Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 23: Wolf smoke

Victor Keith did the right way for his candidates. For the sake of political propaganda, the Bulgarian government rarely and generously did not treat them as refugees.

Instead, they were given preferential treatment and paid a living allowance of five hundred levs per person. After half a month of short-term common sense training, they were separated and resettled.

This is already a rare privilege. According to the practice, they are first allocated to the place before life training. All these expenses are deducted in batches from their wages.

This group of people has saved a sum of money, and each of them has an extra living expenses of 500 levs, so that they can survive the earlier economic difficulties.

The ordinary people are easy to resettle, and Victor Keith's resettlement is a bit troublesome.

First of all, he is a hero of Bulgaria. In the battle between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, he made great contributions, but this identity cannot be made public, so the title can not be given!

Secondly, he is now leading the Armenian family, and this status is not easy to settle.

Too high a status would not hurt his personal reputation. Too low a status would not work, thus violating Bulgaria's long-held principle of fairness.

After sending his resume to the cabinet, Constantine discovered that the legendary man who had wounded the Ottoman Empire was a Bulgarian spy!

In the end, the cabinet made a decision. Victorkis had three places: 1. To serve as a high official in a Bulgarian province; 2. To be the governor of a colony in Africa; 3. To lead the Armenian army that was about to be disbanded to participate Battle against the United States!


Victor Keith was in a very good mood recently, and returned to Bulgaria again. The people who followed him have also been properly resettled. With Bulgaria's current situation, it is not a problem to eat enough food.

This is also a good choice for the ordinary people who are displaced, many people are willing to climb mountains and rivers with them to Bulgaria. Maybe they want to live a stable and prosperous life?

A soldier ran to Victor Keith and said, "Mr. President, someone is looking for you!"

Victorkis frowned, and then said, "How many times has Lim told you that I'm no longer president? Can you tell me Victorkis understand?"

Immediately replied, "I see, Mr. President!"

Victor Keith rubbed his forehead. For this young man with a small head, he was really helpless and said, "Who is looking for me?"

Rem replied: "It seems to be an officer, and the police are behind him!"

Victor Keith knew it was his appointment and said, "Take me there, don't let the guests wait long!"


After seeing the person coming, Victorkis exclaimed, "Why are you here, Morca?"

The visitor is one of Ferdinand's intelligence chiefs, Murka Valdo, and the immediate supervisor of Victor Keith. The two had worked together before the Constantinople uprising broke out!

In the police uniform, Morka gave him a hug first, then smiled and said, "Old friends have been gone for a long time. Welcome home!"

Victor Keith suppressed the excitement. After all, he couldn't show too much, and his identity could not be revealed.

The two people can also explain, after all, Bulgaria's homeland has expanded from the Balkans to Persia, and there must be many people in these places.

Victor Keith's revolution is also from the Balkans, all the way to the Transcaucasian, traveled south and north for so many years, and it is no surprise to meet some friends.

The identity of Morka's intelligence chief is naturally confidential. His superficial identity is the retired Major General of the Bulgarian Army. The current Deputy Minister of Public Security, the two have some friendship and it is not a big deal.

After a pause, Morca said with a smile: "I also brought the Cabinet's decision on your appointment this time. There were originally three choices, and now one more. You have a total of four choices.

1. To serve as a senior official in a province;

2. Act as colonial governor;

3. Fight with Yankees;

The fourth option was added by me. You can join our police team and specialize in counter-terrorism. Think about it! "

Victor Keith hesitated. All four options were good. If he wanted to take care of himself, it would be better to be a senior official in the country. With his ability, he is now sitting firmly in this position.

If you still want to continue your struggle, then it is better to be the colonial governor or to fight the Americans.

Going to the colony to become the Governor is even less risky. As long as it is not infected, there is basically no danger. Although the Bulgarian colonies are poor mountains and deserts + deserts, there are few Diaomin people, and several chiefs are still unable to rebel.

And going to fight Americans, this cross-sea expedition, the risk is a bit high. If you are unlucky, there is no surprise that you died on the battlefield, although his identity will be a high-ranking officer!

After returning to my old business, it is estimated that normal people do not want to go back after they quit. Although the treatment is high, the achievements are ugly.

Victor Keith declined to say, "Let me go, my old friend, I have been chased by the Ottoman police for so many years, and now the first thought I see of the police is to run away, and let me come to the police, then I can't choke I!"

Seeing Victor Keith's refusal, it doesn't matter that Murka does not matter. Anyway, he is not short of manpower now, so he has come to recruit Victor Keith. That's because he was originally from the Intelligence Department. He is only equivalent to routine business. He's the boss and doesn't listen to him, right?

Morka nodded and said, "Well, I didn't say anything. You should choose the first three. It's best to hurry up. The expeditionary force for the United States has already begun, and it will start at the end of the month at the latest. Late, you have only two options! "

Morka's words undoubtedly show from the side that from now on he is already a free man, and his direct relationship with intelligence organizations will be erased, and his past will disappear forever.

Victor Keiss gratefully said, "Thank you!"

Victor Keith was content to be able to say goodbye to the past. If he were not his own, the cabinet would not be able to give him three free choices. The intelligence department must have played a role here.


Victor Keith's appointment was down, and everyone who stayed was relieved. The boss's life is better, their younger brothers' life is better!

Everyone knows that these three appointments are all positions of real power with room for progress, not the ones that look bright on the surface, but are actually empty positions.

As a close friend Ralph asked, "Mr. Victor Keith, which one are you going to choose?"

Victor Keith thought for a while and said, "I'm going to fight! I've spent most of my life in war, and Bulgaria has the most expensive military achievements. The best option to get ahead is to go to the battlefield!

This opportunity is hard to come by. Once I missed it, I'm afraid I have no chance in this life. I don't have any advantage to climb up through political achievements. Even in governance, I can't compare with others! "

The eyes of the crowd were bright, and this was what they hoped for. If there was no ambition, they would have been resettled like everyone else. Many soldiers had previously retired, and they were assigned to the place with the ordinary people as a family unit.

The people who stayed there did not want to be ordinary farmers and workers. They wanted to fight for a while, just in time to catch up with the war with the Americans. They were left behind and organized into a reserve division.

Now that Victor Keith has chosen to fight, then their division is Victor Keith. Don't worry about a sudden airborne soldier, using them as cannon fodder.

Lavre said excitedly: "It's great, Mr. Victor Keith has your leadership, we can definitely shine on the battlefield!"

Victor Keith did not hesitate to interrupt the excitement of the crowd, and said coldly: "Don't be too happy, of all the Bulgarian army, the combat effectiveness of our division is the worst!

Once we are on the battlefield, we ca n’t make any achievements. I ’m afraid we ca n’t wait until the war is over, we will become civilians and retire early! "

Everyone's face changed drastically. It was very realistic in the army. Everyone spoke by fists. Troops without combat effectiveness had no value.

Ravul said reluctantly, "No, right? Our army is the elite of the tribal United Kingdom? The most powerful of all the troops, it has defeated the siege of the Ottoman army many times!"

Victorkis glared at him and said angrily: "Don't dream, I have seen the Bulgarian army fight. At the beginning, in the Balkans, a Bulgarian regiment caught an Ottoman division savagely. For Ottomans, it's not much worse!

Don't pull me weapons and equipment. If there is no accident, we will change it soon. Now we can throw all these junk.

But no matter how good weapons are used, you have seen Bulgaria ’s garrison in the Asia Minor Peninsula. The planes were directly equipped to the company, and we could n’t find even a pilot here.

Who has used tanks and armored vehicles? I am afraid that most of the troops do n’t even know what the tank looks like?

Give these things to you, and you can use them? Stop daydreaming, just give me a good meditation to study, if anyone dares to make trouble, let me go! "

After listening to Victor Keith's words, one by one chose to shut up. The fact is before us. The era of braveness has passed. Now is the era of aircraft tanks and cannons. The role of personal force has been greatly reduced.


After the British, French, and Bulgarian nations reached an agreement, the joint command of the coalition forces was established. Perhaps everyone is watching the Americans are about to die. One country after another announced their joining, and then the United Nations Army with the largest number of participating nations in human history was born.

More than forty countries, large and small, are participating in this military operation. If the strengths of the two sides are not equal, it is now possible to declare the outbreak of World War II, but this time it is the Americans who have singled out the world.

The participation of many countries does not mean that there are also many troops. Many countries come to fight soy sauce. Send hundreds of soldiers on a boat to represent them and explain to domestic public opinion.

The real main force is still Britain, France, and Japan. The army of these four countries alone exceeds one million people, and the remaining dozens of countries add up to more than 700,000 troops, of which the American countries have performed particularly well. positive.

If nothing else, when the war broke out, the number of troops capable of attacking the Americans will exceed 2.5 million. Just look at the American neighbors and know that they are waiting for the show. What about fists?

It's just that the coalition forces haven't come over yet, and they dare not look for the futility of the Americans. The formation of coalition forces in countries around the world has already spread in the United States, even though the Wilson administration wanted to block the news.

In addition to crazy preparations, the Wilson government is still building submarines and wants to learn the Germans to break the war. Of course, this genius idea, don't bother!

The question is, where will the coalition land, whether it is Canada or Mexico, to supply the enemy, and now the Americans finally regretted why they did not unite the American continent during the World War?

If the American continent is unified, with the natural line of defense of the ocean, even if it is facing offensives from various countries, will it not be without a battle?

Now every neighbor is a steel knife inserted into them by the enemy. It is not possible to pull it out. If you ca n’t pull it out in a short time, the Wilson government is in a dilemma!

There is no way to fight the war. Britain, France, and Bulgaria have secretly sent troops to Canada and Colombia. To be precise, Britain and Bulgaria are the mainstays. As early as when they planned the "U.S. pandemic," Britain and Bulgaria joined forces.

After the third wave of outbreaks, three Bulgarian Army divisions and two Air Force divisions were secretly sent to the colonies, and then came to the Americas.

Then French talents participated in it. The three countries sent nearly 200,000 troops to the Americas, but all of this was decentralized for confidentiality.

The US government also found that Britain increased its troops to Canada, but the specific number of troops was not the 50,000 they received.

Of course, for the outcome of this war, it was doomed before it even started. For the Americans, the Panama Canal was their lifeline, but they were unable to protect the canal!

Too far from their homeland, the Panama Canal is now in jeopardy after the younger brother of the Americas has fallen.

Don't look at Panama as the puppet of the Americans, but now the US government can't reach it. Colombia has launched an attack on them. The Colombian's confidence comes from the reinforcements of Britain, France and Bulgaria!

Although these troops have not taken the initiative, they have provoked conflicts. Anyway, there are three bosses supporting them, and they will not counsel the Americans this time!

On January 11, 1921, Colombia, on the grounds that the League of Nations sanctions the United States, demanded that Panama blockade the canal. After being rejected, Colombia decisively used force to ignite the war.

On the same day, the Japanese government also announced that it was hosting the Philippine Islands on the ground that the United Nations sanctions the United States, and then they launched an attack on Luzon.

And Bulgaria's attack on Liberia has no news at all, and an African chief is killed without the need for world news!

Really fight! The whole world knows that the League of Nations is going to move this time, and sure enough, on January 12, 1921, the League of Nations London headquarters announced:

In view of the US government's research on anti-human biochemical viruses, it has caused the death of 100 million people around the world ~ ~ seriously threatening human security.

In addition, he did not know how to repent, hindered the investigation team's work, and carried out an inhumane killing of those in the know.

For the safety of all humankind, and to give an explanation to the 100 million compatriots who died, the League of Nations was forced to take military action against the US government. Now all responsible nations around the world are invited to participate in this humanitarian operation!

Then, all the independent countries in the world, except the United States, signed up for this charity event on that day.

No matter how many troops are sent, at least everyone succeeds in overwhelming the Americans. At least the US intelligence personnel in London, after hearing the news, collapsed!


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