Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v6 Chapter 19: Invasion of Poland

As the situation became more tense, the British began to prepare their arms.

In 1933, the British Empire's military expenditure was 350 million pounds;

In 1934, it rapidly increased to 680 million pounds;

In 1937, it increased to 898 million pounds;

In 1938, British military spending had risen to 1.092 billion pounds.

Although the value of the pound has fallen sharply over the years, this number is still alarming.

By 1938, the British military expenditure had reached 14.3% of the gross national product, accounting for 41% of British fiscal revenue.

In the same year, the British government also submitted a compulsory military service bill to Parliament, which was unfortunately not passed.

Even so, the British government has launched a military registration system, and because the bill has not passed, they can only adopt a voluntary registration model.

The British were in action, and no other country was idle. The craziest ones were Germany and Italy. Military expenditures had already exceeded seven levels of their fiscal revenue.

The French government is also aware of the danger. In a wave of anti-war, the parliament has passed a new arms bill and invested in the tide of arms expansion.

Bulgaria is no exception, the position of world hegemony has not yet been obtained, and the hat of the world's military expenditure has been put on first.

The British mainly develop the navy, and the army and air force can be used as auxiliary, but Bulgaria has to take into account the three services, and the military expenditure is naturally higher.

Fortunately, in these years, Bulgaria's economic development has been good, otherwise the war can only be detonated in advance.

It is known from pure data analysis that the longer the war is prepared, the greater the final damage will be, and the worse the loser will naturally be.

Ferdinand has the goods on hand, and he doesn't panic, he can watch them perform quietly, anyway, hindering the speed of nuclear weapons development in various countries. Now they don't even have this concept.

Experts who have researched in this area either arrived in Bulgaria or were sent to see God. Everyone knew the element of uranium and what it could be used for, and it was not known to ordinary people.

Before the birth of the atomic bomb, even the scientists responsible for making weapons did not know that this gadget had such a powerful power, it can be said that it was a completely accidental product.

In history, the Harmanton Project in the United States mobilized more than 100,000 people to participate. It took more than two billion US dollars over three years to create an atomic bomb.

This is all what the textbooks say. In fact, the number of technicians responsible for the Atomic Bomb Project in Harmanton Engineering is only over 1,000. The rest is naturally a different research group.

Americans are not stupid. How can they pin their hopes on one weapon? Really thought it could be printed in US dollars, not money?

At that time, the gold standard was more than two billion US dollars. Even for the US government, it is an astronomical figure. Once the project fails, how can it be explained to Congress?

In fact, the Harmanton Project and a series of projects are not all funded by Congress, and some of them are social capital.

From an economic point of view, the Harmanton Project is also a project with a good return on investment. With regard to the use of nuclear energy, breakthrough progress has been made. After the project ended, a bunch of laboratories remained.

Ferdinand's investment was not so big. It was not that he had no money to invest in, but it was not necessary. At that time, the American was blindfolded with his eyes, and he was casting a net around.

How to make a nuclear weapon is not clear to Ferdinand. He can't believe the information that he sees on the Internet, but he probably has some ideas.

First, the uranium ore is separated, the uranium is enriched, and then purified. The purity is more than 90%, and the nuclear weapon can be manufactured.

How to do it, let the scientists play slowly, so Bulgarian scientists played for seven years before they came up with the atomic bomb.

This is not because scientists are inefficient. Scientific research often relies on luck. Sometimes one experiment is successful. More often, one thousand experiments still fail.

Because Ferdinand blocked this knowledge, now only Bulgaria has a heavy water plant in the world, and there will be no competitors at all in the short term.

"Father, at 9:30 this morning, the German government suddenly declared war on the Kingdom of New Poland. Half an hour later, 300,000 German troops crossed the border and launched an attack on Poland!" Ferdinand Jr. said gloatably.

Any war on the European continent is weakening the power of the old continent, which is in Bulgaria's interest.

Otherwise, they have already started working with the British. Why wait for the outbreak of the continental war first?

"This is something sooner or later. Now it depends on how long the Poles can support it. I hope they can support it for a month and let the French have time to prepare!" Ferdinand smiled slightly.

"Father, don't you need to be so pessimistic? No matter how weak the Kingdom of New Poland is, it won't be finished so soon?

With the advantage of the Polish cavalry, it is not easy to want to delay the war for two or three months? Ferdinand Little said in doubt.

Neither is bullish on the Poles. The point at issue is just how long the Poles can support.

"It depends on the Poles, if they are as brave as they brag. If everyone in the Polish army is not afraid of death, and the commander is not too stupid, there will be no problem for a year and a half.

The quality of the German army has fallen so badly that it is far less sturdy than in the First World War. The Versailles Treaty still played a role! Ferdinand said with a sigh

After the First World War, the Treaty of Versailles restricted the development of German military, although the German government stole its posts and trained soldiers as junior officers.

But they are all theoretical. Because of financial reasons, they can't even guarantee regular training, the aircraft and tanks are all gone, and the technical arms are seriously lacking.

In the past few years, the German Army has expanded by almost eight times. There may not be a shortage of officers for the time being, but there is a gap in technical arms.

If the Germans are wealthy, this is not a big problem. It is not a big problem to feed them with ammunition. If they fight a few battles on the battlefield, they are elite soldiers.

The German army has not yet reached its peak, but the problem is that the Polish army on the other side is worse. It's all old age, can't afford the aircraft tanks, run to play cavalry.

If the Polish commanders were clever, they would not have faced the cavalry against the Germans. The reason why Ferdinand is not optimistic about the Polish army is here. In history, the Polish set a record for cutting tanks with cavalry!

Although it only happened in a small battle, it also exposed the commanding capabilities of the Polish army.

If you want to die together, the Polish army put cavalry on the front of the battlefield.

Here comes a war you fought against you, I fought my war, and it is estimated that the Third Reich will cry.

"Father, do you think France will shoot? Now is a good opportunity. The main force of the Germans is still in Poland, and the French are stabbed behind them, and they will return without success!" Asked Ferdinand, concerned.

"I don't know, it depends on the politicians in France, whether they pay more attention to their personal interests or to national interests!

Based on the current situation in France, if the people proactively provoke war, the people will let them go, and they will have to carry a lifetime of infamy.

What do you think of such an unselfish politician? Ferdinand asked back

Ferdinand Jr. was silent, and France's political system was not the only one who could decide to wage war.

There may be individual politicians who can sacrifice their own interests for the national interest, but most people only fight for their own interests.

"Don't think about it so much. The French will send troops, or they will not send troops. Anyway, war will break out. It's just a matter of time.

Aren't the Italians ready? The Germans can also ask them for help. Although they don't have much fighting power, they can still hold up some French troops, can they?

With the support of the British, this war cannot be ended in a short time, unless the French compromised, the chance of this happening is almost zero!

I'm just wondering, will the Italians attack Switzerland in an attempt to die? Ferdinand said with a smile

"Father, no matter what the Italians are, they are better than Switzerland? As long as they are willing, conquering Switzerland should not be a problem!" Ferdinand Jr. said in doubt.

"Of course, I have no doubt about this. No matter how good the Swiss are, they only have a population of more than 4 million, and their overall national strength is less than a quarter of Italy's.

However, do you think that with the combat effectiveness of the Italian army, after they have captured Switzerland, will they still be able to attack France?

Without the Italians, is it still possible for the Western European Union to subdue France in the short term? Ferdinand said with a sneer

This is the crux of the problem. Ferdinand Jr. already knows what to do. Bringing the enemy into a dead end is a good choice.


On the day of the German invasion of Poland, the French government mobilized nationwide. French President Albert Lebrun issued an ultimatum to Germany and ordered the Germans to withdraw from Poland within 48 hours.

"His Excellency, Congress has rejected our proposal to send troops to Germany. From now on we will be reduced to spectators!" Prime Minister Daradi said with a grin.

"There is nothing surprising. Even if we want to send troops, we may not be able to interfere with the Germans' actions. Our old neighbor, the Italians, has also mobilized.

What do the Spaniards say, are they not planning to ally with us? "Albert Lebrun asked with concern.

"No, on the contrary, the Spaniards agreed to form an alliance with us, but only secretly, and they only assumed part of the allies' obligations.

The Spanish government promises that even if the war breaks out, they will guarantee our supplies! "Said Faraday, frowning.

If France and Spain enter into a military alliance, then even if they are against Britain, Germany, Italy and Italy, they will not fall on the land. Unfortunately, the Spaniards are not willing to do their best!

"Damn, these messes! Strategic supplies, do we still need them?

Once the war breaks out, Bulgarians will provide us! "Albert Lebrun said angrily

Everyone is not a fool. As long as the Bulgarians do not want them to compromise the Western European Union, once the war breaks out, Bulgaria must guarantee their logistics supplies.

"His Excellency, the British once again assured us that they would bind the Germans and they would not attack us!" Daraday sneered.

"What kind of use is this gibberish, besides flickering the people outside?

Even if we join the Western European Union now, we will have to be stabbed, unless I can give up all the territories obtained in World War I, which is obviously impossible!

I think we should do something now, otherwise we will be scapegoats in the future! Albert Lebrun said indifferently

"Perhaps we can make a war mobilization speech. It's better to be scolded now. It's better than when the war broke out. It's better to come out and carry a gangster!" Daraday thought for a while and said

"Well, let's do it together, big deal, get out now!" Albert Lebrun said indifferently.

It ’s not the same as it was in history. It ’s impossible for East China Water to do so. As far as the Germans ’current body hits the Eastern European Union, they will soon be returned to the prototype.

What's more, whether it's for interests or politics, the best choice for Germans is France.

The French government has been abducted by national hatred, why not the German government?

The French are in much better shape than in history. At least they didn't jump into the giant pit of the Maginot Line, not because the French didn't want it, but because they didn't have time to repair the line.

The international situation is changing too fast. France, which was originally in Britain and Bulgaria, has benefited from both sides, and has benefited from it ~ ~, which has suddenly become everyone's disgust, giving them no time to react.

Of course, the current situation is not too bad. The French still occupy a strategic position. The defense line has been pushed directly to the Rhine and can be defended along the river.

Without repairing that shocking line of defense, the French government invested this part of the money into the army, and the combat effectiveness of the French army has improved significantly compared to the same period in history.

This is also the confidence of President Albert Lebrun. From the point of view of strength, the French Army is still above Germany, and he still does not advise the Germans.


The inefficiency of the republican system reveals the evil results. President Albert Lebrun wants to mobilize war, and the opposition party comes out to sing.

Anyway, as opposition parties, you can just say that you do n’t need to take responsibility for it. If you do n’t oppose the government, how can they call it an opposition party?


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