Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 102: ,influences

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads !? The eldest son's marriage has been set, but Ferdinand has a heart, but unfortunately as long as I remember that there are still five boys waiting As a result, he was not happy.

Even if they are not crown princes, the range of marriage choices should be so large that they have to marry an old nobleman. The standard cannot be lowered.

This is the price of being born into the royal family. From childhood to age, marriage must be sacrificed.

Of course, this is only for those who have lived in the ivory tower since childhood. There are still many people who are willing to make such sacrifices.

"Your Majesty, this is our naval department, the new shipbuilding plan, please look at it!" Said the new Navy Minister, General Pert-Ivanov.

Ferdinand took the form and took a closer look.

Twenty years have passed since Bulgaria's earliest intrepid service in 1907, and the service life will soon be reached. At this time, a new warship must be built to fill this vacancy.

After reading the document, Ferdinand smiled and said, "Your Navy Department, this time is preparing for a major blood exchange!"

According to the plan of the Ministry of the Navy, the Bulgarian Navy will gradually retire eight fearless ships, two battle cruisers, twelve cruisers in the next five years ...

Almost all Bulgarian naval warships have been replaced. This is also no way out. From 1915 to the present, in addition to adding two aircraft carriers and replacing some small warships in the eleven years, the Bulgarian Navy has never been built again. New battleship.

"Your Majesty, there is no way our warships are far behind the times, it is impossible to change or not!" Admiral Pert, the Minister of the Navy, thought about it and said

"Well, in principle, I agree with your shipbuilding plan, but the question is what to do with the London Treaty?

According to the provisions of the treaty, the tonnage of our navy main ship must not exceed 330,000 metric tons, and the total tonnage of aircraft carriers must not exceed 120,000 metric tons. Your plan has exceeded the standard! Ferdinand said with a smile

The London Treaty has now become a shackle for countries to expand their navies.

But it is not easy to break the constraints of the London Treaty. At least Ferdinand will not come out and be the first to tear up the treaty.

At any time, breaking the norm comes at a price. Now the Bulgarian Navy does need to be expanded, but this need is not so urgent.

It seems to Ferdinand that the expansion of the navy one day earlier is no different from the expansion of the navy one day later!

If Ferdinand was willing, the size of the Bulgarian navy could be doubled within two years, but it didn't make any sense.

In this period, the world is generally peaceful, and even if the conflict between Britain and Japan intensifies, it is not to the point where war will break out.

It can be said that as long as the Japanese army does not take the initiative to attack the British, this war cannot be fought.

Under the general anti-war environment, the London government continued the counter-insurgency war, and the British people can still accept it. If they take the initiative to provoke the war, it is estimated that the British people will fall, and no politician will take this risk!

Not only did Ferdinand see this issue clearly, but the Japanese government also saw it clearly, so they dared to resist, and by the way, added a block to the British.

Since the war cannot be fought, the urgency of Bulgaria's expansion of the navy has been greatly reduced. Even Ferdinand believes that even if a new round of world war breaks out, most of the Bulgarian navy still kills soy sauce.

"Your Majesty, the London Treaty is about to become a piece of waste paper. Now all the countries in the world are eager to move. They are trying to expand the navy tonnage!"

"It's about to become a piece of waste paper, right?

In short, Bulgaria is a responsible big country. This kind of violation of the treaty can not do things that harm our country's credibility!

Take the plan back and redo it. The size of our navy must be within the scope of the treaty. Unless you can invite God and his elderly, don't try to convince me! Ferdinand said very clearly

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Pelter replied.

He knew that without sufficient reasons, Ferdinand could not agree to expand the navy. Now that the military costs of the Bulgarian Armed Forces are land, air, and sea, they know how the status of the navy is.

Needless to say, the Army is the foundation of Bulgaria. As a land-powered country, Bulgaria cannot reduce its investment in the army in any way.

The Air Force also ambitiously formulated a global strategic strike plan, and it has also been approved, as long as the navy's global strategy has been defeated by His Majesty Ferdinand.

It ’s just the queen mother, I do n’t hurt, I do n’t love!

Many people do not know that Ferdinand personally worked out the Air Force's global strategic strike plan. That is: establish military bases at important nodes around the world, and use long-range bombers to cover any important city in the world.

Ferdinand originally planned to cover any corner of the world, but considering the technology of this era, he gave up decisively.

It is good to be able to cover the major cities. So far Bulgaria has focused on the European continent. If production costs are not considered, a new generation of strategic bombers can already do it.

The world strategy has just begun, and even the military bases established by the Bulgarian Navy overseas are just one part of it.

So far, less than ten people know about this strategic plan. Even if this strategy is already being implemented, it is covered by smoke bombs on the surface.

Every Bulgarian overseas military base must have an airport built on it, but it is not the Air Force, but the overseas colonial garrison.

Everyone has been wondering. As the only country in the world that dispatches aircraft to companies, there are airports on military bases. What's the problem?

It's nothing more than a big airport repair. This is understandable to everyone. The pilot's skills are not good enough. Naturally, a large airport must be built.

In order not to attract the attention of the British, so far this strategic plan has been carried out very conservatively. The overseas military bases owned by the Bulgarian Navy are still very scarce.

Except for occupying a small island in a sovereign land, the Bulgarian navy did not make major moves. And this occupation is limited to marking a landmark on it.

After all, the islands suitable for human existence basically have owners, and the real land without owners is that they ca n’t really live!

It is nothing more than to seize sovereignty in advance. Once resources are found in these areas in the future, Bulgaria will have a first-mover advantage.


"Your Majesty, the Dutch government has asked us for help!" Said Foreign Minister Megeve

"So fast?" Ferdinand asked in amazement.

He didn't think that the Dutch would ask Bulgaria for help, but it was too fast?

It took only a few days for the two royal families to marry, and they began to draw closer politically. Haven't they considered the feelings of the British Empire?

"His Majesty, on the issue of Indonesia, Mr. Churchill was terrified of the Dutch. Now the Dutch government is afraid to ask the British for help, and at the same time they cannot give up Indonesia.

In addition to the British, in Southeast Asia, as long as we and the French have the strength to help them calm down the rebellion.

The French ’s own Luzon rebellion has not been resolved, and the Vietnamese region is not stable now. They are a bit self-conscious. Apart from asking us for help, the Dutch government now has no choice! Metiev explained

Ferdinand nodded, he figured out that the Dutch were scared by the boss. At this time, let the frontline army and the British fight together. I am afraid that only God knows if something will happen!

"What about the conditions offered by the Dutch government?" Ferdinand asked with concern.

"The Dutch government can transfer some of the islands to us for a fee. The exact place has not been determined.

According to our analysis by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this time the Dutch were frightened by the British's move. They were afraid that the British would swallow Indonesia, so they pulled us in.

At the same time, the Dutch were also worried that we would annex Indonesia, so he took no action until the news of the marriage between the two royal families spread, and they made up their minds! "Metev analyzed

If Bulgaria had no ambitions with Indonesia before, it is estimated that no one would believe it, even Ferdinand himself would not believe it.

But now, Bulgaria really has no ambitions for Indonesia. Even if the interests of Indonesia are so great, the Bulgarian government will not be able to make small moves when the two countries marry.

Just like the Bulgaria-Russia marriage that year, Bulgaria obtained the qualification to expand in the Balkans. This time, the Bulgarian government had to give up its ambitions for Indonesia.

"Well, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can continue to communicate with the Dutch, our strategic focus is not in Southeast Asia, and the Dutch colonies were originally outside the scope of our plan.

Indonesia has many islands. We don't want to use it in areas with dense population, high economic value and special strategic value.

If the Dutch need us to send troops to help, they can choose to pay commissions or take out a few sparsely populated islands as a reward for this military operation! Ferdinand thought for a while

Ferdinand had a face. At this time, it was impossible for him to take advantage of the fire. Just like the beginning of the Russian civil war, he paid for his money and helped Nicholas II survive the first difficulty.

This time, even if the Dutch casually took a few islands to make up the number or paid a super-low commission, Ferdinand also recognized it as a gift to the future daughter-in-law, in short, you can't lose face!

The so-called penny-for-money, the level of Dutch bids also determines the strength of the Bulgarian army.

If the bid is too low, then driving the rebels into the jungle and helping the Dutch to recover the city will complete the task, leaving the latter to handle the problems themselves.

Conversely, if the Dutch are willing to pay, the Bulgarian army will also provide high-end services that can help them conduct a comprehensive purge in the colony.

"We don't have to be too aggressive, it's better to let the Dutch cooperate with the British once more. The bigger the loss they eat, the better the effect of sending charcoal in the snow!" After thinking about it, Ferdinand added

"His Majesty, based on the strength of the British in Southeast Asia, if it is easy to join forces with the Dutch to annihilate the rebellion, then we are not ..." Megeve asked in amazement

"Don't worry, the Japanese will not let them calm down the rebellion so easily. The number of indigenous people in Southeast Asia is over 100 million. As long as these people are organized, this rebellion will not be easily suppressed.

What's more, you don't find out that the commanders of the British are particularly strong?

Since the initial Philippine Islands rebellion, Mr. Churchill personally went to command, and the rebellion spread to the Malay Peninsula, and now the Burmese has also rebelled.

If nothing unexpected happens, the Southeast Peninsula will soon be chaotic. Even if the fire is finally burned to India, I will not be surprised! Ferdinand mocked

"Your Majesty, it is unlikely that this will happen. The British are powerful, and even if the Japanese do small moves, they dare not touch India!

Although Mr. Churchill's military capabilities are not comparable to our generals, he is also a great British empire. If it were not for the Japanese, these rebellions would have been calmed down! Prime Minister Constantine said with some hesitation

Yes, in this time and space, Mr. Churchill is a famous British player. Although there is no outstanding record, others can play it!

Therefore, everyone is still very confident in him. At least, it is really awesome to open his resume. In the great victory that the British army achieved in World War I, he has his figure!

Ferdinand did not explain that they were all civilians who could not figure out how many military mistakes the British made in Southeast Asia. It is understandable.

If they saw a case study by the General Staff, they would find that in Southeast Asia, the British army was dying in flower style.

Using 800,000 troops to counter-insured ~ ~ It has not been pushed all the way, but it has been steadily fighting. Such an obvious fake report, the professionals will know at a glance that the British are losing on the Southeast Asian battlefield!

According to the analysis of the Bulgarian General Staff, defeating these rebels on the front battlefield is simply an easy task. The real trouble is that after winning, the enemy flees into the jungle and wants to annihilate.

Moreover, can the Japanese army of this era measure them by ordinary standards?

Maybe the Japanese government knows the scale, and Japan's top military officers also know the scale, but can you expect them to have a big picture?

When the Japanese government acquiesced to the military's actions, they were out of control, especially after entering Southeast Asia, they completely released themselves.

Without the constraints of their superiors, they are all acting according to their own ideas, and everyone's goals are different.

Some people just want to destroy the British and avenge their suppression of Japan; others are ready to overthrow the British, colonize in Southeast Asia, and make this part of Japan ...

In short, as soon as ambition breeds, it will be out of control. When will the war spread to India? It depends on their mood.

"Let's wait and see!" Ferdinand said with a smile

Everyone closed their mouths obediently. History has proven Ferdinand's precise judgment many times. Even if there is a big question in their hearts, every time they prove that the king's judgment is correct. The courage to argue!

This is a good thing, it can ensure that Ferdinand's order is meticulously carried out; it is also a bad thing, the king's authority is too great, even if Ferdinand's decision is wrong, they will still execute , Is not conducive to the long-term development of the country!
