Medical Master

v8 Chapter 463: Turns out to be a clone base!

Fang Qiu, along with the other three, carried a tray full of wine and vegetables, quickly passed through the entrance, and entered directly into the array.

After entering the battle.

Fang Qiu found that a large area covered by the large array was still a glacier like the outside world.

Look around.

On the glacier covered by the formation, there was no one left.


Although the tray lifted in his hand blocked his vision, Fang Qiu's consciousness was very clear. There was a breath of energy in the front, which slowly diffused from the ground.

In other words, what this giant formation really wants to hide is under the glacier.

After a while.

Fang Qiu came to the center of the entire array.

When he came here, Fang Qiu found that there was a very wide crack in the ground. This crack was obviously not formed naturally, but was dug out by someone with great effort.

Deep in the darkness.

"The Nirvana organization is so tightly protected here?"

Fang Qiu was shocked.

More and more curious about the secrets hidden here.

Although Nirvana has a presence in every place in the world, it is because of passing through countless Nirvana locations that Fang Qiu is particularly clear about what Nirvana organizations are like in each place.

Although those stations are guarded by people, they are all on the bright side.

Fang Qiu has been to one of the most closely organized sites of Nirvana. This was the time when Nirvana made viruses in Africa. However, even that time, only the virus laboratory was underground. The presence of the resident watchtower still made that station particularly prominent. .

That's right, watchtower.

Nirvana has watchtowers in most of the locations around the world, because they can clearly see through the watchtower and see what happened far away to judge the next action, but there is no here.

This place not only thinks that the area under the glaciers opened up, there are no observation towers around, and the entire area is directly covered by the top-level large array.

Among the Nirvana premises that Fang Qiu visited, this place is definitely the strictest existence.


When Fang Qiu was shocked, the leader of the black robe jumped up and jumped directly from this huge glacier crack.

Fang Qiu is in the middle, and the tail jumps down with the two in front.

Fang Qiu kept his footing until it fell below the kilometer.

Looked forward.

Right in front of the footing point is an excavated area, which is very wide. There is nothing black in it, and there seems to be something hiding the secret hidden in it.

At this time.

"Flip-flops ..."

A footstep came from the dark space ahead.

"Why is it so slow?"

The incoming person is a middle-aged person.

The moment he saw someone, Fang Qiu's heart trembled.

The man before him, he has seen.

It was one of the latest generation of protections he had slain, and he clearly remembered that this protection was slain and killed by him in the jungles of Africa.

Right now.

Is this law of protection alive?

At that time, because it was not known that the Nirvana organization would use human corpses to make articles, and it was not known that the Nirvana organization would refine the demon monster, after Fang Qiu killed those new generations of Nirvana, they did not try to destroy all their bodies .

Right now.

Are these people resurrected?


What is the situation?

"Hold up, don't let the six deities wait long."

Nirvana Guardian waved his hand as he spoke, and then led Fang Qiu and others into this dark space.

Just walked in.

This dark space suddenly lit up.

It's like passing a layer of energy.

Fang Qiu was very clear that the energy layer he had just passed was obviously the same as the energy layer he had set in the space passage of Lao Tzu's remains.

The energy layer in the space passage of Lao Tzu's remains can detect whether there is magic in the body of each passing person, and directly exclude those with magic in the body.

The same barrier that Fang Qiu just crossed has the same effect.

Fortunately, Fang Qiu has already completely suppressed his inner Qi, and has run the Succes method to fill the meridians in the whole body with the Suqi method, so he can safely pass through this layer. energy.


As soon as he walked through the energy layer, Fang Qiu's eyes trembled.

See you.

Appearing in front of him, in this wide base, there were densely packed black robes, and the vitality of these black robes was not obvious. One by one, they were very muna, and many of them were familiar with Fang Qiu. The faces are almost all dead people in Nirvana.

However, although these people look like living people, they give people a look that seems to be inferior, just like a dragon without eyes, no god!

Go all the way.

Fang Qiu saw the dense black robes.

When walking to the deepest part of the entire base, Fang Qiu was behind a dense crowd of black robes and saw a row of petri dishes. These petri dishes had a lot of rich blood energy. It looked like they were putting the godless people Into this strong flesh to shape the general.


"This is the clone base of Nirvana!"

At this moment, Fang Qiu was shocked and fully understood.

The secret that Nirvana spent so much to hide is this huge cloning base.

Nirvana, has mastered the technology of human cloning?

He finally knew how the Nirvana's legion came, why there were so many Fumag, and why there were so many people in black robes.

Fang Qiu believes that the Nirvana organization must not be the perfect cloning technology.


They will have some losers during the cloning process.

A person who has successfully cloned can develop self-awareness after being cultured in a petri dish, becoming a substitute for the cloned person.

And those who have not cloned successfully will become a devils!

These petri dishes are exactly the same as the one used by Fang Qiu in the paradise of Paradise Island to refine the voodoo magic, but the blood energy in these petri dishes is more than that of the magic. Less.

The reason is very simple, because the formation method is used to confront the enemy, so it needs a sufficient amount of magic energy to suppress the enemy, and the petri dish is not needed, because all the cultures in the petri dish are clones.

With full of shock.

Fang Qiu followed the lead protector and the other black robes to the deepest part of the base, and walked into a room.

From what was said before the leader of the law, the people who stay here should be the six envoys of Nirvana.


After the investigation of the consciousness, Fang Qiu found that the six deities were not in this room, so he was not panic.

After entering the room and arranging the food, Fang Qiu stepped out of the room and, under the vocal protection of the law, dispersed with the other four Heipao people.

With the time scattered, Fang Qiu walked around the base quickly.

It turns out that this clone base is indeed very large.


There are also many culture dishes.

The most important thing is that these culture dishes have a layer of energy wrapped around them. It is not easy to break them.

Fang Qiu is like destroying the entire clone base.

But in the face of so many cloned black robes and so many petri dishes, it is very difficult for him to complete this task by himself. If he does it by himself, I am afraid that the Lord Nirvana has come to him in person.

after all.

This is the root system of the Nirvana organization.

It is a place to provide nutrition to the entire Nirvana organization. Once it is destroyed, it is equivalent to severing the supply of Nirvana organization. At that time, the Nirvana organization will fall into a huge disadvantage.

Therefore, Fang Qiu can be sure that once he destroys this place by himself, the Lord Nirvana will rush to the first place.


Must be fully prepared.

Even if you know that Lord Nirvana is bound to come, you must destroy it all before Lord Nirvana arrives, so that the Nirvana organization completely cuts off the road of cloning!

Thought of this.

Fang Qiu walked closer to a man in a black robe who was walking out.

"You haven't taken the chance to rest and take a good rest."

Seeing Fang Qiu coming, the man in the black robe said, "Tomorrow is the day to receive the vegetables. Hurry up and cultivate your spirit and take care of it tomorrow."

Hear the words.

Fang Qiu nodded quietly.

"Shipping vegetables tomorrow?"

When the nearby Heipao people went away, Fang Qiu murmured secretly, narrowed his eyes, and prepared to take out the opportunity to transport vegetables tomorrow from this cloning base.

Although he has the breath of quick success, he can leave the battlefield completely, but Fang Qiu is not afraid to walk out of the battlefield because the battlefield is running. Anyone leaving the battlefield will definitely cause the battlefield to fluctuate, and The Nirvana stationed here is very strict, and no one will go out without incident.

What's more, the Nirvana leader who is stationed here is the six enshrined.

For the Six Lord Nirvana.

Any small movement is likely to be captured by him.

Therefore, Fang Qiu can only find a place outside the clone base to sit down and wait for cultivation, just like the other Heipao people.

"Tomorrow Nirvana will transport vegetables into the cloning base. Although there do not seem to be many people stationed there, the demand for vegetables is certainly not small. After all, there are still so many clones, and those who have successfully cloned will definitely need food. After all, it is a cloned organism. It is impossible to obtain a strong strength after successful cloning. "

Fang Qiu nodded secretly.

After a person is cloned, it will definitely take some time to cultivate and improve their strength. During this period of cultivation, vegetable food is essential for them.


The delivery of a large amount of vegetables and food is certainly impossible to rely on human air transport.

In that case, too many people are needed, and it is easy to be exposed.

In other words, the Nirvana organization must have an ordinary team of vegetables and food, and it is obviously impossible for such a team of ordinary people to penetrate into this area.

Therefore, someone needs to be greeted. In a long distance, it is likely that vegetables and food will be accepted on the Antarctic coastline and then transported back here.

If this is the case, there is a lot of room for Fang Qiu to operate.