Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v6 Chapter 10: ,upgrade



Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald was annoyed. The British Empire finally emerged from the economic crisis. There are still a lot of messes.

For example, during the economic crisis, the London government gave priority to guaranteeing the interests of local capitalists, so that the capitalists of the three North American countries were stimulated and wanted independence.

This is only a small problem, and they dare to think about it at most. As long as the British Empire has been strong, there will be no problems.

Another example: domestic labor disputes, although his prime minister has always stood in the position of capitalists, but can not make the people hungry?

The greed of the capitalists is inexhaustible. The government has to do ideological work for them and let them take care of the overall situation. Don't play too much.

To this end, Ramsey McDonald, who was born in the Labour Party, jumped out, formed another party and then joined the Conservative Party in power.

It is precisely because the position of the Labour Party is entirely on the side of the capitalists and does not consider the actual situation.

"His Prime Minister, the arms race has begun. Bulgaria and Japan are freeing up their arms and we will follow up.

From the end of 1929 to the present, the Royal Navy has not launched the main battleship, and the Navy has paid too much for this country!

If we continue, our dominant position will no longer exist! "The Minister of the Navy said solemnly

"It's not that serious, my navy minister, the royal advantage, not so many ships can surpass!" Said Prime Minister Ramsey Macdonald rubbed his forehead and said

"The Prime Minister, this is only a test of them. Do you really think that the Bulgarian government is trying to take a gamble with the Japanese?

You know, Bulgaria had the strength to explode the navy as early as more than a decade ago, at least more than the French had no problem, but they have been stinging till now.

Even at the London Arms Conference, they did not fight for it, and now suddenly they attach importance to the navy, don't you think it is strange?

Japan is not Ottoman. They are thousands of miles apart from Bulgaria. There is no conflict of interest between the two sides, and the possibility of war is infinite.

Even if the Bulgarians are crazy, it is impossible to go to the Far East to fight them, which is not logical!

If we do not fight back immediately, I am afraid that it will not be long before the arms race escalates, and the benefits we will pay will be even greater! The Minister of the Navy analyzed

"But even then, your admiralty can't come up with such a huge shipbuilding plan? This is double the Bulgarian shipbuilding plan. God, am I wrong?" Ramsay McDonald Helplessly said

At this time, we are struggling with Bulgaria for financial strength. It is estimated that they do not have to wait to scare the enemy, they will collapse first.

Don't look at the difference in economic aggregates between the two sides, but the British Empire ’s costs for local maintenance are much higher.

Bulgaria is mainly on the island of the world. Africa ’s colonies are basically poor and remote, and do not require much financial expenditure.

The British Empire will not do it. Several of its self-governing territories have a set of government teams, similar to a country, which consumes a lot of financial resources.

In the end, the British Central Government received much less money than Bulgaria.

After the start of economic integration in Eastern Europe, they completely lost their ability to restrict Bulgaria. With this market of more than two billion people, an economic cycle system was formed.

By economic means, Bulgaria controlled Eastern and Southern Europe, and a behemoth has appeared.

In Central and Western Europe, the contradiction between Germany and France is an unsolvable problem. At first, it was the British who tried everything to make it happen. However, they did not expect it to become their biggest control rib.

As long as Germany and France can't join hands wholeheartedly, the British Empire can't even check and balance this alliance.

Can't you go shirtless?

This alliance is all land-based countries. When it comes to the navy, the Bulgarian navy will also be left. The remaining East Russia is entirely landlocked. Western Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire are not expected to play navy.

According to the British Army's pessimistic view, don't fight Bulgaria on land, even if Germany and France join forces.

This is determined by geographical location. Russia and Austria have become Bulgaria's natural barrier, separating them from Germany and France, and they have been invincible in the heavens.

John Niu also tried to break up this alliance, and found that it was completely unrealistic.

In addition to the bundling of interests, there is also a need for strategic security for each country, and it is more secure to be an ally with Bulgaria than an enemy.

Especially now that Germany and Italy are about to move again, both Russia and Austria feel great pressure. In the last World War, the Germans were fierce and they still have fresh memories.

For their own security, they decisively chose to hold a group with the Bulgarian Empire. As soon as the Eastern European Union appeared, even if the Germans were open, they would not dare to fight their ideas.

This is the difference in absolute strength. The population of the alliance is more than four times that of Germany, and the heavy industry is more than ten times that of Germany. The overall national power gap between the two sides is seven or eight times.

This is the benefit of the alliance. It is economically complementary, mutual military assistance, and scientific and technological cooperation. Finally, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 > 5. This is the benefit of alliance.

Unless John Bull can pull all other European countries together and coordinate their conflicts, it is possible to form a new alliance to compete with it.

If it doesn't work on land, then it can only be suppressed at sea. This is the final bottom line of John Bull. If it doesn't work, there is really no way.

"His Prime Minister, if you don't, how can you dispel Bulgaria's navy?

If they persist in the navy, where is the future of the British Empire?

I have to admit that Bulgaria is the biggest enemy we have encountered. Their geographical location is not as bad as Germany's. There is no pressure on two fronts.

We underestimated their speed of development. When we were still in the joy of dismembering the United States, they had already caught up! Said the Minister of the Navy, frowning.

"Well, my secretary of the navy, I understand your mood, but the Congress will not allocate funds, at most the same as Bulgaria, no more.

Also, your Bulgarian threat theory doesn't hold, it's just speculations that won't convince the congressmen.

From the perspective of interests, the conflict between our two sides in core interests is not great, and Bulgaria's consistent national policy is not a colony.

Their localization policy is destined to have no love for densely populated areas. This is a national policy formulated by Emperor Ferdinand. I don't think the Bulgarian government has changed.

We all know that in his mind, the fertile areas with large populations are not as interesting as the desert.

At that time, they chose Mindanao, the least populous island, and abandoned Luzon, the most populous island.

In order to transform the desert, at least one million people are now planting trees in Bulgaria, and you know how extreme they are. "Ramsey McDonald shrugged and said

This is the key to the problem. With the current national policy of Bulgaria, as long as there is no change, there will be little conflict with the British.

For example, India, if there is no way to rule according to the current national policy of Bulgaria, who dares to localize them?

Changing national policy is not easy. This is a key factor for Bulgaria's strength. Neither politicians nor the public are willing to try it easily, which means uncertain risks.



Ferdinand is revising his autobiography, striving for perfection, but he does not want to leave obvious loopholes for future generations to tear them apart.

"Your Majesty, Royal Cinema hopes to be able to shoot your series and asks for your authorization!" Miyazaki said.

Although he has abdicated, Ferdinand has the same pomp during the emperor period. No one feels that there is a problem, and there is no such thing as an emperor in Europe, so these people still call him His Majesty.

Ferdinand was too lazy to make corrections, so he couldn't let these people call his name? It doesn't matter if he gets there, the others will be upset.

"It can be filmed, but the script must be handed over to me, and the film must be approved by me before entering the theater!" Ferdinand said after thinking about it.

Although it's only small money, but no matter how small the mosquito is, is it meat? Playing his biographical movie, even in this era, he sold hundreds of millions of box office, he did not feel any surprise.

After all, now is the time when his influence is most brilliant. In any country and region in the world, there is no shortage of fans.

Ferdinand was wondering if he would hang out in person, calm down, he still gave up this tempting idea decisively.

This is estimated to frighten the crew, in case he bumped into contact with the old king, it would be another storm.

"Father, I'm here!" Ferdinand Little whispered

"When did you come? Why don't you say hello, do you know how easy it would be to scare people!" Ferdinand murmured.

"Oh, I come at this time every week, aren't you used to it?" Ferdinand Little said in doubt.

"Is that? I'm old, I don't remember well, and I'm in trouble again!" Fidi said without changing the color.

"It's not troublesome. Bulgaria has been silent for so long. I am ready to stir up a naval arms race and strike the British.

However, I don't want to provoke war, so it is a bit difficult to operate! "Ferdinand Little said with a frown.

"You can do it with confidence. At this time, the British do not want to fight than you. As long as you grasp one degree and direct the hatred of the British elsewhere, don't forget that there is no blood feud between our two countries.

Japan in the Far East must pay attention to it, and beat them if necessary, so that they do n’t drift away, and run to the trouble of your brothers, their countries are too small to stop the Japanese Bing Feng! Ferdinand said indifferently

The typical private use of public instruments, Ferdinand also said such righteous words, and sure enough, everyone is selfish.

"Father, rest assured. The Kingdom of Hawaii and Alaska are now applying for membership of the Bulgarian Confederation. Parliament will pass in a few days.

The Japanese dared to take action, that is, to declare war on us, because of their strength, they have not the courage! "Ferdinand Little said confidently

The courage of the Japanese? Ferdinand had no doubt whatsoever, and once they became mad, there was no one they dare not do.

It's not the most crazy time now, and naturally it won't mess up, it will be difficult to say in the future.

"Do n’t knock on the Japanese, they even dared to assassinate your Nicholas. In the latter part, they provoked the Japanese-Russian war. In the past few years, the war of aggression against China was launched. ignore.

I can't worry about them, let's upgrade the arms race first. Excuse me, you can find it yourself. Without a big navy, I really can't worry about it! Ferdinand thought for a while and said

"Okay, father! I believe in your judgment, but you don't really think we will fight the Japanese in the Pacific, right?" Ferdinand Little asked in doubt.

"I cannot answer this question. It depends on the Japanese strategy. If they dare to violate our interests, then fight it!

If they are smart, then this battle will naturally not be fought.

This is just a small problem. Strategically, we have surrounded Japan, from Alaska to Hawaii, and then to the Philippine Islands. Did you see that, their path has been blocked by us.

No one wants to add a competitor. Among the many powerful nations, Japan has a population equal to ours. If they can digest the colony in their hands, then a powerful nation will emerge again.

And it ’s far from the European continent. There are n’t that many ribs. Lock them in cages in advance. Is this a problem? Ferdinand said with a smile

"Of course, if they are as powerful as you say, it is really necessary to restrict their development, but the British should have the same idea!" Ferdinand Jr. said after thinking about it

"Of course, the British also had plans to lock us in the Mediterranean, but the temptation to divide the United States was too coveted. They failed to resist the temptation.

Although it was won in the three North American countries as expected, the British were also dragged in. When they responded, the Southeast Asian rebellion happened again. After the rebellion ended, the strong and weak were reversed.

You have personally participated in these things. I also told you to dig pits and go barefoot, this is the way to seek the country! Ferdinand said with a smile

"Father, I want to know, what would you do if the British were not fooled then?" Ferdinand Jr. asked in doubt.

"If you don't get fooled, do you think the current world boss can still get the British?

This is a conspiracy. The British do not eat this bait, and the position of world hegemon will soon change hands. In this case, do they still have to embarrass us?

We must know that the national strength of Americans ~ ~ is also very powerful. If there are not too many nationalities, we cannot work together, even if facing the world coalition forces, it is not without the power of World War I!

In this case, the British would not be the opponents of the Americans except to win the two countries. Ferdinand sneered

Ferdinand Little nodded thoughtfully. Many times the most terrible thing is not conspiracy, but Yang conspiracy.

The conspiracy can still be avoided, and Yang conspiracy can only be stubborn.

Ferdinand knows that Americans have serious internal problems and will not die with the British, but others do n’t know?

At that time, President Wilson personally waved the flag and wanted to build a warship to surpass the Royal Navy and let the world change its master.

How dare the British be assured? At that time, there were only two standards for a pure American. The first was to believe in God, and the second was to hate the British.

Without the cooperation in the World War, the relationship between the two parties would have no chance to relax. John Niu, who had done too much, would have to start first.
