Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 4: Rights balance system

Time passed quickly, and at the end of 1917, it was time to decide the expenses of various government departments in the next year.

Different from the war period, the military will also participate in this budget battle, and Ferdinand has also released the wind to carry out a new round of state-owned enterprise reform!

Enterprises controlled by the military are likely to be separated from the military. From now on, all their funds will have only one way-financial allocation!

Of course, there are still dividends for operating the colonies, but the prerequisite is to wait for the Bulgarian colonies to realize profits!

As a representative of the military, the five Bulgarian marshals now turn around Ferdinand every day, and they can find out nothing, and the purpose is naturally for military expenses.

Gone are the days when they were free from budget constraints! During the war, in order to win the war, the whole of Bulgaria was moving around the army, and the battle was fought. Even if the government had no money, it had to get them supplies!

Now that the economy has begun to return to normalization, and the military has lost the kind of lack it had before, it is directly reaching the government for domineering power!

Everything is done in accordance with the rules. From now on, the army will have to give money for the procurement of materials.

In terms of fiscal revenue, Bulgaria has greatly increased. The budget number given by the Ministry of Finance in 1918 was 5.2 billion levs (approximately 208 million pounds). If it is before the World War, this number is estimated to give the cabinet a joy. Dead, that's what it is now!

Fiscal revenue has increased, and the construction site has increased more. The administrative expenses that have followed have also risen. At least the Balkans should be treated as local governments. The administrative expenses in these areas have increased by one third.

Corresponding education, medical and health funding, infrastructure construction funding, post-war reconstruction funding, and so on are all indispensable.

As for war reparations, I am sorry that the amount of reparations in 1918 has been offset by Germany and Italy in kind, such as the colonies and factories that were demolished. Are these all money?

The factory was resold to the enterprise long ago by the government, and the money received was almost spent in 1917, so this 5.2 billion levs were the government's total revenue in 1918.

Then Ferdinand cut it again and set aside 8 million pounds for scientific research. The remaining 200 million pounds was everyone's budget.

Petrov hippie said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you see that our navy has just established a foothold in the Persian Gulf region, the construction of this port has only begun, is it for ..."

Ferdinand interrupted directly: "Yes, you are right, the Navy needs to invest, but you should go to the military committee to say that they are responsible for allocating the military expenditure ratio of the three armed forces!"

As soon as Ferdinand's words fell, Petrov's face collapsed. Now Bulgaria's military costs are the worst in the Navy.

The army has always been the boss, and the people in the military committee responsible for the distribution of military expenditures are basically from the army. Their share is naturally the largest!

Even the rising star Air Force, their days are more comfortable than the Navy, because their cost is cheaper than the Navy, and Ferdinand issued a special order, the military expenditure ratio of any service of the Army, Air and Air Force must not be less than 25%!

Then the Air Force was relieved to get up and down. They had the minimum standard. They could n’t get it if they wanted to grab it. Then they watched the Army and the Navy grabbing military expenses.

As a result, there is no doubt that the navy is certainly not an opponent of the army in the military commission. Although the final result has not yet come out, but no accident, this time the navy will be on an equal footing with the air force, and they are ready to take the minimum standards!

At present, the total number of Bulgarian military committees is as high as 183, of which 165 are from the army, three from the air force, and only 15 from the navy, including his marshal.

Don't be surprised. The predecessors of the Bulgarian Navy and the Air Force were all drawn from the Army. Was he a Marshal or an Admiral before?

The Air Force is a uniform army. From officers to pilots are selected from the army. After independence, they began recruiting people independently.

Of course, in this era, the air forces of all countries were born out of the army, and there is nothing to fuss about! The navy also developed from the army, which is the Bulgarian freak!

This is also impossible. Who was the Bulgarian Navy who had been misbranded before? It was not until the end of the first Balkan war that it started. Before that, it was either the navy or the maritime police!

In the World War, after Bulgaria's large-scale expansion, most of the generals added were also the army. The navy has too few opportunities to perform, and the air force is too late to start. It is impossible to join the army for two or three years and become a general.

Not a general, why did you enter the military committee? Even if this military committee is the place where these veterans will take care of themselves, they must also improve the specifications and grades, and they must behave very well!

Just like now, when it comes to military expenditures, it is their turn to take charge, although Ferdinand has already been allocated, it is just a cutoff!

In this battle for military expenses, the military must first join forces to compete with various government departments, and after the incident, the three armed forces, the land, the sea, and the air, must close the door and fight for themselves!

The Air Force has a self-knowledge. The 25% ratio is already very good. Anyway, during the war, a large number of aircraft with good performance were left. In the short term, they should not consider the replacement of weapons, and military expenditure is not large.

But the navy ca n’t do it. Their warships are all swallowing gold beasts. Now Bulgaria ’s navy has a total tonnage of up to 410,000 tons, and colonies need to be guarded. The ports in the Persian Gulf must be built.

Not only Petrov was bitter, but Secretary of the Army Popov also complained: "Your Majesty, you see that our colonies are so chaotic now that we need troops everywhere ..."

Ferdinand smiled slightly and said, "You two of you, can't you find a way without military expenses? The navy's military expenses are not enough, and the army has followed suit.

Anyway, the annual budget has not yet begun. Do you want to take it from the cabinet yourself? Now is the time to test your capabilities. As long as you can convince them, isn't there military spending? "

After the war ended, military expenditure must be suppressed. This is the consensus of Ferdinand and the cabinet, but it was not suppressed within a year!

This is very unrealistic. It will take time for the army to adjust. Moreover, the newly occupied colonies are not very peaceful. There are no big battles but small battles are still indispensable.

But at this point, only the Prime Minister Constantine and Ferdinand know that the military only knows that the military expenditure ratio must be reduced. The military expenditure ratio during the war once exceeded 90% of the financial expenditure, and the military expenditure ratio in the peace era was No more than 25 percent!

This is still the Balkans. Bulgaria ’s national defense pressure was very high before the World War. This military expenditure ratio was only available, but now it really looks around and there are no decent enemies!

If this is cut down, it is estimated that the days of the Bulgarian army in 1918 will really be impossible, let alone the small vault in their hands?

Popov smiled bitterly and said, "Your Majesty, play tricks, how could we big bosses be their opponents?

But I heard that many government departments are now preparing for a big fight? You know, during the war, they were ravaged. Now that they have made a big move, the money is not like running water. What else is left for our army? "

Ferdinand just looked at them gloatingly. There is no doubt that this is the cabinet that is beating the military through the distribution of military expenses, letting them know who is the master of this country!

This is also their own self-respect. During the war, these big men in the army were all courageous. They were a king boss. They were the second. They didn't put the cabinet in their eyes. Now they naturally want to wake up. Already.

Ferdinand is also happy to see it happen. If the military is allowed to float and suppress the cabinet, then what? How can rights be balanced?

In the current Bulgarian political system, the king controls the army, and the parliament checks and balances the cabinet, the cabinet checks and balances the army, and the army checks and balances the government.

Of course, in practice, it will be more complicated. The King also has the right to dismiss parliament, nominate or appoint and remove cabinet officials. In simple terms, the King has the right to appoint and remove all senior personnel.

It is just that the prestige of Ferdinand's king is a little too high. The cabinet that originally threatened the kingship has become a good boy, but it does not mean that he will give up this balance system.

As a traverser, he was very clear that the king must master the army, so the Sofia's guards were all directly under the command of the king, and even the military expenses were separately accounted for and directly drawn from the annual fiscal.

He must also beat the military to let them know who their boss is! At the same time, he wants to put an end to cabinet intervention in the army and weaken the influence of the king in the army!

After the rise of military aristocracy, the balance of power in Bulgaria has been improved. The cabinet has the power of state administration, the king has the army, the aristocracy represents the king and goes to the place. In the future, the members of the noble class and the bourgeoisie will be balanced.

It was also in order to establish this system that Ferdinand would suppress the bourgeoisie before the rise of the noble class.

The issue of balance of rights is very complicated. While supporting the noble class, Ferdinand personally dismantled the noble class. There is no such kind of big aristocracy. The number of nobles distributed to the place is large, but the title is not high. Power is confined to one side.

The king became their sole leader and spokesperson for their interests! In addition to the aristocracy, Ferdinand also produced a group of rich peasants. Their status was less than that of the aristocracy, but they surpassed ordinary people economically.

And due to the relationship of productivity, Bulgaria, which lacks labor, must develop mechanized agriculture, and they will become individual farmers in the future.

In the face of mechanized agriculture, the destruction of the small-scale peasant economy is sooner or later. The peasants are essentially farmers, and the future Bulgarian king is the spokesman for the peasant and aristocratic classes.

At the same time, this king has a large number of industries and is the country's largest consortium ~ ~ has huge economic strength and controls the national economy behind the scenes.

Now Ferdinand is still making arrangements. His ideal state is to master the country ’s army, control the country ’s banks, control the country ’s public opinion, and hold a large number of physical industries.

In this case, if it can still be overturned, Ferdinand can only say that he admires it!

It was almost impossible to achieve this goal, but the situation in Bulgaria provided him with this condition-that is, oil that has not yet been discovered!

Ferdinand can take down the oil fields under the desert at a low price, and put on more vests. In the future, there will be a big industrial outbreak, and the world ’s economy will be controlled by the royal family!


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