Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 115: Afterglow of the Empire

After Ferdinand set the tone, on November 23, 1916, the Yugoslav National Assembly was convened at the Bulgarian Parliament Building in Sofia.

As the leader of the Yugoslav nation, Ferdinand appeared at the venue. It was not applause, but hundreds of people bowed down in unison, which made him very satisfied.

"Welcome everyone to Sofia. Everyone is an elite of the Yugoslav nation. To fight for this great nation, our time is precious and we cannot afford to waste it, so I will not say nonsense.

I know that everyone is here for the future of the Yugoslav nation. It is only a matter of time before the World War progresses and the failure of the Allies.

The moment that will determine the future destiny of the Yugoslav nation will soon come. What I hope to see is a Yugoslav nation striving forward and uniting.

Of course, this is not to say that Bulgaria is about to establish a Yugoslav kingdom, as the outside rumors suggest. I can tell you that this does not exist.

Bulgaria only wants to unify the Balkans. For areas outside the Balkans, we respect your own choices. You can choose to stay in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or to establish a country independently. Of course, you can also join Bulgaria. I support these.

The Balkan ethnic origin theory must have been read by most of you. With the changes of the times, in fact, each ethnic group has me among you, and you among me.

Therefore, I hope that everyone will not hold the extreme national mind and learn to be tolerant of each other, so that your conflicts can be reduced a lot.


After blowing up the nirvana, and filling the people with a bowl of chicken soup, Ferdinand left under everyone's farewell.

As for the latter matter, Ferdinand does not care about it. As long as you think about so many power groups, they must have their own interests, how can it be possible to want harmony?

Besides, these forces are only needed for political reasons, and they are used to make up the numbers. Do you really think that their strength is not enough?

The Austro-Hungarian Empire is not a fool. How can it make a large non-governmental armed force group appear under its rule?

What really has a little strength is just a few revolutionary parties and a few nobles, and the strength is still very limited.

The rest may not even be considered a force, some are interest groups composed of several capitalists; some are composed of a group of students; and socialist groups

Don't be surprised. The European thoughts of this era are so chaotic. They are mixed together, and some freaks have naturally arisen. From the perspective of later generations, many ideas are incompatible with each other. They can still be shared in this era.

What are the Communist royalists, the Communist monarchy, and so on, some messy large grocery groups are everywhere.

Of course, history has proven that it is impossible for confusing groups to succeed. No doubt these groups have disappeared into the long river of history.

Time passed in a hurry, seven days passed, and the first Yugoslav national assembly ended in an argument.

Under the operation of Prime Minister Constantine, Ferdinand stumbled into the king of the Yugoslav Federation. The problem is that this federation currently has only one member of the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

What's even more amazing is that this federal kingdom usually does not have any compulsory binding force on members. As long as it is a country or region established by the Yugoslav nation, it can join, and there is no need to assume responsibility or perform obligations for each other.

Only when the member states face foreign invasion, the king Ferdinand has the right to convene everyone to resist, and his role is usually to mediate the contradictions between members.

Well, everyone has their own needs. Ferdinand hopes that they will act to add chaos to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. They hope that Bulgaria will be able to support the independence of the country and provide them with security protection.

After all, the small European countries of this era are still very dangerous. If they are not good, they will be invaded by foreign enemies. It is still necessary to find a boss.

If there are multiple countries with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands in the future, Ferdinand will not be surprised at all, which is also what Bulgaria needs.

Since it is not possible to truly complete the unification, it is natural that the more dispersed the better, and if they are unified, then it is a real trouble.

Of course, there is another reason is that the more countries that become independent, the more Bulgarian supporters will be in the future after the establishment of the United Nations.

Ferdinand convened the Yugoslav National Conference with great fanfare. Naturally, they could not hide the Austro-Hungarian Empire. One of the representatives who were not allowed to participate in the conference was theirs.

However, Ferdinand did not care at all. He used Yangmou. As long as there are ambitionists who want to establish an independent country, they can only take the land from the Austro-Hungarian Empire by themselves. If they are preempted by competitors, That's the place for others.

The Federal Kingdom prohibits members from attacking each other. Unless there are sufficient reasons, this must first be complained to the Kingdom, and only with the approval of his king can force be used.

The Viennese government was very angry at Ferdinand ’s digging, and Franz Joseph I even said in shame and anger: "Order the garrison in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia and other regions to step up their vigilance and immediately suppress any changes. "

The ability of Joseph I to establish the Austro-Hungarian Empire is unquestionable, but his talent is a bit crooked, and his diplomatic ability is the highest in Europe, but his internal ability is very mediocre, let alone his military ability.

He can't help being angry. This world war has shaken the rule of Austro-Hungarian empire. Ferdinand is undoubtedly falling to the ground now, but now both sides are enemies. There is nothing wrong with this.

As soon as the words fell, the old emperor Joseph I suddenly fainted and woke up after a while of rescue.

Of course, the 86-year-old emperor can't stand upset. Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, this time and space Prince Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince Franz Ferdinand escaped, and finally the old emperor experienced less pain than white hair and black hair, and lived more For a few days.

Note: Franz Franz, this is a different result translated by the language expert according to the meaning of different names.

But people are old, their bodies are exhausted, and they ca n’t be stimulated. Unfortunately, it ’s a world war. It ’s either good news or bad news. How can it not be stimulated?

In the end, Joseph I failed to survive 1916, and died at the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna at the end of December. Archduke Franz Ferdinand inherited the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The death of the old emperor can be said to be that the Austro-Hungarian Dinghai Needle has collapsed. Although the new Prince Franz Ferdinand's ability is much stronger than that of Carl, he still lacks sufficient prestige to control this aging empire of

Although he also spent a layer of gold in the World War, it is still incomparable to the old emperor. The most obvious sign is that many aboriginal people's awe of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has disappeared.

Due to the factors of the World War, although the funeral of Joseph I was already grand, the level of the attendees was reduced a lot, apparently not worthy of his identity.

As a belligerent nation, naturally the important members of the Royal Family of the Allies were collectively absent, and even Ferdinand only sent a representative to participate. This is also no way out, everyone must pay attention to the impact.

Ferdinand was still very sad when the old emperor died. At that time, the uncle still cared for him. It was only because of national interests that he was forced to go into opposition.

Of course, sadness and sadness, Ferdinand was still merciless when it was time to play hard, and the southern battle that had been afflicted for a long time still started.

In the Romanian front, facing the main force of the German-Australian coalition, the Bulgarian army adopted a defensive-based strategy, but launched an offensive in the Bosnia and Herzegovina and Belgrade.

No, when the old emperor was still alive, this battle started a series of bad news on the front line. The main factor was the death of the old emperor.

For example, attacking Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the advantage of the navy, the Bulgarian Army landed in Dalmatia and burned the war to Croatia.

Of course, this is only an offensive, the purpose is to contain the forces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and weaken the local rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Ferdinand II, who has just succeeded to the throne, has been forced hard. Suddenly, hundreds of kilometers of coastline have been added to the defense, which has brought a heavy burden to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

It is impossible to give up. Once Bulgaria's victory in Croatia, a Croatian kingdom will be born. By then, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will be ready to fall apart.

For this reason, the naval forces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were sent to fight the Bulgarian navy, and then they never took the lead again.

What Ferdinand II couldn't stand was that in this context, there were still people who dared to eat and eat. When the old emperor was alive, these people were smuggling sneakily, and now they have begun to expand.

Don't look at the front line being so fierce, but the Hungarian capitalists still carry out smuggling trade with Bulgaria. The domestic people are hungry and they dare to sell food.

Just because the grain purchase price given by the Austro-Hungarian Empire government is too low ~ ~ these capitalists would rather rot the grain in the warehouse than sell it to the government, at most only on the black market.

Then a very comedy scene appeared. The Kingdom of Hungary, a large food-producing country, was the first to experience a food crisis, and millions of Hungarians lacked enough food.

Then, these capitalists pushed the responsibility to the government very unscrupulously, accusing the Austrian-Hungarian government of taking in a large amount of food in the Kingdom of Hungary, which caused the food crisis.

Ignored it completely, their granaries were still full of grain, as long as they took it out, the kingdom could survive the crisis.

However, this is impossible. Unless the Austro-Hungarian government buys them at a high price, the private property is sacred and inviolable, and it cannot be sold at a cheap price.

Hungarian Prime Minister Count Tisza has come forward to coordinate this issue on many occasions. The old nobles still have a little face and come up with some food to deal with things, but the new bourgeoisie has no idea what the morals are, and they are too lazy to mean it a bit.

The most amazing thing is that after the government agreed to the price of their food, they received paper money and asked the government to pay in gold.

Of course, the Royal Government of Hungary did not have so much gold, and then kicked the ball to the Austro-Hungarian Empire government. They also did not want to let the Austrian government pay money for the Hungarians. Is it appropriate?

However, spoiled children naturally do not think so much, they will only see their own interests

The result naturally came to an end. Ferdinand II was preparing to take tough measures against these capitalists, and the Hungarian Royal Government jumped out to oppose it. Prime Minister Tissa rejected the Austrian army's entry on the ground that the private property was sacred and inviolable.

In short, with the death of the old emperor, the situation in the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to be chaotic.

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