Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 58: 20,000 cannon fodder

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, we just heard the news from our ambassador in Vienna, saying that the former Prime Minister, Mr. Stefan Nikolov Stambolov, is in critical condition, and he hopes to return to Bulgaria again during his lifetime!"

"Okay, tell Mr. Stambolov, the ambassador of Vienna, that he is a hero of Bulgaria. In Vienna, for medical treatment, he must arrange his life. If he wants to come back, he can do it anytime!" Ferdinand said in a low tone. Say

In any case, Stambolov also went a long way in supporting Ferdinand. Before the two were unable to fight for rights, now he is dying. Ferdinand cannot naturally continue to embarrass him. It's up!

In fact, except for sending his former cabinet to Vienna, Ferdinand has never treated them physically. Continue to take care of the wages issued by the Bulgarian government and "cure" there!

In addition to the restrictions on freedom in the first few years, after the first Balkan war, Ferdinand was in full swing and they were completely free. They could go anywhere except they could not return to Bulgaria.

Alas, they are not allowed to return to Bulgaria, mainly because they are carrying too much money, and there are too many enemies in the country, which may threaten their lives.

Now I'm going to die. If I want to return to my hometown, there will be no problem. Anyway, the time has passed for more than 20 years.

Even if they were their enemies, they have already passed the Secondary 2 period, and the hatred has faded over time.

After all, Ferdinand also did not convict them, and sent them directly to Vienna for medical treatment. Now returning to China is also the former Prime Minister. It is not so easy to find revenge, if the police are caught, the whole family will be unlucky!

Well, at this moment, Ferdinand was softened, and even thought of turning over the case for them!

No, this is not a case reversal, since they have not been convicted. At best, it can be regarded as re-characterizing the things of the year!

Alas, Ferdinand soon dismissed this idea, and it was not the right time. The world war is imminent.

Uh ...

A small episode passed quickly. Although the Bulgarian government has built up debt in recent years, the payout and return are always proportional.

Especially in terms of population, in recent years, a nationwide baby boom has broken out in Bulgaria. The huge subsidies issued by the government's finances have frightened many people. The Minister of Finance Kennedy has repeatedly protested to Ferdinand.

In fact, Ferdinand was also scared by this baby boom. If it continues, Bulgaria will soon become a baby kingdom!

In 1910, the Family Planning Law had just been implemented, and the number of newborn babies in Bulgaria was 1.032 million. In 1911, the number of newborn babies in Bulgaria rose rapidly to 1.293 million. By 1912, the number of newborn babies in Bulgaria had reached 1.436 million.

Fortunately, statistics from the United Nations Department of Statistics show that in 1913, there may be a slight decline, otherwise Bulgaria's finances will really be overwhelmed. After all, the higher the number of subsidies, the higher the cost will be!

In 1910, the Family Planning Law had just been implemented, and the annual financial subsidy was 52.862 million levs (approximately 2.114 million pounds); by 1911, this number quickly rose to 123 million levs (approximately 4.92 million pounds) ; In 1912, it increased to 168 million levs (about 6.72 million pounds).

I do n’t know if I do n’t know the statistics, Ferdinand was startled when I counted them. There were quite a few people who had four or five children in this age. Without Ferdinand ’s family planning law, they would probably not dare to continue.

There were no good contraceptive measures in this era. The probability of pregnancy has always been very high. Many families have to give birth because they cannot afford it.

It's different now, all the worries are gone, and there are rewards to take, of course, we must work hard to create people!

估计 According to statistical data, if Ferdinand persists in implementing the Family Planning Law, the average rate of population growth in Bulgaria can easily break 4%, and it is not impossible to break through 5% in some years!

This means that Bulgaria's population may double in 16 or 7 years!

It is even more exaggerated than doubling the population in 20 years, but it is a natural growth rate. Bulgaria was caused by the double stimulation of administrative and economic means!

Of course, the financial cost to pay for this is also inevitable. As the population grows, the subsidy will naturally increase, and it is estimated that it will be an astronomical figure in the future.

But after thinking about the demographic dividend, Ferdinand chose to continue to implement it until one day the finances can't afford it!

By the end of 1912, the total population of Bulgaria had exceeded 25.662 million. After deducting 386,000 immigrants in the past three years, the rest were the gospel brought by the Family Planning Law.

Well, with the 30 million people Ferdinand is expecting, it seems that there is no hope before the World War. It can only be said that the situation has stabilized, and immigrants are not good enough!

Alas, mainly the Bulgarian Immigration Law has too many restrictions. Of course, those who meet the immigration conditions are not easy to get rid of!

Otherwise, Nicholas II didn't mind giving the group of political prisoners to Ferdinand, including the workers and family members involved in the trouble, and the random 8 million people were not a problem!

What a pity, this group of Ferdinand is really afraid to ask! He bet that if all these people were brought to Bulgaria, the Bulgarian civil war would soon erupt after the outbreak of the World War, and the Tsarist government would escape!

Regarding the "unstable elements" mixed in, officials of the Immigration Department came out a lot and found out in advance, of course, it was returned to Russia intact!

There are also some individuals who were exposed in the later period, so I'm sorry, the mine is their final destination! In theory, there is no entry or exit. At present, Bulgaria has not been found to have been released from prison!

For the sake of safety, the current immigrants, unless they are technical and scientific research talents, can be directly naturalized. The rest are immigrant workers. They not only require language and culture, but also have an observation period of up to five to ten years. Naturalization!

Uh ...

Although the population of Bulgaria is growing rapidly, it can't hydrolyze near thirst! When these newborn babies grow up, it is estimated that daylily is cold!

According to the strategic plan formulated by Ferdinand, while defending the Austro-Hungarian empire's offensive, it must also take the initiative to launch an offensive against the Ottoman Empire, and if possible, also kill the Kingdom of Montenegro and Romania.

完成 If this plan is to be completed, Bulgaria ’s troop strength will be insufficient. It ca n’t really burst into the liver at the beginning of the war, right?

To defend the offensive of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, if Belgrade is captured from the beginning of the war, then 700,000 to 800,000 troops will be enough! If the first step is not completed, then 1.2 million troops will be insured!

With Nicholas I ’s poor personality and the support of his allies, Ferdinand estimates that the Kingdom of Montenegro is likely to explode 150,000 to 200,000 troops, taking into account the Italian attack, so even if it is to defend Albania Two hundred thousand troops were deployed.

With a population of more than 6 million in Romania, Carroll I could still mobilize 700,000 to 800,000 troops. Even if he worked with the Russians, how could there be 3,400,000 troops?

五 50,000 troops on the Greek peninsula are indispensable. How can the Aegean islands have 30,000 or 40,000 troops?

一 For the front line of the Black Sea Fleet, to prevent the Ottoman attack, there must be 200,000 troops. How can the domestic reserve team be no less than 500,000?

After a crackling count, the two million troops were so divided up. This has not counted the troops in the colonies. Of course, Ferdinand was ready to give up the colonies in the short term.

As for the defenders? Of course, I used to guard the Suez Canal with the British in the past. I believe John Bull will certainly welcome with both hands. After all, as soon as the war begins, their strength will be insufficient.

If you want to attack the Ottoman Empire, there is no 1.8 million troops. Ferdinand doesn't think that it can achieve much success, but in any case, this war will still be fought.

The reason is very simple. Once the Asia Minor Peninsula is launched, Bulgaria's eastern route will be safe. Don't worry about the Ottoman attack!

After all, the Black Sea Strait is too narrow. In theory, crossing the sea is feasible. After all, Ferdinand has also seen the liberation of Hainan Island. He doesn't think that the Ottomans would dare desperately!

都要 Anyway, I have to fight, of course, it is much better to fight outside the homeland! If the Ottomans had landed on the Balkans, Bulgaria would have suffered heavy losses, and Ferdinand probably could only cry quietly!

Jeff Ferdinand knew the cruelty of the World War. For whatever reason, he did not intend to break out at the beginning of the war, which was not in the interest of Bulgaria.

British and French colonies can pull cannon fodder. In history, the French armed more than 1.4 million colonial troops and put them on the battlefield. The British Empire even formed 4 to 5 million cannon fodder troops. Many Indians died, and they would not. The lack of people!

With so many successful examples, Ferdinand is naturally ready to follow suit. Anyway, cannon fodder troops have always been cheap endorsements, and even post-war care can be saved!

Of course, do n’t expect colonies in Bulgaria. Although the area is more than 2 million square kilometers, what is the current population?

Most of the puppets were returned to the Ottoman Empire by Ferdinand. It is estimated that even one million people are not enough now, let alone consider the armed colonial army!

In fact, there were not many people in the colonies of Bulgaria before. With their backward productivity, they could not afford the extra population at all!

But it doesn't matter, there is no need to form a colonial army, but Ferdinand has a better choice! Isn't the hairy next door the best choice?

They are strong and powerful, as long as they are armed and trained a little, they have not weak combat power. It is not too much to bully the Ottomans?

Anyway, both of them have been fighting for hundreds of years, and the hatred has long penetrated into their bones. As long as they are put on the Asia Minor Peninsula, the two sides can only die for you. Even the problem of captives has been solved incidentally!

Of course, now the most important thing is to deceive. Find a way to deceive a group of young labors from Russia. When the war breaks out, they will be armed and sent to the battlefield.

If after the war breaks out, it will be troublesome to pull people again. The Tsarist government will certainly open a lion and not pay enough benefits. How can Nicholas II let people go?

Uh ...

"Prime Minister, how many Russian laborers are there in Bulgaria now?" Ferdinand asked

"Your Majesty, the number of migrant workers often changes, and it is difficult for the government to calculate accurate figures. There are about 800,000 people now!" Constantine thought about it

Jeff Ferdinand shook his head and said, "Not enough! Now the government has to find a way to draw people from Russia as much as possible, the better!

Our business with the Russian aristocracy can be restarted. This time, as long as we are young, we can tell the Russians that we need to develop a Greek peninsula without a lot of labor! "

Constantine asked in confusion: "Your Majesty, there is no problem in bringing in labor, but what do we want so many people to do?

The "Three Five-Year Plan" is coming to an end ~ ~ Even the employment resettlement of domestic migrant workers, the government must take the lead? "

After a smile, Ferdinand said slightly, "Don't you think that the smell of gunpowder in Europe is already strong? In case of the two major alliances fighting, do you think it will be able to separate the winners and losers in the short term?"

Constantine thought for a while, then nodded and understood. The two people's unspoken hearts determined the fate of these workers!

As for whether you can get enough young and strong, Ferdinand said that the Russian noble masters will do well, and the price offered by Bulgaria is not low. It is the right way to replace these useless gray animals with rubles!

Anyway, this business has been going on for more than ten years. It is an open secret in Russia. Every year, hundreds of thousands, and tens of thousands of Russians enter Bulgaria through this channel.

In previous transactions, the tsarist government also found that as long as the population of a certain place decreases, local law and order will become better, and over time, no one will worry about it.

After all, the lowest-level civilians are traded, and most of them are ethnic minorities. This will help increase the proportion of Russia's main ethnic group and increase the stability of the country.

More importantly, it also helps the noble masters to carry out land merger, which facilitates their plundering of wealth!

Uh ...

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