Mediterranean Hegemony Road

v6 Chapter 28: Divine Alliance vs Pan International Fro

After the outbreak of the Sicily campaign, the British and Bulgarian governments launched a new round of diplomatic games. The struggle between the two big hooligans once again refreshed everyone's new perspective.

The British, who suffered a great deal, attacked Bulgaria for not declaring war and violated international law. The Bulgarian Foreign Ministry did not recognize this as a war and insisted that it was an accident.

As for what kind of accident can cause the accidental bombing of thousands of aircraft, the Bulgarian government gave the answer: the fog was too heavy in the morning, and the fighter planes conducting military exercises lost their way and strayed into Sicilian airspace.

If it were not for the British army to launch the attack first, Bulgarian warplanes would have left by themselves, and this battlefield battle would not have been fought at all!

It also provided a video recording of the British army's first attack. Of course, this video only shot a part of it, and there were obvious cuts.

But it doesn't matter. In this era, the photography technology was limited, and the aircraft was shaking so badly that the video was not perfect.

The above are the answers given by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As for the truth? Believe it or not, one third of the world believes it!

In this respect, the Bulgarian government is indeed worthy of world supremacy, at least it is shameless!

Anyway, they have already been beaten. As early as the day of the incident, Britain and Bulgaria declared war against each other.

Whoever wins in the end is justified!

This is the international axiom in the middle of the 20th century. The internal case has occurred more than once, but this time the two parties involved are two giants and have attracted more attention.

Beginning on March 12, the Bulgarian Air Force began bombing Sicily until March 18.

Within a week, the Bulgarian Air Force dropped 58,000 tons of bombs on Sicily, and the island's airports and ports were all ruined.

On March 19, the 7th Army of the Bulgarian Army launched a landing operation. Under the command of General Cyclops, the British retreated to the inner island and insisted on resistance.

At the same time, the Bulgarian Middle East Theater launched attacks against Egypt and Persia, and the African Theater began to attack South Africa, and the war spread again.

On March 20, the British Mediterranean Fleet, which had lost its logistical supplies, drifted at sea for more than a week, and General Thomas finally decided to take a risk.

The Mediterranean is too dangerous, so it ’s a matter of time to hide and seek with Bulgarians.

Moreover, even if they escaped the pursuit of the Bulgarian Navy, the fuel on their warships was almost exhausted, and they could not run away without running.

In order to keep the battleship, General Thomas has abandoned some ships and concentrated the coal-fired and materials on the battleship to ensure the normal operation of the battleship.

"His Excellency, no order has been issued in the country. We will break through now. How can we explain to the country if the loss is too large?" Major General Conte objected.

Thomas said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Contel, the situation is now very clear. If we drag on, we can't even walk if we want to go!

By the time the domestic gang of masters have ordered, perhaps we have all been wiped out!

Now retreating, we have no credit for success, all responsibility for failure is ours, but we must bear this blame!

Without the Mediterranean Fleet, the Royal Navy's advantage over the Bulgarian Navy is no longer obvious. If we add the French Navy, we will still lose in the tonnage! "

"Well, you are the commander of the fleet, think about it yourself! Even if you go to the military court, you are the main culprit!" Major General Conte said helplessly

"Hell, I can only look forward to God's blessing at this time. It is best that the French are taking a nap and let us rush through!" Thomas frowned.



The Bulgarian government is discussing whether to allow its allies to participate in the war, or whether to allow the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Western Russia to participate in the war.

There is no free lunch in the world. In order for them to participate in the war, Bulgaria must also pay a price. In the post-war world order, they will certainly occupy a more important right to speak.

Both the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Western Russia have the potential to become great powers. In particular, Western Russia has inherited the best areas of the Russian Empire, and its development potential still cannot be underestimated.

"Your Majesty, our strength is enough to defeat the British. There is no need to pull our allies off. An additional country to participate in the war will add an object to divide the loot!" Chief of Staff Christoph said.

"His chief of staff, the account cannot be calculated this way. We can indeed defeat the British, but how long will it take? How much loss will be paid?

It is also worth paying a part of the price to win the war in a shorter time with the help of allies!

Anyway, we can all get the biggest benefit. The benefits left by the British are big enough. Even if our allies participate in the division, it is enough for us to be full! Proposed by Foreign Minister Coleman

"Mr. Coleman, if you put it, wouldn't it be more in line with our strategy to win over the Japanese?

They can attack both the Indochina Peninsula and India, and they can also attack South Australia and New Zealand, making the British the first place to be indifferent! Asked Secretary of Defense Okstov

Coleman explained calmly: "General Okstov, we can let the strength of our allies increase to a certain extent, but this does not include Japan, Bulgaria cannot cultivate an enemy for ourselves!

The Japanese are far from East Asia, and no country around them can check and balance them. If we alliance with them and let their strength continue to expand, the world in the future will not just be our voice! "

Militaryly desirable is not the same as politically desirable. The military has been serving politics since ancient times. Now that Bulgaria has a winning ticket, the government is naturally more inclined to political factors.

"Mr. Coleman, IMHO, even if the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Western Russia participated in the war, their contributions were very limited. In addition to the Germans, their role in the battle against Britain was minimal!" Chief of Staff Chris Toff frowned.

"His Chief of Staff, the contribution is directly proportional to the revenue. The lower the contribution of Western Russia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the lower their revenue!

They only hit the Germans, so in the future benefit division, their gains will be limited to Germany, and they will at most divide up the colonies! Coleman said with a smile

Ferdinand Jr.'s political skills are becoming more and more mature. He has not directly intervened in military and government struggles, but is just maintaining this balance.

Anyway, the army's command and personnel rights are in the hands of the king, and the royal family has a sufficiently thick family base. No matter what they do, the situation is under control.

By now, his king had transformed from an actual policy maker to an adjudicator.

Ferdinand Jr. no longer needs to show his attitude. Just like in Ferdinand's period, the king only needed to hint at the back, and the younger brother rushed up.

Success is naturally indispensable to his boss, and failure will naturally result in someone carrying a black pot, which has nothing to do with him as a king.

"Prime Minister, what's your opinion?" Ferdinand Little asked.

After being named, Tolsky quickly responded: "Your Majesty, ending the war as soon as possible and winning the final victory is our first priority. Compared with this, paying a part of the price is also within the tolerance range.

Moreover, the price now paid will not harm Bulgaria's interests, and the British and Germans will pay for it! "

Ferdinand Little nodded thoughtfully, and things were settled.

With the efforts of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on March 20, 1940, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Western Russia announced that they would sever diplomatic relations with the Germans.

On March 21, 1940, representatives of Bulgaria, France, Austria-Hungary, and Western Russia held talks in Sofia. One week later, the four countries reached an agreement and decided to form a sacred alliance for the sake of world peace.

The following day, Belarus, the Dutch government in exile, the Belgian government in exile, the Luxembourg government in exile, East Russia, the Baltic States, and Finland submitted applications for alliances.

The most amazing thing is the Kingdom of Italy, who also submitted an application for alliance. Their role is fast and their discrimination ability is simply invincible!

In order to strengthen the alliance's political influence, it is naturally impossible for Bulgaria to refuse the Italians.

The Italians are not expected to contribute in the military, but politically, the Kingdom of Italy is still the "old nobleman" of Europe, and has an influence!

Bulgaria formed a sacred alliance, and the British did not want to be outdone, forming a pan-international front.

It's just embarrassing that the Pan-International Front is not popular in continental Europe. Apart from the Germans, even the **** younger brother of the Portuguese is neutral.

The reason is the most realistic. It is said that the Spaniards intend to join the Sacred Alliance, and the two sides are negotiating. If Portugal dare to ally with the British at this time, the war will burn to their homeland.

There is no doubt that if the Portuguese stood in the wrong team, the Holy Alliance would support the Spanish to unify the peninsula. With such a big interest, the Spaniards probably don't even have to think about it, they just start playing.

The British have no market in Europe. In addition to the military threat of the Holy Alliance, the more important thing is historical grudges. As long as you think about the attributes of their pit teammates, everyone must ask at this time.

However, the heritage of the British Empire is not covered. European countries have clearly recognized their true colors, and have little interest in forming alliances with them, but the American continent is different.

Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Paraguay, Venezuela, Uruguay and other countries are all British allies.

Regardless of the area of ​​the map or the number of participating countries, the Pan-International Front has an advantage ~ ~ only has no advantage in strength.

This is embarrassing. In addition to finding a large group of allies, in addition to being able to shake flags, everyone is still reluctant to engage in logistics, and very few are able to send troops to fight.

Even so, it is still enviable. If you are not sure of victory, you can attract so many allies. John Niu ’s diplomatic ability is still the highest in the world.

This is the soft power of the British Empire in the era of sea power. Everyone is very confident in the Royal Navy. In the hearts of most people, even if the Pan-International Front is defeated, it is only a German failure on the European continent.

With the strength of the Royal Navy, the British can still defend the vast colonies, rely on the abundant resources overseas, and consume them with the Holy Alliance, and they will be invincible in the innate.

There is nothing wrong with this concept. On the bright side, even if the British are defeated, they can stand up to Bulgaria.

Only the existence of the Air Force has been ignored. The English Channel is no longer sufficient to ensure the safety of the British Isles. Once the Germans lose, facing the entire European continent, they can only be a destined fate.