Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 75: Turbulent Germany

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"His Majesty, the British want us to withdraw from Italy and let them take over!" Metiev said

"Sure enough, the interest is moving!"

Ferdinand sighed and then made a decision: "Promise them, but the agreement we reached with the British consortium must be fulfilled by the British government!"

"But Your Majesty, shall we give in to such great benefits?" Metiev hesitated.

"The benefits are great, but unfortunately they are poisonous!" Ferdinand said

"Her Majesty, sociologists have analyzed that after the light industry transfer, Britain and France are shifting social conflicts in the country through plundering the Kazakhstan, and have achieved results.

According to the information we have collected, in the first half of 1924, the domestic economy of the United Kingdom grew by 5% compared with the same period in 1923. This was a new high since the outbreak of the World War.

After the transfer of manufacturing, capitalists have also relaxed their squeeze on the working class, and average wages in London have increased by five percent!

At the same time, the British unemployment rate has not increased because of industrial transfer, but has shown an abnormal downward trend. This is the first time that the British unemployed has fallen since the outbreak of the World War!

This is exactly the opposite of what we speculated, and this time we are likely to be clumsy! "Kennedy said worriedly

"Don't worry, British social conflicts are indeed passed on, but their economic growth is abnormal.

Have you found that it is no longer industry that is driving the rapid growth of the British economy? Now their economic growth is based on the prosperity of the stock market.

The so-called economic growth is nothing more than a bubble that will blow out sooner or later! The world factory has become a thing of the past. Where are their new jobs now?

Service industry, finance, insurance, real estate! These industries have a fatal weakness and there is no way to increase their hard power!

When the economy is booming, these industries will flourish. Once there is an economic crisis and the bubble is burst, it will be immediately returned to the prototype! Ferdinand explained

"De-industrialization" not only brings harm, but also-huge dividends. Otherwise, why do so many countries choose to "de-industrialize"?

And this "dividend" is still visible in the short term. The completion of deindustrialization will also trigger a new round of economic prosperity in society!

Even if hesitates to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, Britain and France de-industrialize ahead of time, but this dividend will still exist for a long time!

In theory, as long as Britain and France can always control Italy and Germany, then the industrial capacity they transferred out is also under their control, then this crisis will be suppressed to the lowest point.

The big deal is that after the economic crisis breaks out, they will again industrialize and can also directly upgrade the industry. These things have been done by future generations, and they have been very successful!

Is "de-industrialization" the first time?

Obviously not!

Otherwise, how did the title of the French loan shark empire come from?

It is just that the previous operation method is different. In the past, it was affected by the financial industry. Capitalists have reduced their investment in the real economy. This time it is an industrial transfer.

In 1903, Britons engaged in manufacturing accounted for 47% of the British workforce; as of 1923, Britons engaged in manufacturing had fallen to 33%.

This downward trend is very obvious. It is not just the United Kingdom. All developed countries in the world, the proportion of the population engaged in manufacturing is declining.

In contrast, the proportion of the population engaged in the service industry has been increasing year by year.

In 1903, the proportion of the British labor force engaged in the service industry was limited to 28%; by 1923, the proportion of the British labor force engaged in the service industry had risen to 51%.

This ratio is not high. Later generations Ferdinand also saw countries with more than 99% of the labor force engaged in the service industry. In any later developed country, the proportion of the labor force engaged in the service industry will not be less than 70%.


The founding of a foundry in Germany is a good thing in the eyes of the Allies, but unfortunately the German union does not buy it!

Of course, from the beginning, they were very cooperative. By 1925, Britain and France shut down a large number of domestic factories, and most of their production capacity was transferred to Germany and Italy.

The German unions jumped out. In protest of the plunder of Britain and France, they held a general strike on April Fool's Day in 1925.

More than 5 million German workers, dissatisfied with wages, working conditions, and working hours, took to the streets to demonstrate. Capitalists who have invested a lot of money have to sit down and negotiate with them.

During the negotiations, the two sides quickly reached an impasse. Capitalists were only willing to pay a salary of 3.5 pounds per month, while German unions demanded high wages of 8 pounds per month.

At the same time, German unions insist on an eight-hour work day and implement weekend weekends; while capitalists require ten hours a day and weekends on a single holiday.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Bulgaria, and there is no Bulgarian capitalist who wants to invest in Germany to build a factory. Ferdinand naturally looked alive.

The treatment requirements put forward by the German trade unions must not be met by the capitalists. If they can meet them, they will not have to relocate the factory!

The Germans set this wage standard with reference to average wages in London and Paris, which at the time were among the highest in the world.

I don't know where the German Association came from. I believe that the capitalists will agree with their conditions, or that they just want to destroy!

You know, the average wage level in Britain in 1923 was only 7.8 pounds per month, and the wage level in France was almost the same. In Bulgaria, the average wage is equivalent to only 7.6 pounds.

This wage is based on everyone working overtime. At that time, the average working hours of the working class in the three countries was between 56 and 66 hours.

Among them, British workers have the shortest overtime hours, only 56 hours, while Bulgaria has the longest overtime hours, up to 66 hours.

Nominally everyone has an eight-hour work day, plus a double holiday. Actually, it is necessary to work overtime. Under the pressure of life, in order to pay overtime, everyone has to work overtime!

The conditions put forward by the German union this time have been completely divorced from reality. The hourly wages they demand have exceeded one-third of British workers and more than two-fifths of Bulgarian workers.

In fact, this gap will be even wider. Everyone knows the average wage level. This data is not reliable at all. Compared with many industries, the working class is at a low wage level.

Their actual income is one-third lower than the average, and even the wages of many factory workers are less than half of the average.

Delayed for more than a month, the capitalists promised concessions and production was restored, just as the Germans were preparing to celebrate victory.

Britain and France suddenly sent troops to occupy the Ruhr industrial zone, arrested the union leaders, forcibly dismissed the unions, and put an end to the strike.

At this time, the German government knew it was in trouble. When the German Association acted, the German government also secretly supported it. Otherwise, it would not be so big, because one-third of the workers' wages would be used to pay off debts.

The German government also hopes to improve the treatment of workers so as to reduce their pressure to pay war reparations.

Before the strike, the wages of German workers were reduced to only three pounds, and after deducting war compensation, only two pounds were received.

With this little money, they are having difficulty even in normal life, which is why the strike union has so much support.

At present, the number of industrial workers that Germany has contracted for the Allies has exceeded eight million.

At a monthly salary of £ 3 per person, 8 million pounds of debt can be repaid each month. According to this data, the German government must continue to work for debt repayment, which is far from enough to repay the annual debt.

If based on a monthly salary of 8 pounds per person, and can pay back 10,000 pounds per month, then the German government does not have to worry about debts, they can develop the economy with peace of mind.

Obviously, the German government this time underestimated the determination of the capitalists to safeguard their own interests. According to the plan, they were also prepared to wait for the deadlock in the negotiations between the two parties. The capitalists could not hold on, and the German government came forward to reconcile the disputes between the two parties.

Everyone makes a concession and raises the wage level of the workers, but it is within the tolerance of the capitalists, so that everyone can accept it.

Unfortunately, in front of the interests, the fighting power of the capitalists is often overwhelming. They did not understand the intention of the German government and directly used their influence to allow the government to send troops to occupy the Ruhr industrial zone.

"Your Majesty, the German government invites us to mediate their conflict with Britain and France!" Mettev said

"Tell the Germans that mediation is possible, but this time we will only be neutral and will not lean towards either party!" Ferdinand said calmly.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't we create a little trouble for Britain and France? If we let them use cheap labor to produce a large number of industrial products, our exports will also be affected!" Metiev asked in confusion.

"Do you think Britain and France will listen to us?

Since British and French can't be persuaded, why is it necessary to do useless work?

Besides, do you think the German government can resist the pressure from Britain and France?

The British Empire is not the British Empire of the past! The former powerful German empire, now all that remains is a fragmented German republic!

There is a central government with 28 states below. Does the Weimar government have the ability to control this country? Ferdinand asked back

Megeve is in deep contemplation, yes, Germany's internal problems are already very serious. After the end of the World War, the states below took the opportunity of the central government's struggle for power to grow decisively.

For their own benefit, the major kingdoms did not hesitate to take advantage of the French hope that Germany would be divided, and obtained military command, personnel, financial and diplomatic power.

Except that independence has not been announced, in essence, they are already independent kingdoms.

When paying war reparations, did you not see that the major kingdoms settled with the allies separately?

Now that the German central government cannot pay the war compensation to the Allies, and the major kingdoms are watching the movie, how can there be no contradictions within Germany? How long can the German government's unification last?

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid the Weimar government won't be able to hold on for long?" Mev said hesitantly.

Ferdinand nodded, and there was no harm without comparison. If the German economy was the same, everyone would cast their hatred on the Allies.

The lives of several kingdoms are not bad now, and the economies of other small states are still barely passable. However, the central government's municipalities have a bad economy.

In this case, of course, the people must doubt the government's ability to govern. The Weimar government's ability to govern was originally rotten. After comparison, it became even worse!

The lies of democracy and freedom have been pierced, and high welfare is more like an air tower. Except for high-level public officials and capitalists, it has nothing to do with ordinary people.

We must know that the Prussian region has always been the most economically developed region in Germany, and the standard of living of the people has always been much higher than that of other states. But now this situation has reversed. Can they accept this gap?

The revolution has not yet erupted. This is the endurance of the Germans. If they were left in France, they would have already revolutionized, but now they are fast.

"This problem, let the British people have a headache! If they don't want Germany to split, they should take action!

For us, both the restoration of the Emperor and the annexation of Germany by the French are acceptable! Ferdinand thought for a while

"His Majesty, the restoration of the German Emperor said that it is not easy for them to reunify Germany. Even if Germany is truly unified, the threat to us is very limited.

However, if the French annexed the German region, a behemoth would appear on the European continent, which is also a serious threat to us! Metev said cautiously

"It's not that simple. The British won't let the French succeed! We also need the French to attract the attention of the British. With the strength of the French, if they really occupy Germany and want to digest the German region, at least It will take decades!

They have to get rid of more than 60 million Germans, or they are going to be strangled! Do you think the French government has this execution? Ferdinand said with a smile

When it comes to execution, the French government is a joke. Whether it is Tunisia, Algeria, or Morocco, France has the opportunity to turn these regions into their native land and completely digest them!

But what happened? The plan is always a plan. The huge capital investment has made the French prohibitive. Now they have not been able to suppress the uprising in Morocco.

This problem is really not to blame the French government. Just look at the speed at which they change cabinets.

How many French governments can expire? Under normal circumstances, the average term of the French cabinet is less than two years. In such a short period of time, how do you let them implement a national policy that requires decades of long-term investment without seeing returns?

Ferdinand knows ~ ~ It's not that these politicians are short-sighted and can't see the future direction of the country, but it's the impetuous French society that makes them have to choose the quick and easy way to please voters


After the Ruhr industrial zone was occupied by Britain and France, the German government launched active diplomatic actions. In addition to inviting Bulgaria to participate in mediation, they also carried out diplomatic activities in European countries in an attempt to gain everyone's sympathy.

At the same time, the German delegation also secretly arrived in London and had a secret talk with the British. They tried to gain British support.

Although the British and French forces sent troops to occupy the Ruhr area, they knew who their real enemy was now.

The purpose of the British this time is very simple. It is only for economic benefits that they occupy the Ruhr industrial zone to suppress the strike. That is because their interests have been harmed. The purpose of the French is difficult to say.

Had it not been for the strong opposition of the British, the French would have annexed the Ruhr region long after the World War.
