Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 166: 1 push-edge of war

There is a gain, which can be called gain and gain; a loss, which can be called retreat.

This sentence vividly illustrates European international relations before World War II. For a long time, the three countries that dominated Western Europe were Britain, France and Germany.

After the end of the First World War, Germany was defeated. Due to the restrictions of the "Versailles Treaty", it instantly lost its dignity and status in the land of Western Europe, and carried huge compensations, which caused the Germans to be in hot water.

After the economic crisis broke out in 1929, nearly 7 million people were unemployed in Germany, and they faced the danger of starving to death; 6 million people were only temporary workers, and they lived in the torment of the last day.

The people of the German government complained that the German government was at a loss and was pinning their hopes on international assistance. Unfortunately, at this time, everyone was diligent.

"Your Majesty, the Germans once again submitted a loan application to us and promised that all the loan funds will be used to buy food!

It seems that the German government is about to run out of water and there is no way to solve the domestic economic crisis. At this time, they have to distribute relief food in the name of the government to stabilize the situation! Analysis of Foreign Minister Metiev

"Affected by the economic crisis, the total amount of food imported by the Germans in the first half of this year fell by nearly three million tons, and the crisis has come!

If there is no way for the German government to get more food, civil unrest will erupt. This time the crisis is not only the central government, but even the big kingdoms! The Minister of Finance frowned.

"Well, now that the Germans have stopped paying war reparations, can't they still pay for the food?" Ferdinand asked in confusion.

"His Majesty, the German government used limited resources to rescue the market. As a result, the capitalists were saved, the government lost money, and the economy still did not improve.

Not only Germany, but now many European countries ’bail-outs have solved the problem for capitalists and have little impact on the economy.

However, in this case, the capitalists are afraid to invest, which has formed a vicious circle, and the money is concentrated in the hands of a few people.

There was a problem with economic circulation. At this time, governments of various countries gave up the gold standard and printed banknotes, saying that it was to enhance the international competitiveness of commodities.

In fact, there is too little money circulating in the market. In order to make the economy work again, they have to print money.

However, this method has not changed the fact that money is continuously concentrated in the hands of a few people.

The gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen, and the economic crisis continues to spread. According to the economic policies of various countries, the world economy will not improve in the next few years! Treasurer Kennedy explained

Ferdinand nodded, and it was true. The economic crisis in history lasted for several years, and it did not conform to market laws at all.

Now he understands that it is entirely the countries that simultaneously adopted currency depreciation to stimulate the economy, weakening the scale of the economic crisis and at the same time accelerating the time of the economic crisis.

It was supposed to complete the elimination of the rapid elimination, eliminate a large number of backward or advanced production capacity, and normalize the market. As a result, the economic crisis was delayed for several years when the government artificially gave these companies life.

Knowing the root cause, of course, Ferdinand pretended not to see it. The economic crisis continues, and everyone's interests are losing, but the worst loss must be the British Empire.

This time and space is not the same as in history. The colonies alone can't laugh at the industrial capacity of the British.

In this context, except for the three North American countries to reduce industrial capacity, in fact they can do little.

From the perspective of industrial technology, the industrial capacity of the three North American countries also lags behind the British Isles. Without being able to absorb the European elite, the industry in the American continent is actually far behind the European continent.

In this kind of competition, the three North American countries must be losing money. Can these North American consortia be willing to give up?

Speaking of destructive power, these American capitalists are not a little bit better than their European counterparts. They are true believers in capital without borders.

For the benefit, what can't they do?

Don't look at them as if they have merged with British capital. Do you think there is no contradiction between the two sides?

In fact, as long as the interests are sufficient, they don't mind directly annexing British capital, they have a history.

In the face of survival, the capitalists must defeat other colleagues if they want to survive, and the contradictions between the capitalists will definitely intensify.

For example, you have invested in five companies in the United Kingdom and three North American countries. Under normal circumstances, any one of these companies is damaged, and you are not willing to see it.

But now it's different. In order to grab the market, these companies have to die at least half, then you have to make a choice.

Your choice is not the same as the choice of your partners, they may not invest in these companies at the same time, and the shareholding distribution is not the same.

If your basic market is in the UK, then you must choose to sacrifice the North American industry, but the North American partners certainly do not agree, then everyone can only part ways.

Even if it is capital that really has me in you and me in you, but the market is not infinite, in the economic crisis, in order to survive, you still have to bayonet.

You can't have both fish and bear's paw. You can only choose to maximize your benefits. When you make a choice, conflicts naturally arise.

After the conflict between North American capitalists and British capitalists, will the London government stand there? Still thinking about this question?

"How much money do immigrants from Germany send to the country each year?" Ferdinand asked with concern.

"Your Majesty, the money sent by German immigrants to the country reached a peak of 860 million levs in 1923, and then began to decrease year by year. By the end of 1929, it had dropped sharply to 380 million levs.

After acquiring Bulgarian nationality, many people chose to take over their families, so this foreign exchange income of the German government will gradually disappear in the future! Answered by Treasurer Kennedy

Ferdinand smiled slightly. This is inevitable. People tend to be terrific. For a long time without giving back, not everyone can insist.

Since 1917, Bulgaria has been digging people in Germany. At the beginning, these were really just going out to work, so that the family could live a better life, so they sent money to their homes.

But after a long time, they slowly get used to the life in Bulgaria, the domestic situation has not been improved, and the original contract has expired. At this time, they are facing a choice again.

Either continue to stay in Bulgaria and live a good life; or go back to China and live a life without precariousness, see no future, and spend days in the foundry every day.

Many people returned to China with enthusiasm and blood for development first, but as a result, they were defeated by reality.

The ideal requires bread support. In Bulgaria, with high salaries, technical and scientific research, after returning to the country, he can only go to the foundry to work hard, and holding different salaries can fill the belly. Such a gap, not everyone can insistent.

For family, bread, and themselves, they had to come to Bulgaria again with disappointment, and this time they usually chose to immigrate with the whole family.

In this case, does the German government know?

Obviously impossible!

They are more aware of the dangers of brain drain than anyone else, but they know that the government has been unable to expend these people due to the huge foreign debt.

The whole family has moved away, can they still be expected to send money?

Without this foreign exchange input, the German government's life will naturally be more difficult, and at this time even buying food will become difficult.

"Does the German have a mortgage? Or, what else do the Germans need now?" Ferdinand asked after a moment of contemplation

"Your Majesty, I think that apart from human resources, there is nothing worthy of a shot in Germany at this time. In terms of scientific and technological innovation, the Germans have not improved for ten years.

Except for the group of high-quality basic industrial workers, in fact, they are now nothing, and high-level talents have been divided up by all countries! Prime Minister Constantine said for a moment

"High-quality workers in the basic industry? We need them now, so reject the German loan application. Their debt repayment ability is really worrying!" Ferdinand sighed and said

Unless the government guarantees the Germans, at this time the German finances are bankrupt. Which bank is willing to lend to the Germans? This is obviously a meat bun and a dog!

At the same time, he also knew that this decision would undoubtedly push Germany to the brink of war!

The German government has no money, and the German people have no money, but this does not mean that the German capitalists have no money.

What decisions will the Germans make in the face of the crisis?

At this time, it was Germany ’s capitalists ’unlucky turn. The greed is costly. In the face of life and death, the fighting power of the people is often bursting.

Not surprisingly, "oil" is too bad for capitalists. Who makes them richest?

European countries have summed up their historical lessons and all forbid "oil" tairen from owning land, and even more so they are not allowed to enter the military and political circles.

Well, apart from doing business and working, the "You" Tairen actually have no other occupations to choose from, and the traditional culture of the "You" Taizu is cultivating businessmen, so they have become the richest people in the world.

The so-called non-commercial non-treating, "you" Tairen have done a lot of treacherous commercial acts such as loan sharks, monopoly industries, hoarding goods, speculation on prices.

For example, the current supply of food in Germany is in short supply. Too much "oil" is for profit. They would rather dump the food that many people cannot afford, rather than sell it at a reduced price.

In order to maximize their benefits, they can watch the Germans starve to death on the street, and they are unwilling to lend a helping hand. We must know that during this period, "oil" capitalists did not lack foreign exchange.

As long as they are willing, they can import more food from abroad, sell it at par, earn a good reputation, and reverse their political disadvantage.

Obviously, they are all qualified capitalists. In the pursuit of maximizing benefits, in the face of fame and interests, they have chosen benefits. This is the source of disaster.

In the economic crisis, they chose to take advantage of the fire. Most of German banks were controlled by them. They also became creditors of 70 to 80% of Germans, which once again pushed them to the point of no return.

With or without Sidel, the Germans must fight against oil. This is due to interests. Ordinary people have stood on the opposite side in order to survive.

In contrast, another group of German capitalists, Juncker aristocrats, is much smarter, or the identity of aristocracy has allowed them to converge.

Although they are robbing in the fire, their reputation is much better. Everyone puts usury together, hoards together, and makes huge profits together. While doing all this, Juncker aristocrats still take out a small part of their income and buy people's hearts.

This has something to do with their tradition. The Junker aristocrats will basically enter the army and become an officer. In order not to be hacked, they cannot do too much.

Occasionally show kindness, give a helping hand to former comrades-in-arms, or help a few worms.

Although these behaviors are trivial, but there are too many "oil" people to make comparisons, everything is different.

Even if it is a show, the influence of doing and not doing it is different. Of course, "oil" is just what people want to do, and they have to do more to get the same effect.

The outbreak of the economic crisis was their best chance to reverse their reputation. As long as the "you" prince stood up to do a wave of charity, the hostility of the people to them could be eliminated.

Then the disaster naturally does not exist. The evils created by the capitalists have finally become the ordinary "oil" and the people who really pay for it.

Before the outbreak of the crisis, the "oil" capitalists had basically run away, and the rest were unlucky people without money. After all, after the anti- "oil" campaign broke out, there was still a long time to evacuate. Only But you need to buy money.

Of course, Ferdinand couldn't understand their behavior that demanded money and died. It was necessary to know that "Sitler" still had a quarter of "Oil" too bloody. In his youth, he was not against "Oil".

In the end, it was still for the sake of economic interests that the two sides could not talk to each other before they embarked on the extreme path. The betrayal of the "oil" capitalists in World War I was also an important reason.

"His Majesty, the British and German radicals have been mixed together. If the economic crisis continues, they may manipulate the Germans behind the scenes to break the order of the European continent in order to divert the economic crisis!

If we do n’t pull the German government now, I am afraid they will soon fall. A chaotic European continent is not in our interest! Prime Minister Constantine said cautiously

"I know this question, but the problem now is that we can't pull the German government at all ~ ~ they have no intention of moving closer to us!

We cannot spend a large price to support a German regime that is destined to fall and not to protect itself. This is a waste of resources!

Now the Germans want to start the war easily, but it is very difficult to win the war. I don't think they can have the power to challenge France and Austria.

This time they also have no allies, except for a semi-disabled Italian, no one is willing to challenge the world order at this time! Ferdinand said after thinking about it

In this world, the situation of the Germans is much more dangerous than in history. Whether they can unify the whole country is a question mark. Even if they unify the whole country, their population is only over 50 million, including ethnic minorities.

The total amount of industry exceeded the historical period. Unfortunately, this is only light industry. Scientific research and technology are still in the First World War. Whether the comprehensive national strength can reach half of the Third Reich is a question mark.

After all, Austria has disappeared, and the Czech region has disappeared. Even the west has been eaten by France and Belgium by tens of thousands of square kilometers, and some heavy industries and millions of people have been lost.

So Ferdinand can see the excitement. The French and the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not let them rise so easily. At the same time, they face the pinch of two great powers and the cooperation of several kingdoms. of!
