Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 163: 3 Giant Conference

The Russians and the Austro-Hungarian Empire continue to fight. The amount of funds involved is too large. No one on both sides is willing to let go. The three countries, Britain, France, and Bulgaria, are in the middle of coordination. Everyone's positions are inconsistent, and neither party can force them to make concessions. .

On January 3, 1917, the Paris Peace Conference resumed negotiations on the German issue. French Prime Minister Clemenceau reiterated his opinion on Germany's disposal. The three essential elements remained unchanged. which is:

1. Disarm Germans and ban the army;

2. Dismembering Germany, divided into four, including France's recovery of Alsace and Lorraine, moving the border of France to the Rhine, and merging German provinces on the left bank of the Rhine into an independent country;

3. The German government must pay the war compensation of 800 million gold marks.

The other requirements of the French can also be said to serve these three, but these three are exactly what the British cannot agree to, and the meeting fell into a stalemate at the beginning.

Not only are Britain and France stuck in a stalemate, other countries are also stuck in deadlock because of conflicts of interest, such as the Far East!

There is no way. There are too many countries claiming against Germany. Naturally, there will be many conflicts of interest. Some of them will be conflicts of core interests. If you want to sacrifice the interests of the Germans, everyone will support each other's requirements, and then you will exchange benefits. It doesn't work, the powers and small countries are never equal!

Constantine knows that this is not the way to go. Everyone is a national brain. It is impossible to keep flapping at the Paris Peace Conference. What else needs to be done at home? If it lasts for a few months, everyone will be uncomfortable!

So I discussed with Lloyd-George and Poincaré: "It's better to let the requirements of various countries be collected. Let's discuss them and come up with the results before letting them talk, otherwise when will such a mess come to an end? ! "

There is no doubt that this is a full excuse. After such a trouble, the nine-member committee no longer exists, and it has become a six-member committee composed of three countries.

As a veteran imperialism, everyone will not oppose any proposal that is in line with their own interests. Anyway, the three countries have the same position, which is enough to suppress all opposition!

Now that the three big brothers have decided to leave them alone, as the moderator of the meeting, French Prime Minister Clemenceau will naturally announce this resolution.

"Everyone, please be quiet. Since there are too many delegates at the conference, everyone is making a fuss like this. In order to improve the efficiency of the conference, the presidium of the conference has decided that the representatives of each country will organize their requirements into documents and submit them to the presidium. Get discussed at the conference! "

Well, everyone knows that the reason for this is to kick Japan, Belgium, and the Russian Empire out of the decision-making group, otherwise the Nine-member Committee is deliberating, not the Bureau!

No matter how many people talk about it, anyway, the three giants have already taken shape. If you want to get a share of this meeting, you must abide by the rules made by the three big brothers!

But not everyone intends to give in. For example, the head of the Russian delegation, Sasonov, objected: "Protest, as one of the founding members of the Allies, our Russian Empire is eligible to join the Presidency!"

Lloyd-George said with a smile: "Of course, as one of the founding members of the Allies, the Russian Empire is eligible to join the Presidency, but now there are three Russian Empire delegations in Paris!"

Sasonov complained: "They are all rebels and cannot be a delegation of the Russian Empire!"

After speaking, he decided to shut up decisively. Obviously, on this issue, it is not that everyone recognizes which government is legal and which delegation can represent the Russian Empire. If Britain and France are in trouble, they will not recognize the legitimacy of the Nicholas II government, then they will be blind!

Lloyd-George decisively leveled the Russians, but did not expect the Japanese to come out again, and the Japanese prince of Xiyuan Temple jumped out again, only to see him angrily said: "I represent Da ~ Japan ~ Ben ~ Empire is strong Protest! This has seriously harmed our national interests. As an important member of the Allies, we have made an important contribution to this world war. We must be a member of the Presidency! "

Purngale thought for a moment and said, "Sorry, what are the important contributions made by your country? Why don't I know?"

Constantly jumped by the general's Xiyuan Temple public, he had no time to wait for his refusal, Constantine made up another sword: "Mr. Xiyuan Temple public hope, the important contribution you said should not be the invasion of the ally's land. Please black out the alliance. ?

Recently, your country ’s approach is very unethical. This has seriously tarnished the image of our allies. I personally suggest that you still converge. This is not the Far East! "

No wonder, because of the relationship between the Russo-Japanese War and Bulgaria, the relationship between the Japanese and the Japanese has not been very good. Even if there is some easing in the future, we still haven't been able to become friends. Of course, Constantine doesn't need to save his face!

As for the consequences of offending the Japanese? The answer is no consequence! Under the principle that Britain, France, and France have the same positions, the current Japanese government can only stand it!

After the first two monkeys that jumped out were crushed, naturally there were no chickens, and the effect of killing monkeys and pheasants was not ordinary. Delegations from various countries chose to pretend to be grandchildren.

Of course, this is not the leading brother of the Americans. Americans have tossed out a lot of things in history, and they hurt the British and French colonial empires!


At the beginning of the giants meeting, the Paris Peace Conference entered the core stage. The British counterparts said cautiously: "Given the actual situation of the Germans, we do not consider it necessary to dismember Germany; Social order; at the same time the Germans' compensation should be within their limits! "

French President Pungalai immediately retorted: "It is a crime to tolerate any kind of tolerance for a country like Germany that undermines world peace! If we cannot deal with the Germans severely and set an example for the future, then the future There will be endless new challengers! "

Constantine waved his hand to prevent the two from continuing the dispute, and said, "Let ’s separate the issues and discuss them. Let ’s discuss them one by one in order to reach an early consensus.

Now I declare Bulgaria ’s position. On the issue of Germany, we are only interested in war reparations. I ’ll show the card directly. Bulgaria will receive a compensation amount of not less than 12% of the total reimbursement. Other issues are easy to discuss. !! "

Obviously, Constantine did not play cards according to the routine, directly diverted the attention of both parties, and began to discuss the distribution of war compensation!

This is also that the German compensation is too large. If you add up the total amount that the countries want, it is estimated to be over 100 billion pounds. Then do n’t say that the Germans are all countries in the world at this time. Together, we can't afford 100 billion pounds!

Seeing that Bulgaria's compensation ratio was highlighted, although they felt it was too high, they still did not directly oppose it, but were thinking about how much this ratio should be reported. If you lose it, you will lose it. If you do n’t accept it, you will continue to quarrel!

French President Poincaré took the lead in saying: "As the main force in this battle against Germany, we want the Germans to pay 61% of the compensation!"

The British counterpart Lloyd-George also said in a tit-for-tat: "The British Empire also made an indelible contribution to the German war, so we demanded 50% of German war compensation!"

Constantine rubbed his forehead, and the proportions required by the three countries, namely, Britain, France, and France, reached 123 percent. He knew that this problem was troublesome.

However, Constantine had to patiently say, "Two people, do you see if this compensation ratio can be reduced a little? You can choose to get compensation elsewhere. There are delegations from more than a dozen countries waiting. How can we leave them ten points? "

Lloyd-George thought for a while and said, "We get all the navy ships of the Germans, and the compensation ratio can be reduced by ten points!"

Poincaré hesitated and said, "If you can agree to dismember Germany, we can reduce the compensation ratio by 13 points!"

Constantine shook his head secretly. This condition is still far away. He had to be a peacemaker again and said, "We agree on the choices of the two, but please show your sincerity, otherwise Our Christmas is coming to the meeting! "

Well, agree in principle, in fact it is nonsense. Now the French people's requirements are very obvious. As long as they agree to dismember the Germans, everything is good to discuss!

While the British want to obtain the German navy, neither France nor France objected, but compensation must be indispensable. As long as the interests are sufficient, there can be no talk.

Lloyd-George pondered for a moment, and finally said, "In compensation, we can reduce it by another three percentage points, but the German navy must belong to the British Empire!"

Constantine said decisively: "There is no problem with the British Empire receiving 37% of the compensation!"

Seeing that the two countries have reached an agreement, Pungalai hesitated to press the French price, hesitated and said, "We can also give up three points, but there is no room for negotiation on the issue of dismembering Germany! "

Constantine thought about it, he has made concessions on the issue of reparations in Britain and France, and waved his hand and said, "Well, the French Republic received 45 percent of the German war reparations. They are assigned, even if they are bad enough! "

Obviously this is not the bottom line of British and French, but what does it matter to him? Can it also count on Bulgaria's disagreement with Britain and France for the benefit of other countries?

Both Lloyd George and Poincaré set their sights on him, and Constantine understood that they meant that Bulgaria had taken too much and must also be lowered.

Constantine said with a smile: "We also give up a point for the Russians. As one of the four-nation agreement, if the share allocated is too low, everyone's face will not look good!"

They rolled their eyes straight. If they really care about eating, why not let the Russians participate? Just then, don't say eleven o'clock, Bulgaria can get six points is the limit, this is the clear combination of the three countries divided up the Russians most of the compensation share!

Mao Xiong is the absolute main force in this world war. If it was not for their self-denial and the East Season offensive that attracted the Germans, it would be a question mark if the British and French could hold it on the Western Front!

In terms of their contribution, taking twenty-six points of post-war compensation is no problem at all, provided that the Russian Empire in its heyday, how can it be a fraction?

Of course, these are minor issues. It is not worth mentioning. Everyone is involved in sharing the stolen goods. There is no such thing as who is cleaner than anyone else!

Lloyd-George was the first to say, "It's too much to dismember Germany. We split an entire country into four small countries. We the British Empire cannot agree!"

Pungalai made an expression that the dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and said, "Anyway, we are going to dismember Germany!"

Seeing that the two were about to start tearing again, Constantine had to become a peacemaker again, and persuaded: "Let's take a look at the German issue raised by President Poincaré!

Let's go to the first one. The French government requires Lorraine and Alsace. I think we can still discuss this issue. What do you think, Mr. George? "

Lloyd-George thought for a moment and said, "French and German disputes over the border between Lorraine and Alsace have yet to be considered. For a long time, the Germans have the largest population in these two regions, and we cannot make such arbitrary decisions ! "

This remark is simply to say: Pungalai is going to make an offer. As long as the price is right, these sites are yours!

Of course, in Constantine's words just now, there are also meanings in this regard. Everyone is a great power. As long as the interests are appropriate, there is no prohibition against trading!

Purngale thought for a while and said, "Okay ~ ~ Mr. George, the German Navy and Sardinia are here, but our eastern border must be relocated to the Rhine; Mr. Constantine, on behalf of me The French Republic recognizes that your country inherits the entire legacy of the Ottoman Empire and has opened up some colonial military ports for use by your navy. "

Constantine replied without hesitation: "The deal!"

Lloyd-George frowned, but considering that there were not many sites, it was also possible to weaken the Germans, so he said: "We can acknowledge that your country has annexed some territories west of the Rhine, but the eastern provinces of the Rhine are not Be independent! "

Poincaré hesitated and said, "Well, we can give up our intention to establish the Rhine Republic, but France's national security must be guaranteed, so splitting Germany is imperative!"


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