Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 146: , Marshal's calculations

The German-Austrian border has now gathered more than 900,000 allied coalition forces, and this number is still increasing. As the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces in this war, General Dante Kristof is pointing out.

仗 This battle may be the last battle in his life. Although the scale may not be huge, the specifications are high!

Conrad, the Marshal of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, had to be an assistant to him, quite a bit like "Hedong for 30 years, Hexi for 30 years"!

"Here is your commander, this is the information of the German opposite." A staffer came over, and said he handed a document to him.

Dante Kristof took the file in hand, tore the seal line, took out the file, and looked at it carefully.

The strength of the Germans is slightly stronger than he thought. The Hindenburg government has carried out extreme mobilization throughout the country. Men aged 15 to 65 have been asked to join the Wood Army and the scale has been expanded by two hundred. Wan, but the combat effectiveness is only known before.

Simply put, except in Germany, people can no longer find healthy young men except for working in special positions. With a population of more than 60 million, more than 10 million people have been mobilized to participate in the war. This is unprecedented. !!

There is no way it is now 1917, and the World War has only been played for more than two years. The Germans are naturally stronger than in history. The main reason is that they can persist for a period of time, and they robbed the Russians last year. There is no hungry in China, so naturally there are no naval soldiers uprising!

Under this background, the Hindenburg government was able to take another bet and win the German Empire or the German Empire. Losing would not be worse than surrendering now.

Dante Kristof ordered: "You go immediately to summon officers above the division to come to the meeting in the afternoon!"

The Germans chose to fight another battle, which is not surprising. After all, the war has been burning in other countries, and their strength still exists.

Even if their army can't win the British, French, and Russian four countries, but the German Army can still deal with any two of them alone!

In this case, of course, it is the last fight. In theory, as long as they are fast enough to defeat the British and French coalition forces, and then deal with the two countries, even if they cannot win the war, they can end decently.

The rudiment of the Blitz has already appeared in the First World War. It was used in the Winter Campaign launched by the Russians last year. Naturally, the Germans who are good at learning must borrow it.

Uh ...

Dante Kristof was sitting in a cold, cold face, and there was a heavy depression in the air, and there was a silence in the conference room. The time has clearly passed for a while, but it feels like everyone is living like a year!

Maybe it ’s almost the same, but Dante Kristof said in a very severe tone: "From the information we have gathered, the number of Germans opposite is about 780,000, of which no more than five main divisions, The rest are militia recruited temporarily.

But the German government mobilized again in the rear and is still training. If we hit Tehran, it is estimated that we will face more than one million German troops.

怎么 样 Everyone knows the combat effectiveness of the German army. Even if we are facing second and third tier troops, the combat effectiveness may not be worse than some of our troops!

Therefore, in this battle, I ask you to fight steadily and never allow greed to advance to create opportunities for the enemy. Do you understand? "

Everyone couldn't help answering: "I see!"

Obviously he is in the prestige, the shadow of the famous tree, the world war has now been carried out, and now Dante Kristof has become one of the most famous allies in the Allies.

He has not defeated in all battles, so he can conquer most of the heroes. Now he is obviously beating someone in such seriousness.

Conrad's face pulled down suddenly, tightening like a layer of paste, and no doubt it came against him. However, the situation was stronger than others, and he chose to bear it out.

It is inevitable that Dante Kristof took him to prestige. With the end of the World War, the future relationship between Bulgaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is undoubtedly impossible to return to normal. Since you are the enemy, you will offend if you offend!

Alas, the majority of the officers sitting were Bulgarian, but Dante Kristof couldn't take them for granted?

The British and French coalition forces involved in this operation did not have many people at all, and the highest-ranking officer was just the division commander, but Dante Kristof was also embarrassed to compare with others!

It ’s useless to find faults. It ’s okay to point at the nose and scold others. It ’s a common thing in the army to scold subordinates. It ’s not a shame. You ca n’t pull them out anyway!

Since Conrad acknowledged it, it means that the Austro-Hungarian army will follow orders in this battle, but Ding Kristoff is naturally not good enough to continue to trouble him.

"Very well, then everyone should prepare. Three days later, on June 18, 1917, the army launched a general attack on the Germans at 5.15 am.

But it does not rule out that an unexpected situation has occurred. The total attack time will be advanced. You must be prepared to launch the attack at any time! "

Uh ...

The Allied Forces of the Allies are preparing, and the German army on the opposite side is naturally not idle. The current leader of the southern defense is Marshal Leopold, Prince of Bavaria. Full name: Leopold Maximilian Joseph Maria Anulf, the best general among the members of the royal family of World War I.

Now that the war has burned to South Germany, it is not unexpected that he will be the commander of the southern line.

It is a pity that the Prince of Bavaria was not in a good mood right now. Obviously, this southern battle was a chore and the probability of winning was very small.

Otherwise, for the benefit of the Bavarian royal family, this position was crowned by his nephew, Prince Ruprecht Maria Lutebod Ferdinand.

Now, to fight a war that is almost doomed to failure, only his uncle can go on, otherwise he will be stained with this stain. His nephew's succession to the throne will not be easy, and his family will even be in crisis. Rule!

Although he became the head coach, Crown Prince Ruprecht could not run away, and became the chief of staff of the southern German army. Obviously, this is the Hindenburg government suppressing the Bavarian kingdom.

But they still could n’t refuse, because they were even more reluctant to be commanded by others. As leaders of South Germany, their battle with Prussia was not a day or two. In case they were brought to the pit by Prussia, they went to cry. go with?

Crown Prince Priusht Maria Lutebod Ferdinand may be unfamiliar to everyone, but he has a name that will be much better known-King Robert I of England!

Yes, he is the successor to the British throne supported by most James factions, known by the James faction as King Robert I of England and King Robert IV of Scotland.

Simply put, if the Germans won the war, he could still go to Britain to become king, but the public base is not bad at all!

(Note: James faction is also the predecessor of the Liberal Party)

Well, the European royal family's relationship ends here first, and they themselves may not be able to figure it out. There is really no way for the author Jun to clear it up.

In simple terms, the major kingdoms of the South German region are now preparing for the future. If it was not for Prussia's control of their lifeline, they would probably declare independence.

Even now, even if the Bavarian royal family has served as the chief commander of the German army, this does not mean that they can control all the troops. Most of the troops on the southern front are still in the hands of Prussia.

It is okay to order these troops to fight with the Allies. If you want to defeat the enemy, don't think about it. The Hindenburg government relies on the army to usurp power, and it has strict control over the army.

Uh ...

Jair Precht said softly, "Uncle, shall we continue to wait?"

Leopold smiled wryly: "Now we have no choice but to wait for the outcome of the Western Front battle. Before that, we must block the Allies’ attack, and at least keep the Munich area, where we are! "

The two tacitly stopped the topic. Since William II was suspended, the members of their royal family have a strong sense of crisis.

Günchendenburg used the opportunity of war to reach into the Bavarian army and suspend their command. Now, without the order of the German General Staff, it would be difficult for them to mobilize the kingdom's army.

In this case, they must not only be concerned, what should they do if the Hindenburg government abolished the royal family directly after the war?

Regardless of whether the Hindenburg government has this idea, but they are from the royal family, they have to prevent this worst situation, and the only thing that can bring them a sense of security is the army!

Uh ...

In a hurry, the Allies of the Allied Powers launched a fierce attack on the German positions. The situation was very fierce. Marshal Leopold took out his telescope and watched a living being swallowed up by the war. He knew he couldn't go on like this.

If it continues, the future of the Kingdom of Bavaria will be gone. There is no doubt that most of these troops were recruited from the South German region, and it was full of young people and old people.

Marshal Leopold said coldly: "Reorganize the rear troops, this time according to age, reorganize into a group army over 50 years old, reorganize a group army over 40 years old, and so on!"

Jair Precht asked in amazement: "Why?"

Marshal Leopold said coldly: "If we continue to fight like this, the future of the Kingdom of Bavaria will be gone, and the future of the German Empire will be exhausted. We have to make a choice for this country!"

Jair Precht's complexion turned grey for a moment, and said in horror, "What? You want to make ..."

Marshal Leopold interrupted: "Yes, old age is useless to this country. Bavaria can be without us old men, but it can't be without these teenagers!

Now there are more than 800,000 German troops on the southern line, and there are reinforcements in the rear, but our main force has not increased, and there is no possibility of winning at all.

Unless the enemy is deterred with blood and beat them, letting the Allies know that we must pay a bitter price to perish in order to give this country the best possible conditions!

According to statistics from the Military Recruitment Office, of the more than 800,000 troops, nearly 350,000 are old people who are over 50 years old, and nearly 300,000 are young people under 18. You know this What does it mean? "

Jair Precht said with a complex expression, "This means that our country has reached its limit, and now we are fighting with the future of this country!

Uncle, no one wants to be a cannon fodder. If we organize the army like this, I am afraid that mutiny will occur! "

Leopold said coldly: "Of course, if destined to die, few people will be willing, even if they are on the battlefield, most of them will resist!

And I also know that the most fighting forces are young people around 20 years old. They are energetic, have ideals and pursuits, and can fight and sacrifice for their own ideals!

These old guys who are about to die are all a group of people who have no ideals and no pursuits. They only know that the waste of eating and waiting for death has no fighting power at all!

But people are forced out. Only under pressure can they be able to stimulate their potential and exert their maximum combat effectiveness. Do you understand? "

Jairus Prech nodded characteristically, expressing understanding.

I paused, and Marshal Leopold said coldly: "From now on you are the commander in chief of this unit. Once these veterans have died, you will order surrender!"

Jair Precht seemed shocked and asked, "What? Uncle Leopold, what do you mean?"

Leopold said intently: "Don't forget, I am also an old man, and naturally I should go to the place, otherwise how can we let these daring old guys willingly go to death?

What's more, the war has now ended, and the people also need an explanation. My useless old man can just be used to calm the anger of the Bavarian people!

This is the responsibility of our royal family members, and no one can escape it! Born in the royal family, you must shoulder the burden of your body. You are still young. The future of this country needs you, and the family also needs you. Understand? "

Jairus Prech nodded, and said nothing, this is also the foundation of the ancient aristocracy-sacrifice, but his tears still could not help but stay.

In this world war, the sacrifices made by the Bavarian kingdom have been too great, and civil dissatisfaction with the government has reached an extreme ~ ~ If the war fails, the Bavarian royal family may be in danger.

However, Leopold's choice was to use this South German defense battle to gain vitality for the Bavarian royal family.

When the prince of the royal family died in battle in order to protect the next generation of this country, this was enough to calm the public's anger against the royal family, and they could even get a lot of sympathy, so that the public still support the royal family!

I can only say that history has been changed beyond recognition by Ferdinand. He had fallen into the dead end of the Bavarian royal family and found a new life again.

Even the unfortunate one killed the prince, the countries behind had to stand up to support the Bavarian royal family. Now that there are so many coalition forces in the Allied Powers, it is estimated that it is a mess at last, then the Allied Powers have to give up the war against the Royal Family Responsible!

I can say that Marshal Leopold has taken all these factors into account. He has sacrificed himself to win the future for the Bavarian royal family.

Even as his enemy, whether it is British and French, or Bulgaria, he had to hold him to the altar after the war, because his spirit of sacrifice is in line with mainstream ideas!

At this time, Dante Kristof is still trying to find the flaws in the enemy's defense line. He doesn't know that he will soon become the stepping stones of the enemy, and he will become the enemy's life name.

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