Medical Master

v8 Chapter 482: Pika comes!

Squeak ... "

A familiar voice came from a distance.

The moment he heard this sound, Fang Qiu immediately laughed and looked at the sea where the sound came.

See you.

A warship rushed towards this side in a stormy wave.

There was a little thing standing on the deck, like the captain, standing up against the wind, and looked unpretentious.

"This little guy."

Fang Qiu saw at a glance that it was the Tianshan pika that stood on the deck.


Just as Fang Qiu was laughing.

The Tianshan Pika standing on the deck suddenly jumped, jumped directly from the bow, and landed directly on the rough sea.

See this scene.

Everyone who was watching the sword court of the warship exclaimed.

Everyone on the warship also looked shocked.

Everyone was afraid that little thing would fall into the sea.

After all, this is not an ordinary pond, but a raging sea, not to mention the cold water, the waves, and the waves, which are definitely not something this little guy can bear!


Just when everyone couldn't help but be filled with apprehensions of apprehension.

The little guy turned into a silver light as he leapt from the deck.

The moment it landed on the sea, it was like driving a supercharged supercar, and slammed towards the Antarctic continent.

Although running with four feet, the speed is much faster than a group of top masters.

Almost instantly, the warship sailing at full speed was thrown far behind.


"what's the situation?"

"This little guy, why is it so fast?"

"Is this too fast?"

"Simply relying on pure speed to cross the sea like a mountain?"

Seeing this scene, except Fang Qiu, everyone was shocked.

Who would have thought that such a little guy would be so fast. Although the rabbit is known to run fast, but this little guy is not a rabbit. Even a rabbit cannot run so fast.

The crowd.

Fang Qiu smiled.

When he first met this little guy, he knew the terrible speed of this little guy.

In the case of safety and worry-free, and a lot of energy herbs to eat, this little guy's growth is undoubtedly rapid.

Right now, this is indeed the case.


Although the little guy rushed towards himself, Fang Qiu didn't mean to want to meet him at all, because he knew that compared with him, the little guy liked energy jade more.

It doesn't.

Under everyone's attention.

The little man transformed into a silver light and rushed ashore.

Just when everyone thought the little guy would jump up and dive into the arms of the unknown, they saw a scene that stunned them.

I saw, this little guy, when he rushed ashore, it was indeed a high forward jump.

The goal is also in the direction of the unknown.

But results.


A crisp sound.

The little guy slammed in front of Anonymous, a large piece of ice that froze countless energy jade.

"Squeak ..."

Looking closely, the little guy stuck it on the ice cube and used his pair of rabbit teeth to start madly gnawing at the ice cube, digging out the energy jade from the ice cube.

Seeing this scene, everyone was speechless.

This little guy looks like a very hungry ...

"Why, are you hungry?"

Fang Qiu walked over and directly

The little guy lifted it from the ice, skeptical not to let it move.


The little guy protested and was dissatisfied.

"Bringing you over is a task for you, not for you to eat."

Fang Qiu shook his head and smiled, then reached out and touched a piece of chalcedony from the ice cube, shook it in front of the little guy, and said, "Don't say that there is no air of heaven and earth now. Chalcedony is rare, do you want it? "


The little guy screamed and nodded again and again, and even a very urgent look appeared in his eyes.

Fang Qiu smiled.

He knew that with the disappearance of the air of heaven and earth, all kinds of medicinal materials in the planting base, including the Dibao Qiguo planted before, would die.

The little guy who feeds on these medicinal materials must haven't eaten anything with the atmosphere of heaven and earth for a long time.

Therefore, when this little guy senses the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the energy jade, he will be extremely excited and excited.

"Give you."

Fang Qiu did not hesitate and handed the chalcedony directly to the little guy's mouth.

Get chalcedony.

The little guy's eyes brightened, and he hugged with both hands and began to eat quickly.

"Slow down. I asked you to come here to help you. Don't eat too much and sleep over."

Fang Qiu wanted to stop.


The little man turned his head and shouted, and continued to eat wildly.

That look, clearly say: I know, without your reminder, just chalcedony is not enough for me to plug my teeth.

Fang Qiu was helpless.

Only let the little ones eat up the chalcedony.

A piece of chalcedony belly, the belly of the little guy also bulged, and the color of the fur on the body became brighter. Although it looked attractive before eating chalcedony, but after eating chalcedony, When you get up, it's even more eye-catching.


The little guy lay in Fang Qiu's arms and slammed on his belly.

"This is an unexplored continent."

Fang Qiu opened his mouth and said, "I have searched only three-tenths of the area and I have found five veins of energy jade. Now it is time to use your instincts. Take me to find more energy jade. The treasures that exist on this continent! "

Hear the words.

The little guy gave a scream and immediately stood upright. Two big eyes rolled around in the eye sockets a few times, and then he jumped over the shoulder of the upper hill with a short forelimb.


That made everyone laugh.

Fang Qiu did not hesitate, immediately flew up, took Tianshan Pika, and quickly came to the third area.

He divided the entire Antarctica into ten regions, of which the Antarctic continent was divided into nine regions, and all the islands were one region.

In the third area, Fang Qiu has not stopped.


The little guy standing on his shoulder suddenly jumped down, turned into a silver light, and ran on the snow-covered ground.

Fang Qiu followed closely behind.


The little guy came to a plain area. This is a landform that looks very ordinary. There is a thin layer of white snow on the ground. The white snow is covered with layers of magnificent rocks, which look like reefs.

"Squeak ..."

The little boy screamed proudly as he patted the ground.

"I found it so soon?"

Fang Qiu was surprised.

Immediately, he urged God to explore the depths of the earth.

as expected.

With the deepening of the consciousness, Fang Qiu felt a touch of heaven and earth.

And then continued to go deeper, less than a hundred meters underground, there really appeared a lot of energy

Measure jade.

Although the amount of minerals is not as large as those found before, but there are many.

"Not bad."

Fang Qiu nodded with satisfaction, quickly tore a mark in this place, and then sent the coordinates to Qingyun.

Because Liu Zhiyi went to escort.

The first 100 people who have arrived now belong to Qingyun's men.

After all the previous three jade mines were dug and played, one hundred people had nothing to do, everyone was so anxious that they wanted to find something to do quickly.

When Qingyun received the coordinate short message from Fang Qiu.

Of these one hundred people, only one team of twenty people kept their hands, and the remaining eighty people rushed towards this side, ready to start mining!

Over here.

Fang Qiu took the little guy directly to face off and entered the jade mine.

"You can choose a piece of jade mine you find."

With Fang Qiu's words fell.

The little guy no doubt pointed at the chalcedony.

Although this jade mine is not too big, there is also a head-sized chalcedony in the period.

Fang Qiu took out the most central position of chalcedony and squeezed it in his hand.

"In order to avoid that you can't help but support yourself, I will hold this one for you, and I will give you the chalcedony in your body after it is almost digested."

Speaking, Fang Qiu put chalcedony into his pocket.


Although the little guy was a little unwilling, he also knew that he could not eat himself, so he could only listen to Fang Qiu.

"Go, keep looking."

Fang Qiu brought the little guy back to the ground, ready to fly towards the fourth area.


Just when Fang Qiu was about to fly out.

"Squeak ..."

The little guy suddenly yelled, stretched out his short forelimbs, and pointed in the other direction.


Fang Qiu froze.

From that direction, it is still in the third area.

That is.

Are there jade veins in this area?

As soon as his heart moved, Fang Qiu immediately turned and moved in the direction pointed by the little guy.

After a while.


The little guy yelled, and once again moved Fang Qiu's shoulder to jump down, transformed into a silver flash, and rushed towards the glacier rift not far away.

Enter the Great Rift.

When he came to a place, the little guy stopped.

This time, instead of tapping the ground with his short forelimbs, he tapped the glacier on the side of the Great Rift.

Is there something in the glacier?

"Energy jade mine, won't it appear in the glacier?"

Fang Qiu looked into the place where the little boy slaps in surprise. He actually saw a white area indistinctly, and it really looked like a vein of energy jade.

Fang Qiu was surprised.

Take the little guy and melt it in directly.

"Really a jade mine?"

Fang Qiu was dumb.

Appearing in front of me is a place similar to a mountain bag, just sealed by ice. It seems that the mudstone layer on the surface of this small mountain bag should have been completely weathered as early as thousands or even tens of thousands years ago After it was revealed, it was gradually frozen.

"You got another chalcedony."

Fang Qiu said nothing, took another chalcedony from it, and helped the little guy store it.

The chalcedony obtained this time, although it is not the best chalcedony in the center, is also a part of the chalcedony. The little man whispered a few words and did not say anything.

For it, in this world where there is no air of heaven and earth, being able to earn these two chalcedony through working is especially valuable.