Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v5 Chapter 80: Division plan

-The problem of agriculture cannot be solved overnight. We must continue to engage in low-yield farming in the short term. If you want to develop the tertiary industry, wait another 30 years.

If the productivity does not develop further, and the total wealth created by society does not increase, how can the living standards of the people be raised?

If the standard of living does not improve, how can the people have money to travel and spend?

Why in this era, people have the habit of saving money. In fact, they are all forced to join. There is no savings in joining. Once something happens, they will immediately go bankrupt.

Especially serious diseases are basically filled in as long as they meet the savings of a lifetime.

The hospitals in Bulgaria are fairly ill, at least incurable terminal illnesses, they will recommend family members to take conservative treatment.

Conservative treatment needs to be considered. For rich people, it is natural to continue to throw money up. When the doctor is experimenting with mice, betting on the vitality. Those who have no money can only use cheap medicine to alleviate the patient's pain. How long they can live depends on luck.

These circumstances, Ferdinand is also very clear, but there is nothing to do, Bulgaria's medical level is considered high in the world.

Even so, in the face of major illnesses, you can only gamble luck. Rich people have to gamble luck, let alone the poor, and they have no chance to gamble.

There are many social problems in Bulgaria, and these problems cannot be solved. Ferdinand often wondered how the other passersby seniors could easily handle it, and how it became a social scourge when he got here?

The only thing that pleases him is that now everyone in the world is doing this, and even other countries are even worse. It is the support of these peers that highlights his excellence.

Especially Nicholas II next door, Ferdinand really looks good! The more chaotic the Russian Empire, the more stable Bulgaria is.

If it were not for the ongoing civil war in Russia, these Russian immigrants would not have identified Bulgaria so quickly and had such a strong sense of belonging.

"Your Majesty, the Russian government has submitted a loan application to us again!" Minister of Finance Kennedy said with a smile

"A loan is needed again, Nicholas II lost the 12 billion Lev so quickly?" Ferdinand asked in confusion.

His Majesty, not so much. This loan is deducted from the principal and interest that should be repaid in the first year. In fact, the Tsar government only received 11.168 billion levs.

They have to repay about 1.3 billion levs every year. From 1923 to the present, they have paid 3.9 billion levs. If all these are deducted, then they actually only spend the remaining 7.268 billion levs.

The debts of 1926 are no longer available, so now they are obliged to borrow new debt to pay off the old debt, and to cope with the next war, which requires money. "Kennedy explained

I was really thick, Ferdinand thought to myself!

The 2.468 billion levs earned by the Tsar's land sale should not be 2.466 billion levs. Russian officials are very disciplined. These public relations fees can be deducted from the final payment.

当然 Of course, the money was paid directly without any discount. The 10 billion leva loan is not so easy to obtain. According to international practice, the principal and interest sum of the first year is deducted to reach 8.7 billion leva.

In the next three years, 3.9 billion levs were repaid, and Nicholas II used only 4.8 billion levs.

Of course, if Nicholas II had a financial mind, maybe he could earn some money elsewhere to make up for the loss.

However, this possibility is unlikely. If Nicholas II had this talent, the Russian Empire would not be so short of money. Depending on the royal family's industry, if the investment is reasonable, the current income is estimated to be enough for the war.

The easiest way is to go to London to buy stocks and make real estate a few times easier annual return, which is enough to fill the deficit.

Of course, people who do not have the vision and background to play with will most likely die in a certain corner. There are still some Royal Sands in the background. The only thing missing is the vision.

Uh ...

After calculating it, Ferdinand suddenly found that the interest charged this time was not too high. Even the interest rate was only 1.3 billion levs per year. Considering the loans on future Internet platforms, the interest can be doubled in a month. Really kind.

Even if it is compared with bank loans in later generations, this month's interest rate is still low. For a 30-year loan, the monthly interest rate is only seven thousandths.

没有 I haven't messed up with the pitman's fees, the loan is timely, and the loan is not due at all. It is really conscience. Ferdinand decisively ignored the fact of plotting Ukraine.

War is the biggest gold swallowing beast, so a little Channicola II can persist for so long, and still fight the little Nicholas I. If there was no blood transfusion behind the British, now he would have killed this opponent.

"What are the Russians going to mortgage this time?" Ferdinand asked with interest

"This time the Russians no longer intend to use the land as a mortgage. Nicholas II is now estimated to have regretted it. The reunification process of the Russian Empire has been delayed. With their financial situation, it is almost impossible to repay the loan.

So the Russians have learned a lesson this time. They plan to borrow 20 billion levs of interest-free loans from us, which can be collateralized by customs duties, salt taxes, and alcohol taxes! "Kennedy said

Jeff Ferdinand shook his head directly. If Bulgarian capitalists want to continue to expand their market in the Russian Empire, the possibility of this deal is very high.

It is a pity that Ferdinand was no longer interested in these, and after ten years of war, the Russian Empire was already scarce.

明显 He clearly felt that the intensity of the Russian civil war has been greatly reduced in the past two years. In order to buy the army, Nicholas II was also tyrannical, and attracted a large number of supporters.

The Russian Empire has enough land for his splurge, so Nicholas II's shots are more generous than Ferdinand.

Even so, it only just stabilized the army. After all, the war has been fought for too long, and the anti-war sentiment of the people has risen.

If you do that in the first year of the civil war, it is probably not to say that Little Nicholas, even the Moscow government, which has run to Siberian health, has long since been calmed down.

How about the fighting effectiveness of the aristocratic army aristocracy, Ferdinand has the most discovery power. Look at the Bulgarian army to know. Whenever there is a battle, one by one scrambles to fight, for fear of missing the opportunity.

Even in the most critical moments, they are the ones who can persist. Stimulated by military merits, many battlefield forces that often surpassed imagination when they arrived on the battlefield.

"Reject the Russians directly. This business is too risky. We can't afford it in Bulgaria. We suggest that they go to the British and French to try it!" Ferdinand said with a smile

Don't do it? Do not!

最后 In the end, this business can only be done by Bulgaria. The Russian Empire has a large amount of debt to Britain and France, which has been expected for a long time.

If it wasn't for the war reparations received by the Russians of the World War, and some interest was used to offset them, the capitalists of Britain and France would vomit blood, especially the French were miserable by the Russians.

为了 In order to attract Russia to deal with the Germans, there were a lot of interest-free loans and low-interest loans. Now, if it was not for the German and Austrian war reparations, they paid their interest. Nicholas II can only declare a debt.

Interest is there, but no one knows where the principal is, so the mood of the French is the most complicated.

On the one hand, they hope that the Russians will continue the civil war, so that the Russians will not have the energy to compete with them for European hegemony; on the other hand, they hope that the Russians will be unified sooner, and only after the reunification of Russia can they repay their loans.

After all, this is hundreds of billions of francs of funds. For any country, it is not a small amount. In history, it was because Russia was destroyed, and finally the French financial community was seriously injured.

Now that the Russians are still there, the war reparations transferred will barely be able to pay the interest. These financial institutions can also accept it, so that those who are directly affected will go bankrupt.

Do French capitalists dare to borrow money from Russians at this time? Even if the Russians can use these taxes as collateral, they must be able to get them!

Even Ferdinand did not dare to take these taxes as collateral, and knew how bad the Russian tax system was. It was impossible to get Russian taxes in name, but in fact he could not collect the taxes of a big boy.

It's impossible for you to send someone to Russia to collect taxes, right? Will the Tsarist government really cooperate with you to collect taxes? Even if you cooperate, the people below can keep you from getting money.

Do not overestimate the temperament of the bears. If you get to that point, the tax you will receive in the end is definitely three melons and two dates.

I started a rogue tsarist government, but I was not afraid of external threats. In history, in order to settle accounts, the tsars who declared bankruptcy were not two or two. Then these bankers who borrowed money could only think they were unlucky.

呢 How about the British? Does this need to be considered?

Without their troubles, Nicholas II has long unified Russia now. Just look at the weapons and equipment of Little Nicholas Tsar. Most of them are British goods.

残留 The remaining weapons and equipment of the World War were selflessly given to the Russians by the British, so that this civil war could continue.

In contrast, although Ferdinand is also doing arms trade, it will converge much. That is, the weapons of the allied nations were sold to the Nicholas Jr. and the Moscow government, and Bulgarian equipment was only sold to Nicholas II.

On the surface, he absolutely did not support Little Nicholas. These weapons were bought by Bulgarian merchants from Bulgaria and they were sold to whom I do n’t know.

Now the London government invests a lot in Little Nicholas. If Nicholas II unified Russia, wouldn't their investment be overwhelmed?

Not to mention a split fur bear is a good fur bear. Once Russia unifies again, where will they expand?

As long as the tsarist government is not stupid, it knows that the expansion of continental Europe has reached its limit, and if it continues to expand to Europe, they will be beaten by gangs.

Neither the French nor the Austro-Hungarian Empire, or the Germans and Bulgaria, will tolerate their continued expansion in Europe.

With their current strength, even if they unified the country, they would not have the courage to provoke a war.

I marched into the ocean, not to mention, although the Baltic Sea has been acquiesced to the Russian territory, but now they have no money to play the big navy!

Then he looked around and found that the Balkans, Asia Minor, and North Persia were all Bulgarian sites. As the Russian's only ally now, they also need Bulgaria's support, and it is impossible to turn their faces at this time.

The rest is only in Central Asia and the Far East. If the bears go to the Far East and the Japanese die, it is estimated that John Bull will give its full support.

However, from the perspective of economic value, it is better to enter India from Central Asia. Even if the bears dare not directly challenge the British Empire, small actions are absolutely indispensable.

Anyway, on the land, they are not afraid of the British. The most important maritime trade line is controlled by Bulgaria. The British want to suppress them, at most, to restrict them in the Baltic Sea.

In the Black Sea region, Bulgaria is certainly impossible for the British to enter, and the British cannot always block it with Bulgaria, right?

If the British really did this, it is estimated that the Russians still celebrated with champagne, and the conflict between Britain and Bulgaria, the Suez Canal was cut off is inevitable.

It is not far from the Palestinian area to the Suez Canal. It only takes two or three hours for the Bulgarian Air Force to blow up the canal.

It doesn't take long for the puppets to be blocked for three to five months before the Russians can enter India.

Each of these simple questions is very clear to everyone, so the British Empire is the most active in splitting Russia.

Of course, other countries are also very active, including Ferdinand. On this issue, everyone is on the same stand.

Otherwise, the civil war will continue for so long. Many times Nicholas II seems to have occupied the advantage, and the dawn of victory looks again, but every time at the last moment, it fails because of various unfavorable factors.

For example, now that the little Nicholas government can immediately get the support of the British, according to Ferdinand, the London government now has to pay tens of millions of pounds of special funds every year, and finally it is replaced by arms and ammunition and flows into Russia .

The French are also the same. The speed of the French army's weapons replacement is extremely fast, and the amount of weapons and ammunition consumed exceeds that of the war.

These increased consumption also flowed into Russia. Even a lot of weapons and ammunition were transferred through Bulgaria. Ferdinand was very acquainted with what he did not know.

Apart from Britain and France ~ ~ Many European countries secretly support the Russian civil war, such as Sweden and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. These countries have provided support to the rebels.

Did Nicholas II know? He certainly knew, but without evidence, he could do nothing! The tsarist government is about to tell the evidence, and then it is known how severely they have been weakened.

Without the support of so many international friends, how could Nicholas II not yet unite Russia? You know that the main forces of the Russian army are in his hands.

Little Nicholas still has a part of the Russian army to support, and the Moscow government is very lacking in qualified officers. Even if their organizational ability is the strongest, the troops will be brave enough to defeat them, but the combat effectiveness is not very good. .

Russian history has changed beyond recognition, and Ferdinand is waiting for the British to come out to be evil people, and the Russian Empire will be completely divided.

Judging from the current situation, if Nicholas II fails again, there will be no chance to unify Russia. When the people's war exhaustion has reached its limit, no one can continue to promote the war!

His Majesty, "Your Majesty, don't you talk to the Russians first? Presumably the bottom line of the Tsarist government is now very low. If we insist, the benefits will be great this time!" Kennedy thought about it and said

不用 "No, there are some things that we are not convenient to do too much. Even if it is to rob while the fire is under way, the Russians have to take the initiative to ask us to rob, instead of us rushing to rob!" Ferdinand said carefully

Kennedy nodded in doubt, anyway, he couldn't see any difference between the two, anyway, the final result was to take advantage of the fire.

Uh ...