Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 125: Ready to be emperor

"Ferdinand, you father, have you prepared just such a little thing, and you are going to let poor Boris go to Finland to suffer?" Chenia said very dissatisfied

Ferdinand just glared at her, as if he was abusing Boris.

This is to send him to be a grandfather, not to send him to work as a laborer. Is it necessary to prepare big bags?

Moreover, Ferdinand also prepared a lot of things for him. Compared with when he came to Bulgaria that year, there were more pomps, which was enough for him to start the situation from the beginning.

"Look at it yourself, Boris hasn't gotten engaged yet, you just let him go to Finland, and I don't know if he can find his wife!" Chenia continued to complain.

"What's the matter with this? Don't you say that you're ready, can you take him to go on a blind date at any time? How come you can't find your daughter-in-law?

Does my Gotha-Khali family not reach this point, should my son worry about personal problems? Ferdinand said helplessly

"But Boris is going to go to that ghost place in Finland to suffer. How can you guarantee that the girls are willing? Can't you let them wait first?

After Boris gets married, isn't it possible to run the king election? Looking at those countries in the Americas, people have been dragging on for so many years. Isn't it just as good? "Chenia gives an example of dissatisfaction

Can America and Europe be the same? The nations of the Americas have become independent, and no matter how much they struggle, it is their own business.

The European countries have just been separated from the Russian Empire. If they do not operate quickly, it will result in the established fact that the king has not yet been elected, and they will be destroyed.

On this issue, Ferdinand apparently did not want to give Senia a political lesson, but could only retreat decisively.

"Well then, you won! Boris will take care of your marriage, and you can discuss it with him. As long as you are willing, I have no problem. Is this the head office?" Ferdinand rubbed his forehead Helpless to say

"No problem, but now the biggest problem is that Finland is too poor. Poor Boris will only be able to live on with our funding in the future. As a father, you must find a way to find a way for him.

At least be able to maintain royal expenses, otherwise he will have no place in family life in the future! "Shenia frowned.

"Xenia, you have to worry about it! Finland is a sparsely populated area. Even if Boris passed away, if he just developed his agriculture and sold some wood, he would be very nourished!

If he is more flexible and does wood processing, such as producing paper and furniture, it is even better to raise some cattle and sheep.

On this basis, further develop education and gradually transition to high-tech industries. Finland is a rich country and will not appear hungry as you fear! Ferdinand said with a bitter smile

"That's good. Since it's so simple, I don't have to worry about it. Let him do it himself. We must cultivate his sense of independence!" Shenia thought and said

The rapid change in the style of painting made Ferdinand wonder whether Shenia was convulsing again, and he was worried that he would have to die to live the moment before, and he let go immediately.

However, this is also the style of European parents. They also care about their children, but after they are sure that there are not many problems, they will let them go. Even if they touch their heads and break the blood, they will not easily intervene.

According to the Bulgarian tradition, the eldest son inherits the family business. After the second son reaches adulthood, the parents will allow the free development of the second son after funding.

Of course, parents can borrow some resources, depending on whether they will use them.

His parents are billionaires and senior officials. His son washes dishes in a restaurant and works in a small factory. This is nothing new.

"Dear rest assured, I have arranged, as long as Boris is not stupid, you can easily do this grandfather, do you still doubt my ability?" Ferdinand comforted

"Ferdinand, you have misunderstood, I have not doubted your ability! It's just that you have too many ways to pit people, and many people have been pitted to death by you.

I just worry about where Boris offended you, and you deliberately found him a bit of a crime. After all, Finland is really too poor. Otherwise, if we pay for Ukraine, let him be the grandfather! Shenia thought about it and said

"Xenia, you really think too much. Boris is your son, and he is also my son. How could I, as a father, intentionally pit him?

Also, your last idea is simply terrible. Don't forget that we have six sons in total. What are you going to say to the next four little ones?

Can't let me go to find four Ukrainians and share them?

If, because of this incident, their brothers turn their heads into hatred, it will be worth the trouble! Ferdinand advised

This idea must not be allowed. If parents cannot treat every child notarized, the consequences are absolutely disastrous.

Including this battle for Finnish throne, Ferdinand's six sons all have a chance. Why must Boris be?

This is the relationship of birth order. As the Crown Prince of Bulgaria, the old and young Ferdinand certainly does not look down on it and does not need the crown of the Grand Duke of Finland.

The remaining five are obviously interested, but in terms of inheritance, Boris is Ferdinand's second heir, and naturally he has priority.

Including such opportunities later, they are determined in accordance with the order of birth. The disadvantages or the disadvantages are all arranged at the moment of birth. If you want to blame, blame God!

"Well, this question is really troublesome. It seems that my poor Boris is destined to go to that ghost place in Finland and do not know what he thinks in his mind. Isn't it good to stay in Sofia?

A prince of Bulgaria is also better than that of the Grand Duke of Finland?

Just give him a cover. It's also richer than Finland, is power really so important? "Chenia said with some confusion

"My dear, this is not a matter of rights or wealth. What he wants is to realize his dream and become a great king!

We should support their decision. If a person has no dreams, how is it different from salted fish? Ferdinand thought for a while

"Damn it! Ferdinand, it's all your fault. If you hadn't taught them any emperor scholarship since childhood, you wouldn't all be a great king in their life goals!

If it were realized, wouldn't you be planning to send them all to be kings? Europe does not have so many crowns. Wouldn't you be conspiring again? "Xenia asked in confusion.

"Xenia, you're thinking about it, how can I get into a conspiracy?

At most, it is the Americas region. You have to know that there are more than a dozen crowns over there. If the operation is good, we will always gain something! Ferdinand thought for a while

"Well, you don't engage in conspiracies. That's because your conspiracy is even more terrible. I've seen a biography about you!" Shenia took it for granted.

"What biography? Why don't I know, it's illegal to publish a biography about me without my permission!" Ferdinand said angrily

Some people dare to break the ground in Tai Sui, they just don't know how to die!

Ferdinand, who was about to find a press office account, quickly dismissed the idea.

"Dear, this is useless! Your biography is published in other European countries, which is in compliance with local law.

Besides, people write well, so you don't have to go to the author's trouble, and you haven't hacked your hero image! "Shenia explained

"Don't smear my hero image, how do you say I'm intrigue? Isn't this smacking me?" Ferdinand asked in doubt.

"If you don't know it by yourself, I have brought back the book, and I will bring it to you later, you can read it slowly!" Chenia said

"I hope so, otherwise I don't mind throwing the author into the sea to feed the sharks!" Ferdinand thought for a moment

"Don't change the subject, or continue the problem we just had, even if there are many thrones in the Americas, but we still have four sons. Can you win so many thrones?

Didn't the rest of the Gotha family have an idea? Even if we can get another crown or two, isn't it enough?

This is not your style! With my understanding of you, since it is said, it will definitely be done!

There are conditions to go, no conditions, to create conditions!

This is your motto. What are your plans behind? "Chenia asked curiously

"Xenia, your curiosity is too heavy, this is not good!" Ferdinand said helplessly

"Yes, that sentence-'curiosity kills the cat'?

But what does the cat have to do with me? You know, I never raise a cat! Shenia thought about it and said

Sure enough, Ferdinand was still defeated. When the IQ was pulled to the same level, he was no longer an opponent.

It is impossible to explain. Ferdinand does not have the ability to explain it in a few words.

"The problem is simple. If the little ones are willing, both our Asian colonies and African colonies can establish a nation.

Can exist as a kingdom under the Bulgarian Empire, so the problem you worry about does not exist! Ferdinand explained

"The Bulgarian Empire, which means you will soon be emperor?

But didn't you refuse it before? Otherwise, you are already an emperor, and Bulgaria in history also has a crown. Do n’t you say you do n’t care? "Shenia asked

"It's not contradictory. Even if I become an emperor, there is no need to be that tsar?" Ferdinand replied.

"Why? Isn't Tsar good? This is a very awesome title!" Shenia said with two eyes on Venus.

"There is nothing wrong, just that there are too many tsars in this world. Even if I want to be an emperor, I will create my own empire, what is the inheritance of others?" Ferdinand said aggressively

"Are you sure? It is not easy to create your own empire. European nobles will not admit it!

If one is not good, you will become a laughing stock! My dear, you are too old, don't you be capricious? "Shenia said panicked.

"This is my problem. Would you not interfere? I have a way to get everyone to agree. What if they don't admit it?

I do n’t want to be an emperor, why should they admit it?

Now the general situation in Bulgaria has become, believe me, the European nobles will admit it, this is also protecting their own interests! Ferdinand explained

Since entering the twentieth century, the monarchy has gradually begun to decline, and the status of the nobles has gradually declined, from the sole owner of the world to the sharing of this right with the bourgeoisie.

And they are still in decline. If they don't want to be eliminated by history, they must stand up and brush their sense of existence. Ferdinand's establishment of the Bulgarian Empire at this time is undoubtedly in everyone's interest.

Even though the Bulgarian Empire is also a constitutional monarchy, this will increase their momentum and stabilize their position.

With one more emperor, it would not be a bad thing to sacrifice half of their interests when it was time for a party. The aristocracy of this era has changed, and the first consideration is not honor but interest.

This is why Ferdinand has long brushed his sense of presence in European royal houses. As the European royal family has the highest prestige, most of the kings are his juniors.

These people were more or less affected by him, and even if he did not support his monarchy, he would not stand up against it.

Of course, this is on the premise that Ferdinand self-proclaimed himself as the Bulgarian empire. If you don't know how to crown the Roman Empire, then everyone is expected to turn their faces.

Even if you respect you, you cannot be your subordinate?

If Bulgaria accompanies itself with the Roman Empire and let these countries live by themselves, they are all stepping on the upper body of the Roman Empire. Rome has basically unified the European continent in history.

This involves everyone's legitimacy, and naturally cannot be compromised.

There are many countries in history that have inherited the Roman Empire, but no one has directly labeled the Roman Empire, which is why.

Ferdinand is naturally not in trouble for a name, anyway, the name of the Roman Empire and the name of the Bulgarian Empire is just the difference in name, in any case he can not rebuild the Roman Empire!

There are already many heirs to the Roman Empire. No matter who is orthodox, it is impossible to turn Bulgaria into orthodox. Even if you open your eyes and talk nonsense, you can't do this!

As long as people who know a little bit of history know that the two are not related at all.

Even if the Bulgarian Empire is established, Ferdinand has been dragging on and on, the main purpose is to accumulate prestige ~ ~ the longer the time drags on, the higher his prestige and the higher the recognition of him .

If he played the brand of the Bulgarian Empire more than a decade ago, it is estimated that many people would take this as a joke. If there is not enough prestige, it can only be a Bulgarian tsar.

An emperor who bears the banner of the emperor but only needs to be treated by the king, how can Ferdinand do such a tragedy?

This time is not the same, the reputation is almost accumulated, the relationship network has also been established, do not worry about no supporters!

"Ferdinand, are you sure you are ready? You know that there are so many jokes in history that an emperor who cannot be recognized is better than a king?

Anyway, you're successful, so don't toss anymore? Your merit is no worse than that of any emperor, there is no need to risk for a title! Sheenia said bitterly

"This title is not what I want or not. Bulgaria has developed to the present and needs a broader stage, and the establishment of the empire is only to raise the reputation of the country!

If I do n’t do it, Ferdinand Jr. will be miserable in the future. If he gets caught by the ducks, is n’t it even more hopeless? Ferdinand explained

This powerful explanation made Xenia shut up. Even if Ferdinand's reputation had changed, it was all under control, but Ferdinand Jr. couldn't.

The second and second generation emperors are not a concept at all. They do not have enough achievements to be convincing. If a joke comes again, the throne will be unstable.


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