Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 154: , The Romance of the Three Kingdoms

The Moscow Revolution is just the beginning, followed by successive uprisings in various parts of the Russian Empire, with successes and failures.

The most influential was the Yekaterinburg Uprising that burst on August 7, 1917. After the uprising was successful, the insurgents gave up Nicholas II, and the insurgents also supported the young Nikola Nikolajevi. O. Romanov became the new Tsar of the Russian Empire.

(Remarks: Nicholas J. Nikolaevich Romanov (1856-1929), the son of Grand Duke Nikolaevich, third son of Emperor Nicholas I of Russia)

It is also "Nicholas II", and became "Little Nicholas I" for the sake of distinction. Obviously, these nobles are not stupid. They know that the Czar is unlikely to let them go, and they are also incapable of urinating with the bourgeoisie. Together, we simply have a Tsar representing our own interests!

And Nicholas Jr. was the commander of the Caucasus Theater. He controlled nearly a quarter of Russia's military strength, and with the support of the nobles, his strength was far beyond that of Moscow's "Russian Republic".

Well, Ferdinand admits that this little Nicholas I had his handwriting. Without his guidance, these nobles could not think of holding a new emperor for a while and a half, and even the Czar candidate was selected by Ferdinand. If not, they will go to Moscow to compete with the bourgeoisie for dominance, and then learn from history as Lenin gave it!

Now naturally, they are different. They are already on their own and cannot be solved through political struggles. The swords and guns are dry. These nobles are not bears!

The birth of "Little Nicholas I" made Nicholas II very angry. Now there are only two options before him, either to abdicate and let him go to the cousin, or to kill the rebellion. Upside down!

Of course, this issue is not something he can decide by himself. There are still a lot of people who support him? The interests of these people must always be considered?

In history, Galisinov would persuade him to abdicate. It was because people had to lower their heads under the eaves. Of course, it turned out that the eaves were too short and their heads were useless!

Now it's different. There are still a large number of troops supporting him. There is also a natural ally, Bulgaria, in the international community. Of course, you can't counsel it!

To rebel against nature, we must convene an army, otherwise what can we do with just over 10,000 people?

It is embarrassing-the army on the front line is not so reliable. Finally, his northern army has been severely damaged, but it does not matter now that the horses and horses have been made clear, as long as the part of the hostile noble forces is driven out of the army!

Obviously, it is too late to react now, the army controlled by the aristocracy has been taken away by him, and the warlord group with Russian characteristics has been born.

In nominal terms, the forces supporting Nicholas II are still the largest, but they are scattered in various places and mixed with each other. It is not known how many hostile forces have mixed in.

The issue of counterinsurgency must be overcome. Now the most important thing for Nicholas II is to integrate internally, at least to distinguish between the enemy and me!

The Tsarist government still understands these issues. Nicholas II also has the ability to fight politics. He forcibly suppressed his anger. At present, he is not anxious about Yekaterinburg ’s new Tsarist, or he will come first. Let ’s talk about somewhere!


The emergence of the new tsar has brought far greater impact to the world than the Moscow Revolution, which means that the Russian royal family has been divided and the foundation of the tsar's government has been shaken from its foundation.

Megev, Foreign Minister of the Royal Palace of Sofia, Bulgaria, is reporting to Ferdinand: "Your Majesty, yesterday Yekaterinburg gave birth to an uprising, and the insurgents embraced the little Nikola Nikolaevich Romanov and became the new Russian Empire. Tsar, invite us to send someone to watch the ceremony. "

Ferdinand calmly said, "Don't go, tell them, just say we're free!"

This is a matter of principle. Naturally, Ferdinand will not end the snake and rat. Bulgaria cannot support the two tsarist governments at the same time.

Of course, this time is the Roman dynasty's internal fight, Ferdinand can do wall watching. It doesn't matter who wins or loses. No one will blame him on this issue.

Metiev saw no one around, and said cautiously: "His Majesty, the British and the French want to unite with us and take this opportunity to dismember the Russian Empire!"

Ferdinand said in surprise: "Their reaction is really fast? It seems that now the chaos of the Russian Empire, they have also shot!"

Megeve thought for a while and said, "Yes, it is said that before Nicholas Jr. promised to be a Czar, the British sent representatives to contact him, and the two sides had a happy conversation."

Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "It seems that there are many people who want to split the Russian Empire this time. We add British and French. It is estimated that there are also Japan, the United States, and even the Germans who are still in the World War. Everyone wants Russia. The empire is divided! "

Metev smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the Russian Empire is too large. Even if it is divided into three, they are still one of the world's great powers, and the unified Russian Empire is a nightmare for the whole world!"

History has completely changed. Before the Soviet Union was born, it had already died. Even if the tutors could open up later, they would have a headache in the face of the two tsars!

However, this is exactly in the interest of Bulgaria. The current Russian empire is much more powerful than subsequent Russia. Once the industrialization upgrade is completed, Europe will tremble.

The divided Russian empire is not so terrible. No one of them can possess the power to suppress Bulgaria.

After all, in addition to the huge territory, one of the big reasons is that they have the largest population in Europe. Once they split, they are three ordinary big countries with only tens of millions of people. Who is afraid of who?

Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "Talk to Britain and France. In principle, the more countries the Russian Empire splits out, the better. John Niu has rich experience in this area. Let them get ahead!"

"Yes!" Metiev replied

By the time Bulgaria's decision was made, politicians in London had begun to celebrate, using World War I and killing two of their biggest enemies at the same time.

And Paris, France, if not the Germans have hit the doorstep, it is estimated that they will also play the championship, it is not far from France to dominate the European Big 6!

Even the Germans are celebrating the impending civil war in the Russian Empire. Now they no longer have to worry about the safety of the Eastern Front, and can concentrate their forces on the British-French coalition on the Western Front.

However, they soon felt what was extremely sad. On August 13, 1917, the southern defense line temporarily created by the Germans collapsed, and the Allied Coalition Forces had already entered!

Immediately afterwards, in the middle of Germany, the Bulgarian-Russian coalition forces also broke through their defense line, and the soldiers pointed directly at Nuremberg, and the situation in Germany immediately plummeted.

The Hindenburg government was dumbfounded, and quickly mobilized the German troops in St. Petersburg to return to the country. Unfortunately, it was all too late. Once Munich and Nuremberg fell to South Germany, it was over.

At that time, even if they can defeat the British and French coalition forces, occupation of Paris will not help. With only half of the German Empire left, it is impossible to let the British and French yield. Even if they use Daemon to disintegrate Dafa, they will fight them down!


After the success of the Tsar Nicholas, the Russian Empire began to be lively. The three governments sent representatives around to attract local powers in an attempt to increase their own power.

The Russian people are dumbfounded. Which one should the three governments loyal to? Of course, they don't need them to do this multiple choice question!

Almost larger industrial cities and regions with strong capitalists tend to support the Moscow government, but because the military force of the Moscow government is too weak, they dare not stand in line directly, afraid of being liquidated in the future!

Therefore, in the first round of pulling pk battles, the Moscow government was at a disadvantage. Nicholas II, with its orthodox influence, temporarily ranked first!

Relying on its geographical location, Little Nicholas I also attracted a large number of surrounding cities, from Ukraine to the Caucasus, along the banks of the Volga River to Yekaterinburg, and their influence in Asia also expanded to Nizhny Valtovsk.

They controlled almost a quarter of the territory of the Russian Empire in Europe and one-sixth of the territory in Asia, becoming the second-largest presence after Nicholas II.

As long as everyone with a good eye knows, the explosion of the Russian civil war is only a matter of time, and the reason why it has not yet started is that Nicholas II is still focusing his forces.

After the German gave up St. Petersburg, he naturally wanted to recover the lost land as soon as possible, but it was easy to recover the lost land, and it was difficult to make a recovery.

In order to solve the problem of feeding people in St. Petersburg, Nicholas II had to ask for help from the nobles who supported them and buy food from them.

In the short term, there was no ability to send troops to rebellion ~ ~ and the other two governments were not good. They were desperately expanding their arms and preparing for war.

Countless people who look forward to the Russian Civil War are greatly disappointed. Of course, the war has not yet broken out, and small wars are still indispensable. The three parties have already hit their brains.

Even the forces in a city were divided into three waves and pk each other. If triads are grabbing ground, it doesn't matter if they fight, it can hurt ordinary Russians.

Originally, during the World War, their burden greatly increased. Before they could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a fierce civil war.

Especially in the area under the control of the Moscow government, because there are too many internal factions, the major armed forces are mixed, and the internal fighting is constant. Naturally, it is impossible to care about the life and death of ordinary people. In this context, it gives ...

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