Mercenaries and Adventurers

v4 Chapter 107: , Crow Knight's final preparations for b

At the same time, at the same time that Rumi Knight committed the great crime of oath.

On the other side of the army, the Crow Knights are shining.

He galloped outside the army on a horse at high speed. Where the harpies wanted to jump down from the air to attack the soldiers alone, Knight Crowe rushed there first and drove the monster away with the weapon in his hand.

If he could catch up, he would control the horse to leap up while running, and intercept the monster that was rushing down from the air. With his rich experience in fighting monsters, he quickly calculated the time it would take for the monster to pounce from the air to the ground.

He used this to intercept the monster, and had a close combat with the monster in the air more than ten meters away.

The arrogant harpy monsters certainly don't think that they can dominate the strange wind grassland, and they can't beat a tin human.

Of course they can't beat it.

Knight Crowe is best at using long swords compared to other weapons, and compared to the sword and shield that most knights will practice, he is better at single-sword skills. Who told him to have a long magic gem that others can't get? What about the sword.

Even if the magic blade on the sword is not used, this weapon made of all magic materials is far superior to ordinary weapons in terms of basic quality.

The sharp and sharp claws that the harpies are most proud of, when they collided with the sword edge of Knight Crowe, there was no enemy at all.

The harpy monsters who suffered a great loss from colliding in the air soon dared not fight this human again.

They tried to attack in twos, so that the Knights of Crowe couldn't care about each other in the end.

However, Knight Crowe was moving at a high speed, seeing the right moment and swinging his rotten magic blade with piercing magic power.

A one-meter-wide magic sword flashed out from the knight's sword at high speed, and was transformed into a curved edge with the knight's swinging movement. The blue high sky flashed away.


This sound is sharper than the sounds of monsters, but it will not hurt people's ears more, because unlike the chirping attack of the harpies, the power of this superb display of human martial arts is all concentrated in the The projected magic power is on the blade.

Because of the chaos on the battlefield, and the knights and monsters moving at high speed, not many people could really see what was going on. Most of the Kendall soldiers could only hold their crossbows and spears and look at the sky. From time to time, I glimpsed a trace of magic power sliding across the sky.

But the harpies attacked by Knight Crowe were different. The hot killing intent from humans surged, and then turned into a truly deadly attack and flew over.

The targeted harpies frantically turned left and right in the air, up and down, but all this was nothing more than their wishful thinking.

Often when they sense the killing intent covering their bodies, in less than a blink of an eye, the magical sword blade with unknown formidable power will come through the air.

Even if the humans riding horses and galloping on the ground are still hundreds of meters away from them, or even farther, the magic sword blade is like something in another time flow that doesn't want to do anything around it. Skim over them.

It swept past, and continued to fly towards the sky or the depths of the grassland, flying farther and farther, until no one could see it accurately.

But the harpies would be dazed in the air for a moment, and then either the wings would separate from the body, or the whole body would immediately turn into two smooth cut halves.

The speed of the magic sword that killed and wounded them was so fast that it didn't even have the chance to burn their bodies with magic sparks. The cut was neat and neat, just like it was cut with a real metal weapon. .


The monster that was cut in two from its body could only let out a final whine, while the harpies that had lost their wings flapped desperately with their only remaining wing, even though they had never learned to practice since they were born, How to fly with the only remaining wing.

Or, to fall on one wing?

Boom, the monster slammed heavily on the soft grass. Because of its solid body, especially the body adapted to hit the grass at high speed, the harpy was not dead after its wings were chopped off by Knight Crowe.

Even apart from the lack of a wing, they are still in relatively good condition, and they will not be like humans, who will only die after falling from the air to the ground.

This is the difference in the body structure of living things.

But the fate of these guys may not be better than their companions who were killed directly in the air.

Because a large number of Kendall soldiers around have outflanked and killed them from the left and right.

Although they couldn't help the Crowe Knight who was showing his might, these soldiers could do what they could to help.

"Don't let it go! Kill!"

The captain of the deaf militia squad roared forward and waved the weapon in his hand, commanding the militiamen who could still hear around to rush forward.

But then the harpy who fell to the ground stood up and roared at him.


The sharp voice was only heard for a moment, and the militiamen in this area were deaf at the same time.

Blood was gushing from the ears, eyes were in a daze, and the body lost its sense of direction.

But his crumbling body was stabilized by his companion who had gone deaf a moment before, and his arms were linked with each other, with a weapon in one hand and his companion in the other.

Although they cannot communicate with each other, they only need one expression and one look to know each other's thoughts.

There is only one, that is to fight, fight, fight, to defeat the half-mutilated monsters, and to regain our own honor.

Some were holding each other, some were pushing and pulling, or being pushed forward.

Facing the tenacious human beings who were still on the verge of falling, the harpy with a broken wing was frightened. It roared in fear and roared towards the surroundings. Seeing that the human beings were unmoved, it turned and ran away.

But it was only at this time that it discovered something that made it particularly frightening.

Compared with humans living on the ground, they are monsters that can flap their wings and fly. Although they are not immobile on the ground, their claws that are specially designed to pounce and kill prey are not designed to move on the ground at all. evolved.

It can only move in small jumps, like a jackrabbit whose brain has been ruined by parasites to escape.

Even if human beings' sense of balance was temporarily destroyed by its screams, they supported each other, and the speed of chasing after them was still much faster than it.


Several militiamen with the best physique raised their crossbows first and shot out the arrows. The jumping monsters were like the most stupid chickens that fell on the ground, and they could be kicked over with one kick.

bang, whoosh—

The crossbow shot across the chasing crowd and hit the monster's only remaining wing.

The sturdy feathers couldn't stop the crossbow arrows fired at close range, and directly pierced through. But there are only feathers here, and not much body tissue. When an arrow shoots through, only some fragments of feathers are blown away.


The crossbow-wielding militiaman spat, annoyed that he couldn't shoot at such a short distance. If he survived, he would be ridiculed by his teammates.

Thinking of this, he quickly pulled the bowstring and nocked the arrow, ran two steps forward, found a neutral position for shooting, and directly half-kneeled down, lowering his body to get a better hit rate.

Aiming, the half-disabled harpy not far away was pinned by the spear, and the movement of fleeing couldn't help but stop.

good chance!

Concentrating, imagining the trajectory of the arrow, he made a slight adjustment at the last moment, bang! Whoosh—

This time, he watched with his own eyes that the fast-fired crossbow arrow hit the monster's waist, and the arrow pierced hard, causing the monster to open its mouth and howl in unbearable pain.

His face was ecstatic. Although he had only done these things, at least he had made a little contribution to this battle.

The monster, which was in unbearable pain after being hit, was hit by more crossbow arrows as soon as it howled, which made it stunned for a moment. It never expected that at least a dozen crossbowmen were aiming at it at this moment.

It kept fleeing before, jumping and jumping, and it was not easy to aim. At this moment, when there was a pause, these militiamen who had been waiting for the opportunity launched an attack.

The continuous crossbow arrows made the monster more injured. Although the injuries were not deep into the flesh, the cumulative effect was fatal.

The real killer came later.

More than a dozen militiamen with spears who were chasing it rushed forward, piercing the thing in their hands all over its body.

The penetration of the spear with the strength of the whole body far exceeds that of the crossbow arrow. Even if its body is tough, it will be pierced and smashed. The spear that hit the torso of the body even pierced through important internal organs, causing massive bleeding in the body.

It gasped and softened its body.

When the three-meter-high monster lowered its head and lowered its body, a machete-wielding militia squad leader stepped on the densely packed spear shafts of his companions and quickly approached the tired monster.

The machete was raised high, and the man jumped up accordingly, and the blade drew a shining trajectory, right in the middle of the Harpy's forehead.


Although he couldn't hear the sound, the leader of the militia squad knew that this attack had cut through the monster's forehead and into the brain just by feeling it.

The machete lodged in the monster's head, but the harpy's eyes lost their sparkle, too.

The militia leader breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and waved his fists at the many companions who were looking over.


That's just one of the many monsters that Crow Knight has repeatedly shot down and killed.

He fought more and more bravely, and the life energy in his body boiled up, faintly floating outside the thick knight steel armor he was wearing. The harpies did not dare to approach him, so they flew around him at a distance of more than ten meters. Keep an eye on his every move.

As soon as the knight waved his sword, they would scatter away, not giving Knight Crowe a chance to hit them.

At the same time, when flying around Knight Crowe, each harpy uttered the sharpest screams towards Knight Crowe himself and his horse in turn.

Every time this continuous chirp is issued, the life energy that emerges from the knight will be shaken for a while.

Not only that, the monsters also picked up some debris on the battlefield, chased the knight's head, and threw it at Knight Crowe.

These were probably helmets, daggers and other things thrown by the soldiers in a panic. The monsters threw them at Knight Crowe from a distance, causing Knight Crowe to be extremely annoyed.

The monsters pinned down Knight Crowe here, while the others split off and rushed towards the Kendall soldiers on the ground.

"Rear of the team, shoot!"

Someone was reluctantly commanding, the voice fell, and a rain of arrows rose from the ground, like an upside-down rainstorm, and slammed into the harpies that fell in the air.

It was Baron Kendall standing on the carriage and commanding, and there were fifty militiamen all armed with crossbows on the roof of the surrounding carriage. I haven't made a move before, just waiting for this opportunity.

The harpies hit by the sudden torrential rain of crossbow arrows were caught off guard and were shot down one after another.

But these monsters are extremely tenacious. As long as their wings are not seriously injured, they will flap their wings a few times after landing and fly back from the ground.

Because the monsters on the ground were accompanied by other militiamen who had fought in the past, Kendall Knight could not let these militiamen really cover and shoot regardless of the enemy or ourselves.

These are not two knights who can survive the rain of arrows and shoot unscathed.

When a rain of arrows rained down, most of his own people would be shot to death.

Baron Kendall looked at several church priests on the top of the carriage next door, and asked a little urgently: "Are you all ready?"

The priest of the Sun God Church nodded calmly in response: "I have already prayed to my lord for the magic you want."

The priest of the God of Wealth Church hurriedly said: "I need coins, a lot of coins, any value is fine, but the higher the value of the coins, the greater the power of my magic."

The priest of the Saturnalia Church said cautiously: "My lord, the magic of our church requires many priests to perform it together. I can barely perform it alone. I can only choose one of the two limited-duration magics."

The baron nodded, and first used the small magic of voice to issue his order to his attendants: "Now immediately fetch all the coins prepared for this trip, the priests need to use them to perform magic. Be quick."

Then he looked at the priest of the Saturnalia Church: "It doesn't matter, as long as I can help you at this time. Please tell me which two."

The Saturnian priest hurriedly said: "One is to temporarily increase the strength of all the soldiers who have been farming for a living by half, and replenish a little bit of physical strength. The other is to temporarily increase the life recovery of a limited duration for all of us at this time, And also a little bit of physical strength. But the latter kind of time is shorter."

The baron understood. He blinked his eyes and thought for a while, then asked a key question: "Can life recovery heal the soldiers' injured ears?"

The priest of the Saturnalia Church hesitated for a moment, nodded first, and then shook his head: "Yes, but only temporarily, and they can only hear the sound for a short time during the life recovery time. The ear is injured, and its internal damage is limited. The main reason is that the sound-receiving membrane in the ear was broken by the loud sound. This needs to be treated one by one.”

Although the baron was a little disappointed, he still made up his mind.

"Okay, choose the second option. Get ready as soon as possible, everyone, today's victory or defeat depends on you."

After speaking, he waved his hand and asked the priests to make final preparations.

He himself took out the magic gem scepter and activated the magic props on his body that could increase the effectiveness of the magic props.

The jeweled tiara sparkled and hummed, and the large jewels on the staff shone with magic.

The above attack magic has been selected, just wait for the timing to activate it later.

The timing comes from the wide-ranging magic spells of the priests.

To be honest, although the priests from various churches in Kendall who came to support the baron this time are already very powerful personnel. But the baron still felt a little pity. It would be nice if the pastors in charge of the local teaching affairs of each church came together.

Compared with the powerful shepherds, a priest who is two levels higher can alone provide hundreds of soldiers with the magical support on the battlefield needed for a battle.

But how is this possible?

It's difficult for people to teach the leaders of a place to fight, and they stop working by themselves?

To listen to his call, it is enough to send a capable shepherd.

Could not ask for more.

In any case, the battle still depends on your own side.

The baron thought of this and looked at his two knights. The Rumi knight fought in the front. Although he had tried his best, there were still soldiers who were killed by the jumping monsters, or flew into the sky with their whole bodies or half of their bodies scratched by sharp claws.

Then they were thrown down concentratedly, causing more casualties and confusion.

It can be seen that the Rumi knights have tried their best, and with the help of that little guy from Keir, they barely broke down the soldiers in the front.

Because when the harpies caused casualties to their humans, humans kept causing continuous casualties to the harpies.

Basically a one-for-one exchange.

That is, the death of a human can almost replace the death and injury of a monster.

The wounded harpies were either hunted down by soldiers and Kiel on the ground, or barely flew away, no longer able to participate in the ensuing battle.

As for Knight Crowe, the situation is much better. The fast magic blade wielded by Knight Crowe is extremely dangerous, so the harpy monsters had to separate out nearly ten of them to keep pestering Knight Crowe himself. Make trouble for him to prevent raiding monsters from afar from being sneaked by deadly magical blades.

The dangerous magical blades for the monsters were hard to cause casualties when the monsters continued to stare at the knight himself at close range.

Because as long as the Knights of Crowe swung their swords, they would flee ahead of time, being extra cautious, showing the cunning of the monsters to the fullest.

"Why don't you show your true full strength? Crowe, what are you waiting for?"

In a daze, Baron Kendall suddenly thought of what Knight Crowe was waiting for: he was waiting for my side to launch.

"That's right, use all your strength. Once you can't make a critical blow, it will be dangerous afterwards."

He took a deep breath, then looked up.

The baron's attendants carried boxes and boxes of accompanying money out of the carriage.

Surrounded by the priests' carriage.

The lock on the box was slowly opened within no time. Baron Kendall gave an order. Immediately, a personal guard stepped forward and slashed with a big sword, splitting the metal lock made of magic materials into a large number of several big swords The personal guard slashed continuously, and quickly slashed open the lock made of magic materials without taking into account the damage of the big sword.

Open the lid of the box, and there are gold and silver coins neatly placed inside.

Everyone present was briefly attracted by the light of the precious metal.

There is no way, we are all human, no one doesn't like these shiny and precious things, this is the nature of life, even the legendary dragons like to collect precious metals, don't they?

The priest of the God of Wealth swallowed. He knew that Kendall City was very rich, but he did not expect that Kendall City, located in the border land, would be so rich.

Not to mention the gold coins, just the piles of silver coins exceeded the income of a noble baron lord for many years.

"How? Are these enough?"

The baron questioned the other party.

The priest of the God of Wealth nodded, but hesitantly said: "My lord, but these precious coins may be scattered everywhere when I perform my magic. It's not easy to collect, and it will cause big problems."

But Baron Kendall hesitated for a moment, and then replied firmly: "No matter when, money is used by people. Perhaps, this is their most essential function at this time, isn't it?"

"You have real wisdom, I believe we will overcome this barrier, and in the days to come, the God of Wealth will help you obtain more wealth than today."

The priest bowed respectfully towards Baron Kendall, and gave a solemn courtesy.

The baron stretched out his jeweled cane, and responded with a very formal etiquette among nobles: "Let's start, let's give the harpy a good look!"

"Follow your will."

Everyone around responded.