Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v4 Chapter 66: ,bombing

After the outbreak of the World War, European countries issued official face-to-face documents one after another, with a grand statement of the justice of their country's participation in the war, and detained the enemy who started the war.

The French government shouted: "Fight for France"; (French: Fight for revenge and regain lost ground!)

The German government declares: "Fight for the dignity of the country"; (German: fight for the land under the sun, fight for resources, markets!)

The British government declared: "Fight for the peace of the world, for the stability of Europe"; (British: Did n’t you say good peace? Why did you fight so quickly? Hans is too presumptuous, and dare to ignore Britain The Empire's warning must teach them a lesson!)

The Russian government declared: "Fighting for the Slavic brothers being insulted by the Austro-Hungarian Empire"; (Russian: Where are the Slavic brothers? Bulgaria? It seems wrong, how about the Austro-Hungarians failing to take them? Is it? Serbia, do they count?)

The Austro-Hungarian government declared: "The enemy is here, take up arms to defend the country"; (Well, the Austro-Hungarian Empire ’s ethnic composition is too complicated. Each has its own plans. Some people want to expand the territory and some people want the nation. Independent. In general, can you wait? We are not ready yet!)

The Italian government declared: "The enemies have declared war, and we are forced to fight"; (Italian: We did n’t do anything? Is it because we are allies that we have to participate in the war? Damn three-nation alliance, labor and capital really do not want to go fight!)

The Ottoman government shouted: "~~ Jihad, recapture Constantinople"; (Turks: revenge and snow hate, give the Russians and Bulgarians a little color and let them teach them ~~~ Great! Arabs: It doesn't matter if you want to fight! Other minorities: the opportunity for independence is coming!)

The Romanian government declared: "Fighting to regain lost ground"; (Romanians: Bulgarians are so fierce! Bears are so fierce! Why are we caught in the middle? This is not fair!)

The Kingdom of Montenegro declared: "Fight for defending the country and defending the country"; (Montenegro: Lao Tzu does not want to fight Bulgaria, if he wants, he will fight Austro-Hungarian Empire to seize Serbia, we will build the Kingdom of Montenegro!)

All governments participating in the war have their own reasons for participating in the war. Bulgaria is no exception. The Second Balkan War is the best excuse. All of the "Anti-Protection Alliance" joined the alliance except Greece, which has already ended.

The Bulgarian government's reason for participating in the war is, naturally, "to fight for national security"!

This reason is very strong, at least the Bulgarians believe it, or rather: "Fight for land, military achievements!"


At the same time as the governments of various countries fought propaganda wars, the war was also in full swing.

The Germans and the French have begun to face forward. The blood of millions of troops fighting on the German-French border has flowed into the river; the Eastern Bears and Germans are fighting in a three-way battle; Bulgarian Balkans are launching an attack on Belgrade, and Montenegro is attacking Bulgaria. .

The bitter Romania is preparing to pick one and two. Ferdinand, who has just inherited the Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen dynasty, has yet to take the initiative to attack.

Although the World War has begun, the climax has not come. In addition to preparing for Bulgaria in advance, all countries are still carrying out the final mobilization work.

Therefore, the Italians were hard-pressed. As a member of the Confederacy, Italy was prepared in advance, but all defended the French offense.

As for Taranto is the rear, is it necessary to defend? Depending on the strength of the Italian navy and the shore guns of the port, even if the allied Mediterranean fleet is pulled over, everyone can lose out. In addition to the reserve of ammunition, what else needs to be prepared?

In the early morning of March 9, the Italians just woke up from their sleep and had not had time to enjoy a delicious breakfast. There was a roar in the sky, and a group of "big birds" whistled past.

The tranquility of the port of Taranto was broken, a tongue of fire spewed out of the sky, and the Italian navy soldiers who were doing morning exercises fell in response.

That's right, the first generation of the Bulgarian Air Force's Falcon 1 fighter is the way forward, designed by the famous Anthony Fokker.

In history, the young aircraft designer Zeng Huaicai never met. After the outbreak of the World War, the British offered him a ten-million-dollar price, but was destroyed by German intelligence organizations. He did not know until after the war.

Of course, before the outbreak of the World War, aircraft designers were not much valued, and this time and space is no exception. Anthony Fokker accepted Ferdinand's olive branch at the most disappointing time.

The Falcon 1 generation fighter is a single-wing fighter, which is an improved version of the famous Fokker E.Ⅲ fighter!

After all, it was temporarily created in history after the outbreak of the war, and the first generation of the Falcon has been perfected for two years, and its performance has been greatly improved.


Size: Captain: 7.3 meters;

Wingspan: 9.52 meters;

Machine height: 2.39 meters

Wing area: 16 square meters

Weight: empty weight: 486 kg, maximum take-off weight: 628 kg

Flight performance: maximum speed: 211 km / h;

Range: 4 hours;

Output power: 260 horsepower;

Ceiling: 6300 meters;

Climbing rate: 3000 meters / 15min

Weaponry: 1 or 2 Mark Qin LMG08 / 157.92 mm fixed machine guns in front of the cockpit

Obviously it is a fighter, but the bomb load has caught up with the ordinary bomber. Ferdinand is too lazy to ask what is going on, but it is still better to use it to lead the battle.

After a round of machine-gun firing at a height of 100 meters, the Italians were completely in chaos, and air defense firepower did not exist.

Because the speeds of the planes are different, although they take off at the same time, the fighter still has to reach its destination by bombers for more than ten minutes.

So the first batch of Falcon 1 generations launched the first round of attacks. Since the Italians did not have air defense firepower, the Bulgarian Air Force launched the attack at a height of hundreds of meters.

Obviously, the target of this operation is not these naval soldiers, they are only incidental. The main target is the Italian navy warships in the port of Taranto. The attack on the crowd was mainly to disrupt the order.

Facts have proved that this time the Bulgarian Air Force started very smoothly. For the first time, it faced the threat from the sky. The Italians below have completely lost their organization and made a mess.

Immediately afterwards, everyone accidentally aimed at the warships in the port and started bombing.

Of course, even with a fixed target at a height of only 100 meters, the hit rate during high-speed flight is not good.

But it doesn't matter, the number of Italian naval ships in the port of Taranto is enough, and the distance is not too far. If you don't hit this one, you can hit another. This is much more accurate than the night attack!

As for the reaction of the Italians, they are naturally in a state of persecution, and there is no guy who wants to fight back!

Shooting down a plane with a rifle, this only exists in the anti-Japanese drama, and it is not much different from tearing the plane by hand. It does not exist under real circumstances!

According to incomplete statistics, the probability of shooting down an aircraft with a rifle is even lower than the probability that the aircraft itself will fall from the sky!

As for shooting down the aircraft with heavy machine guns and light machine guns, it is even more nonsense. If you point the muzzle at the sky, you do n’t have to worry about jamming, you also have to worry about the bomb! Why not produce a special anti-aircraft machine gun?

The bombing time soon ended. After a loud noise, a mess was left. The pilots did not care about the statistics and continued to shoot at the crowd with machine guns.

A few minutes later, the bombers also roared, and they were the main force of the attack. The main purpose of the fighters was to disrupt the order and prevent the Italians from organizing and leaving the warship.

Unlike the fighter's attack, the bomber's intensity will be much greater, and the hit rate has also improved significantly. Hundreds of tons of bombs were dumped in the Italian military port, and a large number of warships were hit.

One warship began to sink at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. After the bombing was completed, the bomber began to return, while the fighter continued to create chaos.

The Italians also began to fight back with no strength, and they didn't know which idiot ordered it. They actually thought that the airship could deal with the plane, and then there was no more!

Whether it's an Italian plane or an airship, it just contributed a new record to the Bulgarian Air Force!

The use of reconnaissance aircraft against fighter jets and the use of airships against fighter jets can only be said that the Italians were in desperate medical conditions.

However, Major General George Fusser, the Italian Navy's on duty, was powerless and had to make a final effort. Although it might be in vain, he had to die in front of the crisis as a live horse doctor!

After all the bombers had evacuated, the fighters also began to retreat. There was no way to limit the explosive power of the aircraft of this era ~ ~ The Falcon 1's endurance time is theoretically 4 hours. In fact, this time must also be considered. The take-off and landing time, more than two hours have passed since the start of the departure, and the evacuation now, it will be a big trouble if we don't retreat!

Aircraft of this era cannot land on the water. If you have to try it, you will definitely sink to the bottom without doubt!

After the first round of bombing, Major General George Messer immediately organized a manpower to start the fire. Unfortunately, the second round of bombing was inoculated again. The Italian navy, which had not had time to organize, was chaotic again. The chaotic crowd was scrambling around. Look for shelter from bombardment.

Fortunately, the Bulgarian Air Force is not their target. The bombing target is not only the warships in the port. After the first round of bombing, the Italian navy has suffered heavy losses.

In addition to splitting half of the planes to continue bombing warships this time, others have set their sights on the turrets and shipyards to destroy as much as possible the Italian naval warfare potential, which is also the main purpose of this operation!
