Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 14: Where is the bottom line?

Bulgaria has a reason to fight, and the Ottoman Empire also has a hard time to fight!

After the failure of the Balkan War, the Ottoman Empire carried out a top-down reform. On the surface, it was successful.

After this reform, the Sudanese government has increased its overall national strength in the short term and established an army that has been modernized.

At the same time, domestic nationalism has also begun to flourish. If you look at the endless number of radical groups in the country, you will know that the interior of the Ottoman Empire is not so stable!

For the Sudanese government, launching a war to transfer internal contradictions is also a good choice, but this time should not be now, at least the Ottoman navy-they do not want to have war with Bulgaria until the reconstruction is completed!

However, it is a pity that Ferdinand will not give them this opportunity. After the "Kavala shelling incident", the Sudanese government knew that the war would start in advance!

Yeah, this shelling incident was mistakenly considered by the Sudanese government as a domestic radical group!

They think that the domestic radicals can't bear it anymore. They urgently want to start a war. Even if the problem is solved this time, the radicals will continue to create trouble!

Unless domestic radicals can be wiped out in one fell swoop, this kind of thing is inevitable!

The Sudanese government ca n’t wipe their butts all the time. At least now, the Sudanese government can't afford it!

As for the Bulgarians' claims of up to 100 million pounds of sky-high compensation, it is impossible for the Sudanese government to come up with them. If they had the spare money, they would have used them for military expansion.

Oh oh no! Normal operations are in the official's pocket.

This ancestral magic skill of Xun Momo has now been used by the Ottoman bureaucrats to reach the peak and return to the realm of returning to life!

虽然 Although the Sudanese government has carried out a reform, nobles are still nobles, officials are still officials, people have not changed, and of course, the essence cannot be changed!

Jeff Ferdinand was ready for the war. The Bulgarian diplomatic delegation was simply sent to deal with the matter, and he naturally did not care about the outcome of the negotiations.

But Sudan ca n’t do it. The Ottoman Empire attaches great importance to this negotiation. Even if Bulgaria cannot be settled, at least other countries must get it?

Simply put, it's just to be singled out, but the group stand still!

The Ottoman Empire has been close to the European continent. Sudan still has some knowledge. He cannot do anything about the declaration of war by all nations!

Even if there are only a dozen countries involved, the Ottoman government has said decisively, counseling!

I ca n’t afford to provoke it. Whether it ’s an apology or a compensation pension, you can discuss it. As long as it ’s not too much, I agree!

"How's the negotiation going?" Sudan asked with concern

The Prime Minister said very embarrassedly: "The negotiations are not going well. The British have accepted Bulgaria's claim for compensation. They believe that the Bulgarian diplomatic compensation amount is in line with their worth!

I also received the support of representatives from many countries and ordered us to compensate for the loss as soon as possible, including the Austro-Hungarian Empire! "

This can not blame the teammates of the Austro-Hungarian pit, after all, they are also dead, and they need compensation as victims! If you can make a fortune, why give up?

You know, according to Bulgaria ’s proposal, the ambassador of the Austro-Hungarian Empire can claim 5 million pounds for death. Why can they easily give up this huge sum?

Even Germans can't prevent them from defending their own interests!

Sultan said angrily, "Are they all robbing while on fire? Prime Minister, do you have any suggestions to resolve the difficulties from various countries?"

After thinking for a while, the Prime Minister said, "The great Sudan, our financial situation, they all know.

Tong Ming knew that we would not be able to pay this huge sum of money, and they are still insisting, I am afraid that they have sought something else!

Therefore, if we want to solve this problem, we may have to find out their purpose first, and then it may be easier to negotiate! "

After listening to the Prime Minister's words, Sudan's complexion has improved slightly. As long as it can settle more than a dozen countries and face only one Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire still has the power to fight.

Anyway, Bulgaria is not a bear, it is impossible to swallow the millions of square kilometers of the Ottoman Empire, and the powers will not agree.

"Well, I'll leave it to you to do the rest, and we must resolve this farce anyway!"

Yeah, in Sudan ’s eyes, this is a farce from start to finish, it is just a farce that threatens the life and death of the Ottoman Empire!

Uh ...

Not to mention the diplomatic aspect of the Sudanese government, and now the Bulgarian government is also discussing the battle against Ottoman.

For the sake of confidentiality, only two or three people knew about the "Kavala shelling" planned by Ferdinand, and even the cabinet was concealed.

The sudden war also interrupted the layout of the cabinet. Now to re-plan, we must first meet the needs of the war, after all, Bulgaria now has to fight!

Prime Minister Constantine said puzzledly, "His Majesty, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the war, wartime economic policies have now been implemented in China, and arsenals are running around the clock, and many related enterprises have also been included in the overall planning.

However, just dealing with an Ottoman Empire does not require us to do our best?

The Ottoman navy is limited. As long as we control the sea power, we will basically be invincible. Do we want to annex the Asia Minor Peninsula this time? "

In fact, not only Constantine was puzzled, but the high-level Bulgarian government was confused. The war was about to come, but this time the Bulgarian government was too late to set strategic goals. No one knows the extent of this war.

Of course, the military has its own strategic goals!

刚 As soon as the Balkan War ended, the army formulated a sea-crossing battle plan. Now, the battle plan for the Ottoman Empire may not be a room.

Different strategic objectives naturally have different combat plans.

The most aggressive combat plan intersects with the Asia Minor Peninsula and directly hits Africa; the most conservative combat plan is to seize the islands in the Aegean Sea and obtain sea control in this area.

But it is absolutely impossible for the Bulgarian government to formulate a national strategy in accordance with the military's combat plan! Otherwise, the war funding alone will be enough to bring down the government n times!

In fact, all the big Bulgarian strategies are handled by Ferdinand. Everyone is filling and perfecting under the strategic direction he formulated!

"The core of this strategy is still to weaken the Ottoman Empire. Under this premise, I think it can be divided into four steps now.

The first step is to capture the islands of the Ottoman Empire in the Sea of ​​Love;

The second step is to capture Libya in North Africa;

The third step is to land on the Asia Minor Peninsula and turn the Marmara Sea into our inner lake;

The fourth step, according to the Asia Minor Peninsula, turn this rich land into our native land!

However, considering the current situation, it is difficult for us to achieve all our goals, so let the military fight first, wherever we can, no matter where! "

Well, Ferdinand does n’t even know where the bottom line of the powers is now!

After all, this time the Ottoman Empire committed anger, and giving them a hard lesson is in the common interest of everyone except Germany!

Now, Germany has not much strength in the Mediterranean. It can only be achieved through their allies, Austro-Hungarian Empire and Italy. Therefore, their attitude is better than that of Italy and Austro-Hungarian Empire!

If it was before, it would be easy! As long as the Austro-Hungarian empire is under military threat, Bulgaria will certainly concede, but now it is different.

As the strengths of the two sides are close, the Austro-Hungarian empire is threatening military forces, and Bulgaria is likely to go head-to-head. Will the Austro-Hungarian Empire be at risk of a full-scale war to help their former enemies?

This question is hard to say!

If the Austro-Hungarian Empire refuses to go all out, the influence of the Italians will become very limited.

After all, now it has just entered the era of fearless ships. The naval power of the Allies has an absolute advantage. The Germans have no time to explode the navy!

The strength of the German navy is not even comparable to that of the French, let alone the British. In this case, do the Italians dare to take action?

Alas, Ferdinand did not dare to gamble. There is no way. Who told the Russians to be out of state now?

Now the Tsarist government is busy dealing with internal contradictions ~ ~ Restructuring the system, if the war breaks out now, can the bears break out and fight against Austria-Hungary, and hold Germany?

If you ca n’t, then you can only win the war, Bulgaria can only go to Austria and Hungary, and then hold the Germans!

As long as you think about this terrible scene, Ferdinand urged him decisively. He didn't want to have a family that he had accumulated so hard for a war!

Of course, Ferdinand's concerns can never be said. Now there is no sign of a war in Europe. If you say it, you may be regarded as a joke!

"Your Majesty, where is our bottom line?" Constantine asked with concern.

Jeff Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "Control the Aegean Sea and let the Ottoman Empire cede them to all the islands in the Aegean Sea. Other issues are easy to discuss!"

Your Majesty, "Does this include Crete in the hands of the Greeks?" Navy Secretary Petrov asked with concern.

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "As long as sovereignty belongs to the Ottoman Empire, it is our goal. As for whose hands, is this important?"

Well, the Greeks are lying down again, and it is the first time that Bulgaria has exposed the domineering imperialism to the outside world!

Unfortunately, Greece has once again become a stepping stone!

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