Medical Master

v8 Chapter 466: Dig hard at jade!

"Kacha Kacha ..."

The crack of the Millennium Glacier sounded.

Along with the burst of powerful energy, Fang Qiu's entire body quickly fell, and an ice cave was dug out in the millennium glacier to the cloning base under a thousand kilometers.

Because he had already entered the clone base, Fang Qiu knew the direction of the entrance of the clone base.

The ice-breaking point he chose was at the entrance of the clone base.

According to the plan.

From the beginning, Fang Qiu must attract the attention of all Nirvana people and attract firepower for Qingyun's team and Liu Zhiyi's team.

Only when those two teams broke into the ice to both sides of the clone base could they successfully complete the next plan.


Fang Qiu did not hide himself, but went directly to the front of the array before diving into the ice.

He knew he had to hurry up.

Because he doesn't know when Nirvana will come here, the sooner the destruction, the better.

Blink of an eye.

Under the impact of powerful energy.

Fang Qiu fell into the ice for a few kilometers, very close to the land covered by ice.

Through the ice, Fang Qiu could vaguely see the main entrance of the clone base.


Looking in front of him, he had some big barriers to his energy. Fang Qiu snorted coldly, and his right hand was pinched. The moment the Excalibur coagulated in his hand, he was directly facing the land under the ice beneath his feet. Severely chopped down.


A loud noise.

Accompanied by Fang Qiu's blow.

The ground of the Antarctica continent, which has been frozen for a long time, exploded.


the strange thing is.

After Fang Qiu's blow, there was no movement in the clone base. He could even see that there were some people in the black robes sitting and practicing near the entrance of the clone base, and it seemed that they did not notice the movement in the ice layer at all. general.

"It's not that it's the top battle in ancient times, and even such a big movement can be isolated."

Fang Qiu smiled.

prior to.

He stayed in the cloning base for one night, and that night he had been studying this formation.

After a night of research, Fang Qiu found that the power of this formation was completely beyond his expectation, and he could hardly find the formation of the formation, or that all the energy flow in the formation was the formation of the formation.

If you want to break the battle, you have to face the entire battle hard!

In short, this is a purely defensive formation, a formation that can only be broken from the front by force, and there is no tricky place.

It is very difficult to forcibly crack such a matrix.


In that night's intensive research on the matrix method, Fang Qiu found that this matrix method didn't absorb much air of heaven and earth.

This is Antarctica. The air of heaven and earth that exists between heaven and earth is almost all ice-type. That is to say, if the air of heaven and earth absorbed by this formation is a lot, then the energy running in the formation will not be black, but Exhibit colored ice attribute energy.

The energy that can build the entire array is black magic.

This caused Fang Qiu's suspicion.

If the matrix method does not draw a large amount of energy from the outside, it is simply not enough to support the operation, so Fang Qiu suspects that there is also an energy converter in this matrix method.

Although the world has no air and air, the existence of Antarctica is very ancient, and many ice properties and energy have been stored in the millennium ice for almost ten million years.

The air of heaven and earth is like water, and everything that can be motivated is sucked away.

The air of heaven and earth stored in elixir and thousands of years of ice has not been pumped away.

After all, the air of heaven and earth that has been sealed up is equivalent to a dead object and cannot be pumped.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Qiu suspects that there is an energy converter in this matrix method. Like the matrix method that has been cracked before, as long as an energy converter is found and the energy converter is destroyed, the supply of the matrix method It will be completely disconnected, and the formation method will naturally stop running because there is no supply.

After careful searching, Fang Qiu found that there is no energy converter in this huge array.

At the time, when thinking of this, Fang Qiu was still inexplicable.


He followed the route of energy in the formation method, and found that this formation method did not actually absorb the air of heaven and earth frozen in ice, and all the energy supporting the operation of the formation method came from under the array map.

The array of the entire array was set on the ground buried in a thousand kilometers of ice.

That is.

In fact, the energy that supports the operation of this giant array comes from underground.

There is a sense of consciousness, Fang Qiu carefully investigated.

It was found that a lot of energy jade was buried underground.

These ices have been anti-iced for thousands of years, and the air of heaven and earth that has been frozen in it has been frozen for too long. To extract the air of heaven and earth in it, I need a lot of energy And, although it seems that the Millennium Glacier is very deep, if you want to get enough energy to support the operation of the entire array, I am afraid that it needs to melt a lot of Millennium ice.

Figured this out.

Fang Qiu understands that Nirvana also knows that it costs too much to extract the air of heaven and earth sealed in the ice.

After finding this out, Fang Qiu thought of the perfect way to crack this large array.

No doubt cut off the offering!


Fang Qiu will dig directly.

Moreover, not only Fang Qiu, but even the team led by Qing Yun and Liu Zhiyi are doing the same thing, but their movements are much smaller than Fang Qiu.

According to the investigation and judgment of the consciousness, the areas where Fang Qiu and the other two teams are located are the main points of existence of energy jade.

To dig energy jade.

Everyone even made backpacks out of clothes.

After all, the air of heaven and earth between the heavens and the earth is gone now, and the air of heaven and earth contained in the ice needs a great price to be absorbed, which is not as good as the energy jade.


If you want to destroy the clone base, it will definitely take a lot of energy. Since no energy can be absorbed between heaven and earth, everyone can only use these energy jade to supplement it.


With the ground cracked under the millennium of ice, a lot of energy jade appeared in front of Fang Qiu.


Fang Qiu whispered while observing the movement inside the clone base: "Unexpectedly, although this formation is an invincible defense for the Nirvana organization, it also limits them to it, maybe this is Nirvana every day Why do people in black robes come out to patrol?

"In that case, the plan would have to change slightly."

My heart moved.

Fang Qiu immediately controlled the spread of the consciousness, quickly found out where Qingyun and Liu Zhiyi were, and then directly controlled the consciousness into the conscious space of the two.

Then use God's knowledge to spread the sound.

"This array method has the ability to shield sound and energy, so you don't need to sneak it, as long as it is not seen by the people in the clone base with the naked eye, let everyone spread out and dig for me."

"As much energy jade as it can take away."

"However, don't dig all out for the time being, just dig until the formation is about to support it."

After receiving the unnamed transmission of consciousness, Qingyun and Liu Zhiyi immediately told everyone the news.

Hear the news.

Everyone who was still cautious immediately became a division of tigers and wolves, one by one began to dig madly, and soon filled all their backpacks.

At the same time, although the large array is still operating, it is obviously unable to support it.

Listen to the nameless.

Everyone stayed a little with some energy jade, and then retreated quietly, and secretly transported the energy jade away.

When he left, Fang Qiu deliberately explained to everyone, cut the deepest ice, and made up the opening of the ice hole that everyone cut out.

Because it is a whole piece of ice to fill, so even if someone comes out to explore, you won't feel anything different.

Back to the top of the mountain outside the ice field.

Everyone fully fills their own energy with the energy jade dug out by themselves.

"Now that formation is almost impossible to support. When do we start?"

One asked.

"We need to change our plans slightly."

Fang Qiu smiled slightly, and Zhangkou said, "The general plan remains the same, but this time we will ask Jun to enter!"

Speaking, Fang Qiu told everyone what he had planned for the next plan, and this plan was immediately approved by everyone.

Subsequently, the party packed the energy jade in their backpacks all over their bodies.

Everyone knows that what will happen next is a fierce battle.

In this war, their inner energy is bound to be consumed quickly.

Therefore, by placing the energy jade next to each other, they can directly absorb the energy in the energy jade when needed.

of course.

They are placed in positions that do not affect the battle.

Down the mountain, came to the periphery of a glacier far away from the clone base, Qingyun and Liu Zhiyi immediately started digging, the speed was very fast, all the way to the location of the clone base quickly rushed up.

"Remember, you are at the position of the energy jade you just dug. Once there is movement in the clone base, you will immediately dig it and break the formation directly."

Fang Qiu said.

"it is good."

Liu Zhi nodded.

"Do not worry."

Qingyun nodded.

After each of them led a team to sneak into the clone base, Fang Qiu was surrounded by seven people, three capable persons from Soviet countries, three capable persons from Egypt, and one capable person from Pakistan.


Saying a word to the seven people beside him, Fang Qiu immediately led people back to the previous snow mountain.

prior to.

Through the staff at the China Science and Technology Examination Station, Fang Qiu learned that it was not a small boat that transported vegetable supplies, but a large ship, but because there was no suitable place to stop the coastline, it was easy for the ship to run aground when it approached. , Can only use small boats to transport the materials on board.

Under normal circumstances, each scientific research station needs a small boat supplies, but there is a scientific research station located in the deep Antarctica, each receiving materials will last for three days, and the materials are delivered once a day.

And the so-called scientific research station is Nirvana!