Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 128: Strength comparison

Time passed quickly, and in 1927 it came to an end.

This year was a good year for the people of all European countries. The world economy was booming. With the disintegration of the Russian Empire, the former European shadow no longer exists, and world peace has taken a step forward.

In 1927, the global economy grew by 5 percentage points. Of course, this is the averaged data!

In this era of great economic prosperity, it is mainly the economic prosperity of Europe and the United States, which has developed well in parts of Asia, and has nothing to do with backward non-colonies.

Among them, Britain, France, Bulgaria, Germany, and Austria have the fastest economic development, and then the world's economic aggregate has soared.

Taken together, these five major economies account for 72% of the total world economy. It can be said that the economic prosperity of these countries will lead to the prosperity of the world economy.

If you count GDP, the growth rate in this era is absolutely staggering. London ’s GDP growth rate this year exceeded 30%.

In fact, it has no practical significance. It is nothing more than adding a few real estate properties, and housing prices have gone up a lot, driving up the total economic volume of London.

Affected by the real estate boom, the wages of construction workers in Britain soared by 20% this year, as if the best time had come.

Affected by the rapid economic growth, even though the situation in Southeast Asia still has not improved, the British people have not allowed His Excellency Stanley Baldwinnet to take the stage. After all, such an economic development expert is hard to find!

Not only the United Kingdom, but the rapid development of real estate throughout Europe, as long as housing prices in major cities are moving up, the real estate speculation group has been born and is performing the most superficial operation.

Bulgaria is no exception, except that the real estate group has run into a wall this time.

The biggest landowner in Bulgaria is the government. Without their cooperation, if you want super high house prices, you can't do it?

Even more tragic is the Bulgarian real estate transaction law. All second-hand houses that are bought and re-sold within ten years will be charged a 20% real estate tax, and 50% will be charged if they are traded again within five years.

In other words, if you want to make a short-term investment, if the house price has increased by less than 50% in five years, you want to make a loss.

It is easy to buy, but it is difficult to sell at a high price. How could it be so easy to find a Pan Xia in a country with a large population and a sparsely populated country to hold a large amount of real estate?

There are no restrictions on land for building houses in Bulgaria. As long as you have money to buy land, you may develop real estate at will, and the urban residential housing market has long been saturated.

Nearly half of the real estate in Bulgaria's cities is developed by the government. As long as someone dares to buy, Ferdinand dare to sell.

If there is a shortage of housing, the government will continue to develop real estate. If you want to stock up your house, you can play as long as you have money. There are no restrictions, even real estate taxes.

In the face of an unrestricted government that supplies real estate, any speculators will collapse and cannot create a shortage situation in the market. How to raise housing prices?

As of the end of 1927, Sofia's real estate transaction prices had increased by only 30% compared with ten years ago, not as much as that of London in the past quarter.

Thanks to the good news from real estate, the economic growth rate of Britain in 1927 reached an astonishing 12.1%, setting a new high in 50 years.

The usury empire next door was even more fierce. The economic growth rate in 1927 soared to 13.8%, surpassing its peak in 1914.

As a cost, in 1927 Britain ’s domestic industry fell by 15.3%, less than two-thirds before the World War.

Affected by this, steel output fell below 7 million tons, and coal energy consumption also dropped by 16%.

If it continues, it won't be long before it smells London, and the mountains and rivers are just around the corner.

Ferdinand has also made a significant contribution to the cause of environmental protection in the United Kingdom.

The situation in France will be much better. In 1927, France ’s total industrial output fell by 3 percentage points, and its steel output remained stable at 6.8 million tons.

This has something to do with the industrial structure of the two countries. French industry can be transferred, and it has been transferred in the first two years.

Coupled with the relationship between local resources, the profits of light industries such as food processing and wine have been very good. Even if the French transfer their production capacity, they cannot give up these advantageous industries.

This aspect is incomparable to the British. Most of their raw materials need to be shipped back from overseas colonies, manufactured into products and sold back to the colonies.

Not only does it increase shipping costs, but it also adds to the high local labor costs, and naturally there is not much profit.

So British capitalists can move these industries out without hesitation in order to obtain greater benefits.

French capitalists are not the same. Raw materials are produced locally. Instead of shipping them out for foundry and then shipping them back, it is better to produce locally.

Industry transfer is like a sluice gate. Once opened, it can no longer be closed.

In order to chase the interests, the capitalists are more in line with their interests to build factories in areas where raw materials are produced or where human resources are cheap.

It can be said that the industrialization of Britain and France in the future has become a foregone conclusion. And it will be passed on to European countries. In the future, labor-intensive industries will have to say goodbye to Europe.

This is the reason why Ferdinand should continue to expand. If it does not control the production of some raw materials, it will face a very embarrassing problem in the future economic development, and its production costs will lose competitiveness.

"Your Majesty, this is our domestic economic development report in 1927, followed by the economic development of the world." Constantine said

In terms of fiscal revenue, the total government revenue of Bulgaria in 1927 was 17.812 billion levs (approximately 712 million pounds), which was only 940 million pounds in the British Empire, far exceeding the French's 72.8 billion francs (after devaluation, (Approximately £ 262 million).

(Note: After the World War, due to the effects of inflation, currencies of various countries have depreciated, because the output of gold has increased, and the proportion linked to gold has not changed, but the purchasing power has decreased.)

It can be said that the so-called three major European countries, the French have completely left behind, and there is still a qualitative gap.

This is also based on Ferdinand's butterfly effect. The French lost less in World War I, and there were more Cuban colonies and a part of the control of the Panama Canal.

Historical data is even more miserable than it is now. It has the status of a great power but has no economic strength to match it.

When it comes to economic strength, the British Empire is now a little stronger than the United States at the same time, and Bulgaria is weaker than the United States.

If it were not for the effects of the war in Southeast Asia, British finances could have increased by tens of millions of pounds.

If you calculate it again, the part of the financial revenue intercepted by several British states will be much larger.

After all, it is the British Empire in history, combined with more than half of the United States economy, and no country in the world can match them economically.

This was followed by Austro-Hungarian 165 million pounds, Germans 123 million pounds, and Japanese 83.48 million pounds.

Under normal circumstances, Germany's fiscal revenue is not only these, but the foundries, which are the main industrial bodies, do not receive taxes.

Fiscal revenue is not equal to the total economic volume, but from the perspective of fiscal revenue, the gap between Bulgaria and the British Empire is very small, and it seems that it is close to the British.

In fact, the economic aggregates of the two countries are still far apart. The British Empire is still the world's largest, accounting for 42.4% of the global economic aggregate, and the total GDP is about 22.2 billion pounds.

(Including colonies)

Followed by Bulgaria, the economic aggregate accounts for 15.78% of the world economy, and the total GDP is about 8.3 billion pounds.

The third-ranked German has an economic aggregate of 7.9% of the world's total economy and a total GDP of about 4.2 billion pounds.

The fourth-ranked Frenchman has an economic aggregate of approximately 7.7% of the world economy and a total GDP of approximately 4.1 billion pounds.

The fifth-ranked Austro-Hungarian Empire has an economic aggregate of approximately 5.3% of the global economy and a total GDP of approximately 2.73 billion pounds.


These data are used to fool the people. In fact, the so-called economic aggregates and national GDP cannot explain the problem.

For example, Germany's economic aggregate and GDP are both very high. Is Germany prosperous in this era?

Similarly, now that France's economic aggregate is as tight as Germany's, even if it exceeds Germany, it will be a problem for the coming year. Is France's war potential greater than Germany?

Obviously, there are serious bubbles in the British and French economies, but this does not mean that they are not strong. The domestic economic data may be false, but the colonies that produce raw materials cannot be fake. This is also part of the overall national strength.

On the economic aggregate alone, Bulgaria is now at most equal to the British mainland, but the national strength of the British mainland is definitely inferior to Bulgaria.

After all, Bulgaria is far ahead of Britain in terms of total industrial output. The industrial aggregate gap between the two countries is also continuing to narrow.

The total industrial output of all countries in the world in 1927 is as follows:

United Kingdom: 27.6%

Bulgaria: 24.2%

Germany: 15.6%

Italy: 8.7%

France: 6.9%

Austro-Hungarian 5.1%

Federal Republic of the Great Lakes: 2.8%

Japan: 2.1%


The wings of a butterfly can always cause great changes. From the data point of view, Bulgaria's economic strength is still far from catching up with the British, and there is still a little opportunity for the total industrial output.

In fact, at this point, explosive growth is no longer realistic, and industrial growth must have a market, right?

Bulgaria has now arrived, and almost all markets in Eastern and Southern Europe have been occupied. Even the industrial power of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is actually reduced to the Bulgarian market. Their total industrial output is also supported by light industries, such as the food processing industry and the mining industry.

If the industry does not count the mining industry, but only the manufacturing industry, this figure may be more illustrative.

Ferdinand will not do such statistics, so as not to attract the attention of the British.

Now that the British are wary of the rise of Bulgaria, there is no need to stimulate their sensitive nerves, lest the political confrontation between the two countries be exacerbated.

Even when publicizing, Bulgaria always only announced the total economic volume. Other data are separately counted and have not been released to the outside. It is enough for senior government officials to know.

To the British, the British Empire is still a well-deserved world overlord.

In terms of economics, the powers behind the two-thirds, four-fifths, and six-thousands are not as good as theirs. Even the second-ranked Bulgaria, the economic aggregate is only 37% of them!

Even less than half, what about the threat of peace talks?

And when the total economic volume of the United States and Germany surpassed the British Empire, those two feelings were completely different!

It was just that the London government wanted to suppress Germany, so the confusing data, that the German economy surpassed the United Kingdom, was only more than the British mainland, not the British Commonwealth.

Before the outbreak of the World War, American manufacturing was the world's first, but it did not mean that Americans surpassed the British Commonwealth in terms of economic aggregates.

The large colony of the British Empire still occupies a very important economic aggregate. In the end, it is a population of five or six billion people and more than 30 million square kilometers of land. How can the economic aggregate be small?

The total economic volume before World War I was calculated in US dollars at that time: the United States was 14 billion, Germany was 12 billion, and the United Kingdom was 11 billion. This refers to the local economic aggregate, plus the colony is still the first in the UK, otherwise the first is the Germans in terms of comprehensive national strength. Already.

It is only when this part of the colony ’s economic aggregate is converted into war potential that the proportion is very low.

Otherwise, the British Empire, which had the most comprehensive national strength at that time, will no longer lose power to the Germans, and Americans will need help.

Compared with the economic disadvantage, Ferdinand is satisfied with the population. As of the end of 1927, Bulgaria's population was close to 60 million, which was actually 59.856 million.

Hundreds of thousands of gaps can be ignored. On the one hand, the Bulgarian population is high, and the other convenience is that there are more immigrants from European countries.

Of course, it is mainly Russian refugees. Over time, these people who have come before have also joined Bulgarian nationality ~ ~ Basically, hundreds of thousands of people have been naturalized every year.

This is why the government has liberalized some of its naturalization restrictions. As long as it is a skilled worker who also knows Bulgarian and has no record of moral crimes, it is possible to directly naturalize the whole family.

Because of the relationship between the large railway plan and the large road plan, skilled workers have become popular. These two technologies are low in content. As long as you love to study for three or five years, you will be a master.

In this case, Ferdinand is also happy to see that the people who can take the initiative to learn are high-quality laborers!

Bulgaria has already passed the initial stage of industrialization and no longer needs to exploit foreign labor to accumulate original capital.

At present, there are still more than 6 million foreigners who have not acquired nationality in Bulgaria, of which more than 70% are Russians, followed by foreigners from all countries in the world.

With the end of the Russian civil war, some people will definitely choose to return to China. In order to retain the labor force, it is very necessary to relax nationality control.

With these population figures in place, Ferdinand was assured that after the collapse of the Russian Empire, Bulgaria was already the second most populous country in Europe.

And it is still at the stage of population rejuvenation. Compared with Germany, which is aging, Germany is even more dominant in terms of population, but both are comparable in terms of labor force.

If all these foreigners can be fused, within ten years, Bulgaria's population can exceed 80 million. In Ferdinand's lifetime, the population can easily break through 100 million, and the Bulgarian empire will become a real name!


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