner and who did it? Why is there no news?"

"What the **** is going on with Nima?"

"We don't know anything yet. People have come in already. How can this be played?"

For a time.

The major Chinese medicinal material merchants screamed.

The benevolent group's hand was really beyond their expectations. They didn't even react a little bit, and they were forced into it by benevolent group.

This is equivalent to a war between the two armies.

Occupy the major nodes in the defensive side, how can this be played?

Just now I was thinking about joining all the Chinese herbal medicine merchants to cooperate with those merchants of Renyi Group, which was even more aggressive.

As soon as their plan had a sign, Fang Qiu choked them.

Now that Renyi Group has signed up with its partners, how can they unite?


The support of countless netizens and Chinese medicine practitioners, the wailing of most Chinese herbal medicine merchants, and the applause of all the reporters on the scene lasted for nearly an hour and ended.

The news uploaded by this press conference is enough for major media reporters to write well for several days, and it is also enough for netizens to digest for a long time.

However, for the Chinese medicinal materials market, the end of this conference is when the entire Chinese medicinal materials market is in turmoil.

It doesn't.

With the end of Renyi Group's press conference, a large number of Chinese herbal medicine buyers in the market did not purchase in accordance with past practices, but calmed down and waited and waited.

Although it may not seem to have much impact, in fact, after these merchants stop purchasing, all wholesalers of Chinese herbal medicines in the entire Chinese herbal medicines market will encounter a very severe blow and start to pile up a large number of goods. Don't worry about selling it, but if the goods are slightly inferior, I am afraid that they will be completely carried in my hands.

After all, Renyi Group's entry into the Chinese medicinal materials market will not only bring a large number of sharp goods, but also directly lead to a decline in the prices of a large number of authentic Chinese medicinal materials.

With the price down and better efficacy, there are still a lot of defective products in the hands of those wholesalers.

Even if it's a big sale at a loss, I'm afraid it won't work.

The turmoil in the entire Chinese medicinal materials market officially began with the end of the press conference.

When drug makers are completely unable to resist, and even more unable to fight back, they can only quickly find ways to mitigate losses.

And the second-hand goods market.

The prices of all elixir produced by Renyi Group have begun to increase exponentially.

The most important thing is that in the case of crazy price increases, these elixir drugs are still unavailable.


the next day.

As always, the major Chinese medicinal materials markets have opened early.

Because Renyi Group has officially held a press conference to announce its presence in the Chinese medicinal materials market, today is also the day when Renyi Group's Chinese medicines are listed for sale.

Through online publicity, all Chinese medicine practitioners who are concerned about this matter and people who are concerned about Chinese medicinal materials have rushed to the largest Chinese medicinal materials market in their respective areas early, and are ready to see the quality of Chinese medicinal materials sold by Renyi Group How exactly?

of course.

The most concerned about the quality of Chinese medicine of Renyi Group is undoubtedly the major Chinese medicine merchants.

With the opening of major Chinese herbal medicine markets.

The major Chinese medicinal material merchants rushed into the Chinese medicinal material market as soon as possible.

Because it was officially announced when the press conference was held, everyone knew very well what the partners of Renyi Group were.

Therefore, as soon as they entered the Chinese herbal medicine market, everyone rushed to the chain stores of Renyi Group's partners.

In the case of a contract signed in advance.

Each of the major chain stores has dedicated an area for Renyi Group to store Renyi Group's traditional Chinese medicine.

It seems that a large number of customers have already been expected to enter the store. The employees in the store are not surprised, but instead direct the flow of people to the Chinese medicine area of ​​Renyi Group.

Chinese medicine that came to Renyi Group

Everyone couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the material area.

They found.

The quality of these Chinese medicinal materials is indeed the same as that guaranteed by the hair ball. All of them are top-level. It is difficult to find the same quality of Chinese medicinal materials in other areas in the drug store.

And, most importantly, the prices of these Chinese medicinal materials are very low.

Seeing the quality and price of medicinal materials, the faces of all Chinese herbal medicine traders have become even more ugly.

In their view.

The Benevolence Group is trying to kill people.

of course.

At the same time that all Chinese herbal medicine merchants have ugly faces, those Chinese medicine practitioners and Chinese herbal medicine enthusiasts who come to check the quality of Chinese herbal medicines are all praising.

Even in chain stores around the world, local media reporters have invited Chinese herbal medicine masters to check the quality of live reports on the spot.

The Chinese herbal medicine masters who were invited to broadcast live, after seeing the Chinese herbal medicines of Renyi Group, they all praised them, giving thumbs up to media reporters and live broadcast cameras.

under these circumstances.

All major Chinese herbal medicine merchants can only quickly find the contact information of Renyi Group, and strive to find people to talk to any group at the first time, and prepare to purchase a lot of Chinese herbal medicines of Renyi Group.


Renyi Group Office Building.

Looking at He Xue's various reports.

At the beginning, Li Qihua and Yang Ningyuan, who were still a little worried, had clouded their faces and put on a satisfied smile.

Although Renyi Group does not have the high profits of Yandan Gubendan, Yishoudi Xianwan, Shenxian Baihuafang, etc. from today, these important profits are enough to be worth the lost profits.


The most important thing is.

This is a road of sustainable development. No matter what happens in the future, there is no worries at all. Compared with the previous business, the Holy Medicine of Chinese herbal medicines is a solid golden rice bowl.

this moment.

Li Qihua and Yang Ningyuan both admire Fang Qiu's advance layout in his heart.

At the beginning, when Fang Qiu began to lay out, they thought that it was purely that Fang Qiu was seeking benefits for Chinese medicine, but did not expect that this industry, which seemed to them as welfare, would become the backbone of the entire group.

Starting today, they do n’t need to go back to the resurrection of Fangqiu ’s planting base, and worry about the re-production of Chinese herbal medicine. The Italian Group is bound to take another step.


The thoughts of Li Qihua and Yang Ningyuan shifted to medicated diet.

The transformation of Renyi Group has been very successful. Next, the group can fully stabilize and make efforts to the Chinese herbal medicine market. What about medicated diet?

Medicinal diet has become the only existence they are worried about now.

After all, the taste of medicated food is not as good as before. Although the price has dropped and the taste has changed, it is still much better than other medicated foods. However, Li Qihua and Yang Ningyuan are still afraid that everyone will not buy it.

After all, the preconceived notion is too important for contemporary people. The image that the medicated diet was very delicious in the past can easily make everyone dissatisfied with the current medicated diet.


Just when the two started to worry, an email was sent to the office computer in the office.

Yang Ning opened the e-mail and looked at it.

It was discovered that the medicated diet was reported by email. According to the information reported in the email, the medicated diet across the country turned out to be extremely popular.