Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 3: Are foreign students coming?

"Your Majesty, the economic crisis that has not exploded in the United States has begun to spread to Europe. Should we start the emergency plan?" Said the Minister of Finance anxiously.

Ferdinand had to whisper, there is so much economic crisis in the capitalist era! This is the fourth time from his crossing to now, and it feels endless!

In January 19o7, the U.S. bank crisis broke out, and about half of New York's bank loans were invested by trust and investment companies with high interest returns-as collateral in high-risk stock markets and bonds.

First, it was guided by news and public opinion, and a large number of articles promoting new financial concepts began to appear. At that time, there was an article by Paul entitled "The shortcomings and needs of our banking system". Since then, Paul has become an American drummer who advocates for the central banking system.

Shortly thereafter, Jacob Schiff declared at the New York Chamber of Commerce: "Unless we have a central bank with sufficient credit resources to control, we will experience an unprecedented and far-reaching financial crisis."

Well, the American's internal affairs have nothing to do with him, Ferdinand is concerned about the impact of the economic crisis! Fortunately, the economic relations between Europe and the United States in this era are not as close as in the later period, especially in Eastern Europe, where the influence is even smaller!

Affected by the revolution, the industrial strength of the Russians is now less than seven levels before the war. In history, the fur bears continued until the outbreak of the World War and did not return to the peak!

Therefore, Bulgaria still has a few years to live, after all, the Russians' own industry and commerce cannot meet the market demand, and imports are inevitable!

And the cheap goods in Bulgaria are just right for the people at the bottom. Although the profits are not high, they are enough to keep the business running!

After a moment of contemplation, Ferdinand said, "For the time being, this economic crisis is mainly a problem of the American banking industry, and it will not have a great impact on Europe!

Before the financial crisis of the Russians exploded, the financial industry problems in European countries had already detonated at that time. In just a few years, even if capitalists are more greedy, they must learn some lessons, right? "

In this American financial crisis, Ferdinand really can't do anything, and the United States this year is still a silkworm.

Although it has passed the British population in terms of economic aggregates, it still lags behind the major European powers in terms of industrial technology. Industry, like Bulgaria, is a big cottage country!

Industrial equipment? advanced technology?

To be honest, Ferdinand can be seen very much by the audience. Rather than go to the United States to buy a bottom, it is better to buy in Europe, at least the quality is more reliable!

Oh, Americans have been doing a lot of science and technology, but unfortunately it was introduced in Bulgaria, which had practical value at the time (piracy did not cost a few dollars)!

For the remaining projects that require large capital investment, Ferdinand said decisively that this mission of promoting human progress should be left to those who have the ability. Bulgaria can't really afford it now!

Since there is no benefit, of course, you can't spend energy to do things. At most, you can make a small fortune with international capital in private, nothing more!

Now with the 1.8 million business, Ferdinand really doesn't look at it. Even if this unit is British pound, it is not worth him to take the initiative!

These are trivial things that really concern him: the British are ready to join the Allies!

Although the two parties are only interested now, the negotiations have just begun, but soon the Germans will help them make that determination!

Of course, negotiations are back to negotiations, Ferdinand still can't do anything! In nominal terms, the four countries, Britain, France, Russia, and Bulgaria, negotiated. In essence, Bulgaria has the lowest right to speak. Being able to attend the meeting is to give face!

Among the former allies, the right to speak is the French, and there is no way to be a gold owner, and you will have confidence if you have money!

But it's different now, the British are here! The pride of the British Empire cannot tolerate being a younger brother, the French must give way!

If it's just the boss in name, it doesn't matter, let it be! But this also involves the distribution of the interests of countries in the future and its influence in international politics!

Simply put, it is like a joint-stock company is about to be established, and everyone is fighting for the distribution of equity.

Like Bulgaria, a small shareholder with one or two points, just watch the show on the side; France and Russia are equivalent to the founders of the company, and the British are the new owners of the new shares.

There are many shares obtained now, and the weight of speaking in the company will be in the future, and the later dividends will be more!

When it comes to the right to speak and the distribution of benefits in the future, the three countries, Britain, France, and Russia, naturally give up. Although the British have the most cards, France and Russia are not less than them, and the two sides have begun to talk!


After the British began the era of the Dreadnoughts, the arms race between countries has intensified, and everyone has started dumplings.

The Royal Navy has always been the two strong standards for implementation, that is, the strength of the navy I ≥ the sum of the world's second and third countries!

Due to national strength, the old opponents of the French and Russians, the former British, did not keep up this time, and the Germans took over the stick!

Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, the British have not yet officially added the Allies. Therefore, the British are even more eager to reach a temporary agreement with Germany. They are trying to use the agreement to drag the expansion of the German navy!

Obviously, this negotiation came to an end! Germany, which is already on the rise, now needs a sword in its hands-grabbing enough markets for domestic businesses.

But this is exactly what the British cannot give. After all, the industry and commerce of the British Empire also needs sufficient markets, and there is no room for compromise between the two sides!

But letting the Germans continue to grow will also threaten the British hegemony, and the national strategic security, the contradiction between Britain and Germany will start to intensify!

Oh, has Bulgaria really become a spectator in this international change?

In fact, Ferdinand has been pushing behind the scenes. For example, historically, the conflict between the two sides intensified due to the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina by the Italians; but these are no longer there. The Austro-Hungarian Empire annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina as early as 1897. At that time, Italy had just defeated northern Ethiopia. Naturally There is no confidence and people are arguing!

Even because of Albania, the Italians had a conflict with Bulgaria for a time.

However, the Roman government has just changed, and the new government probably has no confidence in its 6th army and does not want to follow in the previous term, or it is afraid that Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire have reached an agreement. The conflict born in 1897, the two sides Just limited to a fight, and it ended!

Similarly, due to the effects of the Balkan War, the Ottoman Empire had to continue to give in to the Germans. Now it has tied the chariots of the Allies, and the two sides are only one peace treaty!

The Italians' attempt failed again, and their plan to expand in Libya was opposed by the Germans. At the same time, because the British still have joined the Allies, it will certainly not be possible to attract them.

After all, without the endorsement of the entire Allies, the Italians still dare not start the Ottoman Empire! Not to mention other, as long as the British open the Suez Canal to the Turks, the Italians will be blind!

Oh, these little things are not enough to change the 6 European trends. Ferdinand knows that the two major alliances will eventually take shape. The focus of Bulgaria is still the Balkans!


Due to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, Bulgaria's strong rise, now Sofia has become the political, economic and cultural center of the Balkans!

Ferdinand's long-term cultural export is not in vain. Now Greece, Romania, the Kingdom of Montenegro, and even the Ottoman Empire have a group of people of insight. They chose to study in Bulgaria and learn how to become a strong country!

After all, compared with other countries, the rise of Bulgaria is too legendary. From a small Balkan country to the present-only the position of the six major powers in Europe is completely a model of rebellion!

Oh, this is also indispensable to the push of governments of all countries, this is in exchange for their **** lessons!

After all, it is very dangerous to study in other major powers. The messy revolutionary ideas are even more horrifying for any ruler!

Bulgaria is much safer. Any knowledge can be learned here, but they have not been taught how to rebel!

Those who returned from studying abroad in Bulgaria have learned a technique no matter how bad they are and can easily find a job.

The ruling class is not stupid, knowing what they need, even if it is politically hostile to Bulgaria, but when sending international students, everyone still gives priority to Bulgaria!

Although tuition fees in Bulgaria are much higher, and the only two universities have the highest degree of difficulty in enrolling in the world, most people can only go to ordinary technical colleges, but for governments of all countries, these problems can be overcome!

This is an unexpected gain for Ferdinand.

The current education in Bulgaria is aimed at training engineers and scientists. Usually everyone is very busy and has no time to think wildly.

There is also a brainwashing ideological education ~ ~ instilling the concepts of loyalty and patriotism, and hard work and prosperity, which is exactly what any monarchy country likes. It is not enough for foreign students to think!

Ferdinand knows that with the exhibition in Bulgaria, the scope and number of international students will continue to increase, and most of these international students will remain high after returning home, which will greatly help expand Bulgaria's regional influence!

Of course, it is impossible to open the back door! Bulgaria's educational resources are precious, and what it teaches is real knowledge. It is not the same as the foreign students recruited by the great powers to export revolutions!

No matter who it is, as long as you don't pass the exam, you will be insulated from the university!

Unless you pay more than ten times the tuition fee to become an auditor, you are not even eligible to enter the school!

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