Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

v6 Chapter 44: The current situation of Carthage

"Yes, this is the manuscript of "History" written by Herodotus and the diaries and materials he has recorded throughout the world. When Turui was burned down, his family did not bring anything, they took these precious The data escaped from the fire. Now they donate all of them to the library!” Ansitanos said excitedly.

"I... can I see?" Lucias did not ask for help even when her family was in need of difficulty in Athens. At this moment, she looked at Ansitas with a look of eagerness.

Ansitanos shook his head: "I am sorry, Lucias. Herodotus's "History" manuscripts and materials are the most valuable treasure of Diaonia, and precious materials like this are stored on it. It’s a special person.” Ansitanos pointed his head at the top of the library. It was the second floor of the library: “Only the elders of the Senate and the scholars of the Dionysian Academy will be allowed to enter because of their duties and research needs. Above, look at the precious and confidential materials, and you can't bring them out.

"If you join Dionya, according to the promise of Daphus, you will become the dean of the College of Liberal Arts, then you want to see any books and materials in the library, it is a breeze."

Lucias stood in the same place, his face changed indefinitely. Although he stayed in Diaonia for only about two days, he was shocked by him: this city-state alliance with a very short history was not only vibrant, but also developed rapidly. And culture is extremely valued, and many systems have been developed and many facilities have been built to highlight its importance and guarantee its development and inheritance, such as the Diaonian Academy, the Pantheon, and the newly built library... Even Athens, which has a splendid culture, does not have such a system and facilities. Nor does it have such a position that respects knowledge and respects scholars like Diaonia. This is the paradise for scholars to fully utilize their talents!

After Lucias thought about it, she finally made up her mind: "After I return to Athens, I have to discuss with my family and decide when to come to Turui."

"That's great!" Ansitanos was overjoyed and stepped forward to the shoulders of Lucias: "After Davers's master knows, he will be very happy that Dionynia has another scholar known throughout Greece. Believe me, you are better in Diaonia than in Athens!"

“Hey!” The librarian poked his head from the registration desk and made a squeaking gesture.

Ansitanos nodded apologetically.

At this time, Lucias said in a complicated way: "Ansitas, as far as I know, you are the dean of the College of Liberal Arts."

"Research history is my interest. I was the head of the College of Liberal Arts just because no one was competent at the time. I just reluctantly agreed to the Archon's request. This has already wasted me too much time I should spend writing books. Now, there is a power that is stronger than me, and that you are better than me. I am too happy to come..." Ansitanos said a lot of words without thinking.

"Thank you, my friend!" Lucias smiled and saluted Ansitas, and finally made a decision. His heart suddenly became very relaxed. He looked at the countless rows of bookcases that stretched into the depths of the hall. The air was filled with the strange aroma of wood and paper dust. He took a deep breath and was intoxicated: he will spend the rest of his life here!

"Ansitanos, if it is convenient, please take me to see the 'God of God' in your mouth, the undefeated star Deverus, I want to see a church that created the Dionysian school and built a book. What kind of person is a great person?" His eyes are full of curiosity and yearning.


When the Carthage messenger sailed into the rounded military port of Carthage, which is famous throughout the Mediterranean, when the messengers came out of the dock, the Carthage people swarmed and surrounded them to understand the negotiations.

When the people of Carthage learned that the peace agreement had been signed, Carthage could continue to own several cities including Lili Beer, Erics, and a small town in Sicily with only a certain amount of food and gold. In the western part of the country, many people cheered, and some people shed tears...

The Sicilian war that lasted for several years not only cost Carthage a lot of gold and silver, but thousands of citizens died in this long and cruel war.

Especially for the first time with the war of Syracuse's lord Dionysius, Sofitel Hemirco led the army in the initial victory and even attacked the city of Syracuse, but due to the plague The strength was greatly damaged, and eventually it was defeated. Only a dozen or so ships with sporadic numbers struggled to return to the port.

At that time, the people of Carthage who heard this horrible situation gathered at the port to inquire about the news of their loved ones. When it was learned that five or sixty thousand soldiers (excluding mercenaries) were not killed in Sicily or captured, the crying and screams of the bereaved people resounded throughout the coastline. It was the darkest day of Carthage. The city is in sorrow.

The people were all in black, the family closed their doors, the business activities were suspended, and the temple was closed...

Correspondingly, the aristocrats of the aristocrats in Carthage's political circles - the Margonyd family from the Carthage mother state and the Phoenician city of the royal family, monopolized the dominance of Carthage politics for nearly 200 years. Finally, I was actually threatened. After the defeat of the Carthage army organized by the Margnide family patriarch Hamilka and the singer Dylon of Syracuse in the battle of Himmela more than 70 years ago, the name of the Magonid family was once again expedition overseas. The loss was linked together, and this time the situation was even more serious. The Carthage army was almost completely annihilated, and Himmiro did not fight the battlefield like his ancestors, but abandoned his comrades and soldiers and fled alone. The act of fleeing like this is supposed to be a crucifixion in the law of Carthage. Because of the status of the Magonid family in the city of Carthage, the patriarch of Magonid was temporarily exempted. criminal law. But the storm is not over. The Carthage elites who have long been dissatisfied with the Margnid family have used the grief and anger of the citizens to promote institutional reform.

Hemilco, the loser who stigmatized the family, realized that the situation was extremely unfavorable to the Magonid family, so he wore cheap and worn linen robes every day, wandering around the main temple of Carthage Melakat. God accused his own blasphemy and prayed for God to punish himself, hoping to save something in this way. But the persecution of the final situation and the ridicule and humiliation of the citizens finally caused him to collapse. After half a year, he locked himself at home and died. This public atonement is still not enough to guarantee the power of the Magonid family.

Soon after, a new Carthage political institution was established - a 104-person court, an institution composed of members of the aristocratic class, whose duties were to supervise the conduct of Carthage officials and military chiefs, as well as advanced The duties of the court, the Magoniide family, no one was selected for this institution.

In order to revive Magonid’s declining power in Carthage, and to regain the prestige among the people, Margonied’s new patriarch Ma Ge, who is the younger brother of Himirko, still uses the family in the Senate. There was great influence, and the opportunity of Syracuse's lord Dionysius to attack the Carthage sub-Sorus, once again pushed Carthage's third Sicilian war against Syracuse.

However, today, the power of the Carthage army, which has been greatly reduced in strength, has resisted the more powerful Syracuse attack of the army, but it has lost more and less. Ma Ge is still insisting, but Carthage is tired of the war in China. In the absence of a victory, they are even more afraid of the recurrence of the defeat. Therefore, the "armistice negotiations" became the unanimous voice of the citizens.

The final agreement was reached, but the responsibility for defeat was also brought back by Ma Ge. When Carthage was responsible for the return of the messengers negotiating with Syracuse, the whole city was cheering for the arrival of peace, and only one appeared to be deserted, even sad.

A huge mansion not far from the Bilsh mountain of Carthage, people of the Magonid family are paying homage, because today is exactly the festival of Himmel, but there is a constant pass outside the house. The noisy music and cheers of the people clearly ruined the atmosphere of sorrow.

Hasdruba knew: It was the Carthaginians who worshipped and celebrated the Greek goddess Demeter and her daughter Parsifne.

Are the citizens of Carthage worshiping the Greek gods? ! Yes, in Sicily, the Phoenician colonial city, which has a deep relationship with the Greek city-state and Carthage, is intertwined and has lived together for hundreds of years. The mutual influence is very deep. Demuel and Parsifne The goddess was not only welcomed by the Greeks in Sicily, but also gradually accepted the Phoenicians, and even the Sicilian thought that Hades was the abducted Parse Fone in Sicily. This cultural influence has infiltrated into Carthage, and there are temples of these two goddesses in the city of Carthage, but the reckless actions of the Himirko army made their position in the gods of Carthage more prominent, because When Mirko led the army to the city of Syracuse, the soldiers under him robbed the temples of the two goddesses on the southern slopes of Epipley. As a result, the plague broke out in the Carthage military camp soon, resulting in the final The fiasco, so the Carthage people think this is the punishment of the goddesses to the Carthage people, to know that Parse Fone is the queen of the underworld.

The extremely feared Carthage people even strongly requested the Senate to formally pass the bill and pay a large-scale worship to the two goddesses. To this end, they also specifically visited the Greeks who settled in the city of Carthage and assigned them to serve the two goddesses, especially Parsifne, and stipulated that their worship must be carried out in accordance with the Greek way. As a result, this religious ritual continued year after year, making the two Greek goddesses occupy an increasingly important position in the hearts of Carthage citizens.