Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v1 Chapter 31: Chaos

The May wind blew into Bulgaria, filled with smiling faces, brilliant flowers, slammed the sleeping sky with the hand of hope, blown away the erosion, blown away the rotten smell, and brought clarity.

Time is in a hurry, four months have passed, and time is the best medicine. The pain caused by Scarlet Christmas Eve gradually faded out of people's lives over time.

Bulgaria began to gradually restore the peace of the past, and Sofia had already lifted its martial law. With the arrest of a large number of opposition, the locals have become calm, and the government has begun to relax supervision of the people.

5On May 4, 1889, with the sound of "Boom", the peace of Sofia was broken.

The long-awaited opposition party has launched a massive counterattack against the government.

This time, unlike in the past, the planner was the activist, Vasily Radoslav. The opposition party has collected dozens of volunteers, and it is the strongest force they can come up with now!

Vassil chose to avoid reality and focus on the family members of government officials. Stam-Bolof was shot again, and his family members were naturally taken care of as the Prime Minister.

Ederburg Elementary School is located in southeastern Sofia and is one of the best primary schools in Bulgaria. Will, the eldest son of Stam-Bolov, is studying here.

At noon, Edberg Elementary School was having a lunch break. Two strange men suddenly knocked down the doorman and broke into the campus. They were strapped with explosives and headed for Will's class to detonate the bomb.

On the spot, more than ten people were killed and more than thirty were injured. Will is also among the wounded. I wonder if he is fatal or is he bitter?

The people who were heard by the oblivion immediately rescued them. Perhaps knowing Will's identity, with the full help of the school doctor, he recovered his life.

He could not but hit his legs with shrapnel, and was forced to amputate to avoid infection. This is too cruel for a teenager.

After hearing the news, Stam-Bolof came to see Will's tragic state, and his head hummed, his angry heart was burning in his chest, and he could not wait to smash the murderer into pieces!

Almost at the same time, other senior government officials have also received bad news. For example, Minister of the Interior Yunus, his wife was shopping outside, was suddenly hit by a bomb, and died on the spot.

It is their unanimous idea to sacrifice blood debt.

The policemen in Sofia were dispatched again. They were now frightened, for fear of touching their brows and losing their jobs.

紧急 In the evening, an emergency cabinet meeting was held. I saw a few people with somber faces, entered the meeting room, and there was a roar from time to time.

Stam's voice growled from low to high, his face turned red, and then turned blue, his neck rose like an explosion, his head was covered with sweat beads, and his fists slammed on the desk. ring.

He was mad, but the other four people couldn't help it. After a period of resentment, their anger was even worse.

Gestam roared and roared: "The police are all a bunch of rice buckets! I actually let this group of terrorists get into Sofia, and I will remove them ..."

Sawwell said with a stern face: "Yes, they must be removed from their posts! Not only that, but they must also be sent to prison! This was caused by their malfeasance!"

Michael gritted his teeth and said, "We must retaliate hard! Take them all out and hang yourself!"

Yunas said fiercely: "Not only that, they dare to do this, but it is also time for them to see how powerful we are! Do you really think we dare not kill people?"

Stam stared, and said fiercely, "You're right! Most of their leaders are in our hands. In that case, then kill the leaders! Let them see that the government will kill too! "

Vasiel-Radoslav's plan succeeded, the eyes of the Stam government focused on them, the slight changes in the army were ignored!

However, the consequences may be beyond his expectation. The stimulus is too much. Stam's cabinet is no longer taking care of the impact. The butcher knife has been cut at them.

The police are now arresting people. With the cooperation of Fohu's intelligence department, the police's combat effectiveness began to be violent, hiding the opposition parties and arresting many people who wanted to escape were killed on the spot.

Wasser is secretly celebrating the success of the operation, but unfortunately, as a dangerous element, he is one of the first goals of Fohu removal.

Alas, the police approached the door, and Wasser didn't know he was exposed. He opened the door generously, and he was not allowed to speak. A bullet came on his way.

I only heard the sound of "嗖", and the famous Radoslavs in the future will be destroyed in the cradle.

Yes, this is Ferdinand's plan for killing with a knife. The executor is, of course, the head of information, Fohu.

In the past two years, Ferdinand's forces have penetrated into all walks of life in Bulgaria, and the police and the army are naturally the key targets.

Compared to the army, the Bulgarian police is like a mule, with loopholes everywhere. Whether it was infiltration ~ ~ or intimidation, Fohu easily pulled a vote.

It's time to come in handy today. It's just a small task to clear up the target. Fohu's main target was the landlords, capitalists, politicians, and extremists who were arrested.

Yunus returned to the Ministry of the Interior, the cup was broken to the ground, and the documents flew randomly. After venting, he summoned his subordinates. Scolded fiercely: "The chaos party is like this, are you all a bunch of rice buckets! All day ..." (10,000 words omitted)

I may be tired of scolding, Yunus said angrily, "Go to the prison now, and execute the public leader of the riot party for execution, have you heard?"

Everyone was shocked and was about to ask the specific list, but seeing Yunus Tieqing's complexion, he couldn't stop talking.

Out of the office, Paul Kochkin and others are confused "executive leaders", who is the leader? How to define it? But living in the shadow of Yunus for a long time, they didn't have the courage to ask.

Paul Paul Kochkin asked, wondering, "What shall we do now? Who of you knows who the heads are?"

Everyone shook their heads, saying they didn't know. Suddenly Khalil patted his head and smiled and said, "I know, it should be determined according to their identity! Of course, the status is high as the leader! As for the specific definition, simply leave it to the people below . "

"It's okay to get it wrong. It's bad luck to kill him. You can kill him after the fish that missed the net! I think even if they are all dead now, Mr. Minister won't mind!"

几 Several other people also reacted and smiled at each other. But it ’s not. It ’s just because of different political opinions that naturally you do n’t have to use poisonous hands; the group of people who are caught now has personal grudges against it.