Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 121: Nine countries

On October 4, 1927, British Foreign Secretary Edley submitted a "Proposal on the Handling of Russian Issues" to the League of Nations Conference, which began the division of the Russian Empire.

It was also on this day that the meeting of the League of Nations accepted the representatives of Russian Poland, Finland, Belarus, and the Baltic Sea to join the talks.

In the case of Bulgarian soy sauce, Britain and France dominated the conference of the League of Nations, the sole legal status of the Tsarist government on behalf of the Russian Empire ceased to exist, and representatives of all parties appeared as heirs of the Russian Empire.

On October 7, the League of Nations approved the application for independence in the above-mentioned regions. This move was strongly opposed by the Tsarist government, but was still approved by a high vote.

Nicholas II wanted to be the nominal leader of the major powers, but was also rejected by representatives of all parties. The division of the Russian Empire was unavoidable.

St. Petersburg

After receiving the final decision of the League of Nations, Nicholas II tore up the telegram angrily, and then had to accept this reality.

At this point, all he can do is to preserve the vitality of the country as much as possible and prepare for the future.

"Prime Minister, what do the Bulgarians say?" Nicholas II asked with concern.

"His Majesty, Bulgaria promises to continue to support us at the League of Nations conference. But judging from the progress of this conference, Bulgarians have changed their attitude towards us, and many times they have chosen to be silent!" Said the Prime Minister in a difficult state.

"Asshole, they're naked betrayal!" Nicholas II slammed the table and said angrily

"Your Majesty, let it be!" The Prime Minister reassured

"Do you think I can anger it? The most important ally of the Russian Empire suddenly betrayed us, but we had to bear it!" Nicholas II said fiercely

"Your Majesty, the situation is not so bad. Bulgarians are still on our side, but for the benefit, they cannot resist the pressure of British and French diplomacy for us!" Said the Minister of Finance

"Tell the Bulgarians that if they cannot support us fully in the subsequent meetings, then the Bulgaria-Russia alliance will be lifted!" Nicholas II sneered

"Your Majesty, no! Without the Bulgarian-Russian Alliance, the situation would be even worse!" The Prime Minister said in a hurry

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister is right. Without the Bulgarian Union, the situation will be even worse.

In the following negotiations, the rebels supported by Britain and France will definitely have to make inroads! The Minister of Finance reminded


In an instant, the following military and political leaders urged damping Gula II. Such an untimely move is simply the way to death.

Nicholas II is not stupid. How could he not know? Only in a hurry, he blurted out, and said that he regretted it.

There are things you can think about, but you can't say them!

The current tsarist government has left Bulgaria's support, and maybe within six months, they will collapse! Everyone is on this chain of interest. Naturally, this tragedy must be prevented.

The current Tsar is not as deterrent as the previous Tsar. In order to suppress the rebellion, Nicholas II also made a series of concessions, and the power of the cabinet has been greatly increased.

The tsars before the World War were angry, and they could get the cabinet off, but now Nicholas II cannot.

In theory, he had the right to dissolve the cabinet. In fact, Nicholas II was afraid to toss anyway. Without the support of these people, his czar status could be disregarded at any time.

He followed the example of Bulgaria ’s military aristocracy system, which was indeed very effective, allowing him to gain his military heart and keep the throne, but now this group has begun to get out of control.

The newly rising military aristocrats no longer completely listened to the command of his tsar, they also began to consider for their own interests.

Coupled with a series of failures, it is also constantly cracking down on the prestige of the Tsar. In the minds of these bureaucrats, Nicholas II is no longer a high god, just an ordinary person.

From God to man, the consequences are naturally catastrophic. If it is not Europe, he may have been replaced by others.

In the face of repeated persuasion, Nicholas II withdrew his life from kindness.

He didn't know this sentence himself, and made the Russian Empire directly take an important step from monarchy to constitutional monarchy.


On October 10, a review adopted by the League of Nations, a new state of independence was born:

Independence of Russian Poland and establishment of the Kingdom of New Poland;

Independence of Finland and establishment of the Grand Duchy of Finland;

Independence of Belarus and the establishment of the Kingdom of Belarus;

The Baltic Sea region is independent, and Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are established.

Within a day, the Tsarist government lost nearly 800,000 square kilometers of territory, and six more independent countries were added to the world.

This is not the end. If the territorial issue has not been resolved, two independent states will be born.

It can be said that the independence of these six countries is entirely the result of British and French hands-on operations. Otherwise, these independent organizations do not even have the qualifications to enter the League of Nations, how can they talk about independence?

Time passed quickly, and when the three parties could not reach agreement on the territorial issue, Britain, France and France had to help them make a decision.

The vast area to the east of the Ural Mountains is the territory of the Soviets. The area to the east of the Volga River and Central Asia are the sites of the little Tsar Nicholas. The rest of Europe is still the site of Nicholas II.

Since then, the Russian Empire has nine copies and the largest Soviet republic, with a total area of ​​about 12.59 million square kilometers and a total population of about 22 million.

East Russian Empire, with a total area of ​​about 4.5 million square kilometers and a total population of about 23 million.

The Western Russian Empire has a total area of ​​about 3.8 million square kilometers and a total population of about 47 million.

The Grand Duchy of Finland has an area of ​​about 330,000 square kilometers and a population of about 1.5 million.

The Kingdom of New Poland has a territory of about 210,000 square kilometers and a population of about 6.3 million.

Belarus has a territory of about 200,000 square kilometers and a population of about 2.1 million.

Lithuania has an area of ​​about 65,000 square kilometers and a population of about 800,000.

Latvia has an area of ​​about 65,000 square kilometers and a population of about 500,000.

Estonia has an area of ​​45,100 square kilometers and a population of about 300,000.

It can be said that the war for a long time has consumed the rich human resources of the Russian Empire, and all countries after independence have faced a common problem of lack of young labor.

From the perspective of human resources, the Western Russian Empire still occupies an absolute advantage, and it still has the potential to unify the Russian Empire in the future.

Therefore, the British and French dominated the League of Nations, and a resolution was passed. After independence, the Russian people were free to choose their country of residence, and no country could block it.

This is equivalent to encouraging everyone to pull people. As long as they have the ability, it is also legal to pull all the other people's population away.

If you really do that, you don't need to do anything else, the soldiers can swallow up the opponent without blood.

Such a good thing is of course impossible to continue. The League of Nations will send supervisors to enter various countries, and they can be drawn casually within one year without expiration.

This action of John Bull made Ferdinand very uncomfortable, which meant that governments next had to find ways to retain the population, and immigrants from the Russian Empire were no longer there.

Even more uncomfortable is Nicholas II, no doubt he will be the biggest victim of this policy.

Because of the war, there are sparsely populated places everywhere. At this time, everyone can easily resettle a large group of people.

The leading demographic advantage will gradually be flattened. Now he is fighting against the other eight countries with the power of one country.

For the sake of national security, after the independence of several other countries, they must join forces against the Western Russian Empire.

This is a balance set by John Bull to keep them in check.

The strategically surrounded West Russian Empire had to pull Bulgaria into the water.

Once Bulgaria supported the Western Russian Empire, relations with the other eight nations were automatically transformed into hostilities.

And with the deterioration of the Bulgaria-Russia alliance, Bulgaria will no longer be able to support West Russia's annexation of the eight countries, and even for its own interests, this balance will continue.

This will inevitably cause dissatisfaction in Western Russia, and finally the Russian-Russian alliance will come to an end, and it will also bring a bunch of enemies to Bulgaria.

It can be said that John Niu's calculations are very accurate. If they go on according to their scripts, the diplomatic relations between the nine countries and Bulgaria will not be better in the future.

This is a conspiracy. If Bulgaria renounces its support for the government of Nicholas II, the Bulgaria-Russia alliance will end immediately; if it continues to support the policy of Nicholas II, the final gains will be worthless.

As soon as the final decision of the League of Nations came out, Megev's face was gloomy. There is no doubt that Bulgaria was overshadowed by John Bull this time.

This also marks the end of the honeymoon period between the British and the British. From now on, only confrontation is left.


Ferdinand did not feel angry after receiving this result. This is inevitable.

With the gradual strengthening of Bulgaria's overall national strength, it will be very difficult to stand on the opposite side of the British Empire sooner or later.

Moreover, the current Bulgarian-Russian alliance is no longer necessary for Bulgaria. Even if the covenant is immediately lifted, can the Tsarist government get rid of Bulgarian economic control?

After so many years of operation, Russia has actually become a raw material producer and commodity market in Bulgaria.

It's just that Ferdinand has done a good job on the surface. At first glance, the two sides are fair trade. Under the guise of trade balance, the two sides seem to have their own needs.

However, industrial products have added value. The economic value of a meal of raw ore is not as good as that of a radio. The difference in the middle is very alarming.

If some economists take a rough look, they will find that the Russians exported mineral resources into Bulgaria in exchange for Lev, and then used Lev to buy Bulgarian industrial and commercial products.

In the process, Bulgaria used labor and machinery to create added value in exchange for more than the value of mineral resources.

It's just that this value is a little bit higher. The two sides are in fair trade, at best, the profit is a little higher.

The trade deficit between the two sides also arises in the field of arms, which seems to be really fair.

Just to fill this deficit, the Russian Empire exported hundreds of tons of gold and took out several pieces of land. The two sides are still fair trade.

If you count it, you will find that the Bulgaria-Russia trade is not so beautiful. Under the impact of Bulgarian industrial and commercial products, does the Russian Empire still have manufacturing industry?

So-called capitalists in Russia have now become mine owners. After all, the mining business is stable and not lost, which is much more stable than opening a factory.

In this round of economic cycles, Bulgaria's industry and commerce have achieved great development, and the military industry has also reached the forefront of the world.

By now, the economy of many parts of the Russian Empire cannot be separated from Bulgaria.

Once the Bulgaria-Russia trade is cut off, these mines will be closed and workers in these mines will lose their jobs.

The industrial products they need in the country may find alternatives abroad, but they cannot find such a strong ore buyer internationally!

No matter how the Russian Empire changes, but their manufacturing industry is dead. This is a social reality. It is also a fact that the domestic economy is seriously resistant to Bulgaria!

And this problem cannot be solved overnight. These vested-miner mine owners can make money by lying down. Why should they risk investing in manufacturing?

You know, from the beginning to play manufacturing, this price is also very expensive.

The quality of the product is not enough, and the production cost is higher than the sales price of others. Who can sell such goods?

As long as this problem is not resolved, Bulgaria will be invincible in diplomacy. The military meritorious nobles enlisted by Nicholas II have actually become a combination of interests with Bulgaria.

Anyone dare to cut their money, these bayonets will give them what to do, who made the Russian civil war last so long?

A long war will inevitably make the military bigger. This is a historical law! Thirteen years of war, the army has long been the foundation of this country.

Even in order to check and balance the army, Nicholas II fostered a group of civilians, unfortunately this group fell faster than he imagined.

No, it should be said that people have always been like this. After all, the corruption of the Tsarist government is also a historical issue. With the power in their hands, these people soon became one of the mineral owners.

During the struggle for rights, they did check and balance each other and completed the task of Nicholas II beyond the standard. It was different when it came to their own interests.

Well, these problems haven't been exposed yet. Perhaps the senior government of the Tsarist government didn't notice this problem, but when they made the policy, they intentionally or unintentionally tilted.

It is not only West Russia that has been abducted by the economy, but even the East Russian Empire has not been spared, but the two sides have not yet been so tied.

This is mainly because the amount of mineral resources development in Central Asia was too small and the transportation was not convenient. This economic impact was not so great.

In contrast, the remaining few countries have a small influence in Bulgaria. After all, economic control is not so easy ~ ~ It is too far away and inconvenient to transport, which is not dependent on human resources. Can make up.

"Prime Minister, send a congratulatory message to these independent countries, presumably they will accept our kindness!" Ferdinand said calmly.

In addition to interests, there are also geographical locations that influence politics. Otherwise, how is it called geopolitics?

Except for Finland and the Soviet Union, which are far away from the sky, several other countries are not far away from Bulgaria. Poland and East Russia are directly bordered by Bulgaria. As long as their leaders are not stupid, Bulgaria will not fight!

This is a geographical advantage, otherwise Ferdinand wouldn't mind letting them feel something, what is too far from God!

"Your Majesty, this is too early. Except for the Soviet Union and Eastern Russia, where are the other countries, we don't know yet?" Constantine joked

Yes, these countries are nominally independent. In fact, they have not yet established a country, and even the representatives participating in the conference of the League of Nations are only sent by one of the insurgents.

Independence and establishment of the country for them is simply a stuffing cake falling from the sky.

Nicholas II ’s government could not win the joint effort of East Russia and the Soviet Union, but the strength to suppress these small rebellions is still there, but now it is surrounded by all sides, there is no way to focus their forces on them.

In order to weaken the strength of the Nicholas II government, the representatives of the East Russian Empire and the Soviet Republic proposed at the meeting of the League of Nations that these insurgents against the tsarist tyranny should be established independently. With the full support of Britain and France, they passed the high vote Vote by the League of Nations.


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