Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 105: ,national policy

On the eastern front of the German-Australian Coalition Command, fierce quarrels are taking place. In this battle, Hindenburg and Ludendorff, which emerged in the war, had a fierce conceptual collision with the Allied Commander-in-Chief, Fakkingham.

Hindenburg and Ludendorff advocated the immediate concentration of forces, killing the Yellow Dragon from Lithuania, and conquering St. Petersburg before the Russian winter arrived; while Fakkingham advocated forcing the Russians to withdraw from the war by killing the Russians.

Hindenburg said angrily: "The Commander returned to His Excellency, and now it is too late to take St. Petersburg immediately. Don't have any illusions about the Russians' withdrawal from the war. Our best option is to fight them not to fight again!"

Fackingham also yelled tit-for-tat: "No, the Russian winter is coming soon. If I choose to attack St. Petersburg, I must complete it in just one month!

This is impossible. Don't forget that we are more than 300 kilometers away from St. Petersburg, and the Russians have at least 500,000 troops in St. Petersburg.

Once they found our purpose, they could gather one million troops in St. Petersburg within a week, and that number would expand to 1.5 million within half a month!

Can you rush to St. Petersburg in a week? Even if the Russians let you go, we cannot do it!

According to your plan, when we break through the Russian blockage to reach St. Petersburg, winter has already arrived. If you are unlucky, we will come halfway through the winter!

Fight polar bears at temperatures of minus twenty and thirty degrees, you are really crazy! "

Ludendorff took his words: "No, Your Excellency Commander! If we give up a lot of supplies and march directly, we can all reach St. Petersburg within a week!

Let the navy send our supplies to Tallinn, where can we get supplies, and then immediately launch an attack. Now that the main forces of the Russian army are almost consumed, it is simply impossible for a group of Russians to keep St Petersburg! "

Faking Han shook his head angrily, with two words in his mouth: "Crazy!"

I have to say that the idea of ​​a golden partner of Hindenburg and Ludendorff is crazy. This is completely risky. If they succeed, the benefits will be great. Once they fail, the alliance will be almost the same.

After a few moments of silence, Fackingham said again, "I don't care what you think, now I'll stop it. I can't take the German Empire to bring you a gamble!

Remember, obedience as a soldier is a godsend! Now I order you to take your troops to grab me food and supplies. The people in the country still need us to find food for the winter, understand! "

"Yes!" The two said in unison.

Could not convince the commander-in-chief of Fakkingham, Hindenburg and Ludendorff did not think that they could convince the German Supreme Commander to use only jobs with little technical content-robbery!

Yes, the battle has now ended, and the Germans have no intention of continuing to attack. The longer the front line becomes, the more difficult it is to supply. Instead of taking risks, it is better to take it now.

At present, the domestic food supply in Germany is already very tight. Due to the blockade by the British, the German food import channels are now only Denmark and the Netherlands. The food production of other people such as Sweden, Norway, and Switzerland is not high Not much can be sold out.

Not only did the Germans have a hard time, so did the Austro-Hungarian Empire. As one of the most important food-changing nations in Europe, they could not guarantee self-sufficiency due to war.

Therefore, it is the consensus of the two countries ’top leaders to go to Russia to grab food now. Without sufficient food, it will be difficult for Germany and Austria to survive 1917.

In order not to starve the people in the country, the commander-in-chief of the coalition army, Fa Jinhan, did not take care of that much. He directly assigned food levies to the troops. No matter what they did, he only needed food.

In order to raise food quickly, everyone's means are naturally not so civilized. For example, the granaries of the capitalists were confiscated directly, and the granaries of the nobles were naturally confiscated.

I have to say that the Germans are still very smart, but they are only focusing on the Russian capitalists and nobles who have a lot of food, but the ordinary people are not within the scope of the search, of course, the main thing is still not searchable.

There is no raid on ordinary people, but can their lives really remain unaffected? The answer is no, the Germans also want to force local people to cooperate with them through food.

The first people who can't stand it are the citizens in the city. The capitalists' food has been confiscated, and the grain stores have naturally closed. Where can they go to buy food?

Naturally the grain shop opened by the German Occupy Army! Is it really that simple? Obviously not, the Germans do not accept rubles!

Mettlach is an ordinary citizen of Lviv, but also a victim. Due to the arrival of the German-Australian army, his family's life will be impossible.

"My dear, what should we do? Now the ruble is almost like waste paper. Nothing can be bought. There is not much food in our house!" Asked his wife, Alice.

"I want to go to a factory occupied by the Germans," Mettlach said with a bitter smile. "They are now hiring to resume production."

Alice shook her head and said, "If you work for the enemy and the government fights back in the future, what should you do? They will send you to prison!"

Mettlach nodded and said, "But now we are almost out of food. If we don't work for the enemy, we will starve to death!

Do we also flee? No!

Now we are all in trouble, and we have to take our children. Where can we go? "

Tears of Alice had shed, crying, "Sorry, I shouldn't stop you before! If we leave Lviv before the enemy comes, this won't happen!"

"No! This has nothing to do with you, it's all that wasteful waste that has been defeated too quickly. We just received the news, and the enemy occupied Lviv in less than three days. We can run again in such a short time. Where is it? "Mettlach comforted

Alice stopped crying and said, "Unfortunately we have no money, or we will leave our children with Europe and go to a place without war."


The biggest impact of this world war was that a large number of Europeans left the European continent in order to avoid the war and settled in the Americas. It can be said that this immigration has laid the foundation for the future rise of the United States!

After all, there are only a few people who can leave, and most of them are like Mettler who can't walk and cannot walk.

With the rapid advancement of the German-Australian coalition, the number of refugees accepted by Bulgaria has begun to grow exponentially.

The rich were the first to come here. Their purpose was to leave Europe to avoid the war, and only to make a transfer in Bulgaria.

Unfortunately, they were followed by the unscrupulous Ferdinand, and it was not so easy to leave.

When they arrived in Bulgaria, they found that they were dumbfounded. The ruble was almost becoming waste paper. The pre-war exchange rate was now obsolete. Before the war, 1 lev = 0.375 rouble, and now 1 lev = 150 rouble. And this number Depreciation continues.

Although inflation has also occurred in Russia, it is not so severe? Unfortunately, here is Bulgaria. There are only three major banks that can do exchange business. This is obviously a robbery in the fire, even worse than a robbery!

Suddenly, the crazy devaluation was more than 400 times, and no one could bear it!

It ’s okay to bring gold, there is no possibility of depreciation, and the price in Bulgaria is similar to that before the war. They can exchange it for Lev to make the life very nourishing.

The ruble was miserable, and it couldn't be spent at all. I originally thought that tens of thousands of rubles was still a huge sum. I did not expect that even a ferry ticket to the Americas could not be bought.

No way. Everyone knows how the current economic situation in Russia is. The devaluation of the ruble is inevitable. The most important thing is that the ruble cannot spend at all, and the capitalists naturally refuse to accept it.

Of course, it ca n’t be spent, it ’s just for ordinary people. At least Ferdinand can take the ruble to buy and buy in Russia. Although Russian prices have soared several times, it does not affect him to earn the difference.

Without money, I ca n’t leave, either stay in Bulgaria to find work and earn money, or go home. This multiple-choice question is very simple. As long as you are not stupid, you know that the Russian soldiers are in trouble, and they are simply not suitable for life.

Although many people are worried that it will not be long before the German-Australian coalition forces will attack Bulgaria. It is not long before the peace, but is it still safe now? Wait until you have enough tolls before you leave!

Due to the sudden increase in population, the labor shortage caused by the war has now been filled by refugees, but a flourishing scene has appeared.

Of course, the arrival of a large number of refugees has also brought hidden dangers to Bulgaria's social order. However, it is a time of war, and it cannot be said that "three steps and one post, five steps and one whistle", but militiamen are still indispensable.

Anyone who dared to endanger public security would be suppressed by local militia, and then sent directly to the mine.

At this time, Prime Minister Constantine is reporting the results to Ferdinand: "Sir, the number of refugees from Russia has skyrocketed in recent months. In August alone, we have received 460,000 Russian refugees. It is expected that in September This number will continue to grow.

Now the total number of refugees in the country has exceeded four million, of which Russian refugees accounted for a quarter, and the rest were Romanian refugees.

The Romanian refugees have been resettled before. Most of them are young and have joined the army. They are now serving in the Asia Minor Peninsula. The rest are in resettlement camps except for the old and weak. .

About a quarter of the more than one million Russian refugees have come to visit relatives and friends.

The other three quarters are the government's need to come forward to resettle, but the problem is not big, it is expected to help most of them find jobs this month.

With the arrival of refugees, we are worried that the shortage of manpower is no longer a problem. But as a cost, from now on we will distribute more than 1,000 tons of relief food every day, and this number is still increasing, maybe it will double after two or three months!

The Cabinet has decided to place follow-up refugees in the Asia Minor Peninsula in order to resume agricultural production there as soon as possible, laying the foundation for the future! "

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction, sending a group of refugees first, waiting for a group of military aristocrats to pass after the war, and migrating a part of the population from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria's foundation in the Asia Minor Peninsula also stabilized.

The only trouble is the large number of Romanians in the country. Although the previous war has reduced the Romanian population by more than one million, and the immigration has caused the Ottomans to kill one million, but due to the start of the Transylvanian region, the Romanian population figure is again Skyrocketing.

Although no census has been conducted, it is estimated that the actual area controlled by Bulgaria now has more than 7 million Romanians, making it the second largest ethnic group after Slavs.

Ferdinand asked, "The Prime Minister, the Romanians in the country, what is the government's plan to do? If it is not handled well, it will leave a very big hidden danger for the future!"

Constantine thought about it and said, "Your Majesty, Romania in the Transylvania region was originally part of the Kingdom of Hungary. After the war, we can repatriate them!

In this way, the number of Romanians in our country has been directly reduced by half, and it has been scattered throughout the country, and the threat has been greatly reduced.

At the same time, we can continue to emigrate to the colonies, continuously dilute their proportion of population in an area, and slowly assimilate them. "

Obviously, Constantine is preparing to move eastward. Romanians in Transylvania were indeed part of the Kingdom of Hungary before the war, but they are obviously not.

Nor did they have any sense of the Kingdom of Hungary, but these Romanians also did not agree with Bulgaria.

With more than 7 million Romanians, Ferdinand was not assured to be able to assimilate them, although they are also deeply influenced by Slavic culture, but everyone is indeed two nationalities. It is not easy to assimilate different nationalities!

But if this number is reduced by half and there are only 3 million people left, the difficulty will be greatly reduced!

It is a big deal to throw 1.8 million to overseas colonies. As long as the Romanians in any area do not exceed 20% of the total population, they will not be able to turn the tide.

As for what will happen to the Kingdom of Hungary, Ferdinand will not care about this issue. Anyway, the defeated country has no human rights, and it is not their turn to make decisions.

Suddenly Ferdinand thought of another question, and asked: "What if the Russians annex Hungary? They don't lack the population, and they must not be interested in receiving this Romanian population. What should we do then?"

After Constantine thought about it, UU reading said fiercely: "Then let the Romanians establish an independent country, but just give them a new place. Jordan is a good place. Libya can also consider it!"

Ferdinand hesitated. This attention was still really dark. Originally, Jordan was prepared for the Greeks. Their domestic population is only over one million, so there is no problem.

But now there are more than 7 million Romanians. I am afraid that the survival problem is a big problem that will plague Romanians in the future! Not to mention Libya, Romanians must not be allowed to eat sand!

Unfortunately, Ferdinand can't think of any good way. From the perspective of strategic security, the Balkan Peninsula is definitely not able to divide a piece of land to make them a nation!

As for making Romania a buffer between Russia and Russia, Ferdinand had never thought about it. Unless they were to set up a country in Moldova, there would be no feasibility at all, and Bulgaria would not be able to give its own door to its enemies to guard!

After a moment of effort, Constantine lowered his voice and said, "Your Majesty, otherwise we let the army ..."