Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 104: Hericium

Hericium, as the name suggests, has the size of a fist, it looks like a monkey's head, and it has different shapes and expressions.

This kind of fruit is juicy, thick, sweet and refreshing, and still has a delicate fragrance in the mouth.

In the real world, Lin Fan has only heard of Hericium erinaceus. As for the Hericium erinaceus, he has not seen it. I am afraid that he would only find it in a place like "Penglai Xiandao".

Redeem a space-time capsule in the mall and click to confirm the task information.

The next moment, a golden light flashed.

When Lin Fan was opening his eyes, he found that the place he was in had completely changed.

"I'm going, where is this place?" Sun Xiaosheng looked at the clouds and mountains in front of him with a surprised look.

The lush surroundings seem to be a forest, but it is not dense. There is a faint mist in the forest, which really looks like a kind of fairyland.

In addition, Lin Fan also found that the aura here is very rich, if you can practice here for a long time, you can definitely benefit a lot.

At this moment, a breeze slowly passed by.

There was a hint of sweetness in the wind, which seemed to come from some kind of fruit, which was very attractive.

Sun Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and he kept his nose up and smelled: "Master, the fragrance comes from over there, maybe there is the hericium we are looking for..."

Lin Fan stared attentively. Because of the thick fog all over the woods, the visibility was very low.

What is even more bizarre is that in this place, Lin Fan can't release his spiritual sense at all. He wants to use his spiritual sense to discern the direction and position, I am afraid it will be difficult to do so.

Although it is called Penglai Xiandao, no one knows what dangerous things are hidden here.

Lin Fan said lowly: "Pay attention to everything, let's go and take a look!"

Little Fox and Sun Xiaosheng all nodded involuntarily. Fellow Huli Daoist had returned to his human form, and he looked like a middle-aged Taoist priest, but he looked indifferent to this.

Only the little white wolf was dismissive of the performance here, but because of the fear of Lin Fan, he nodded slightly reluctantly.

A group of people went straight to the woods ahead and walked slowly...

At the same time, most of the animals in the zoo are all in a drowsy state, and even the green crocodiles on the shore of the lake were not spared.

It was precisely in the bottom of the lake that the snapping turtle, which had always been deep in the pan, was completely ignored by the little white wolf.

When everything around was quiet, the snapping turtle swam up from the bottom of the lake quietly, poked its head out, and looked to both sides.

Although the green crocodile is sleeping, its breathing rate is normal.

If you don’t know the situation, you really don’t know what happened here.

The same is true for snapping turtles. Recently, because the group of monkeys in the back mountain have also moved here, its life has become very difficult.

Almost every day is spent in panic and anxiety, and there is no longer the comfort of a turtle dominating the bottom of the lake before.

As long as it is daytime, it basically lurks under the water, and is afraid to swim out if it is killed, for fear that the stinky monkeys will be worried.

Only at night, when the night is quiet, will it swim ashore quietly, let yourself breathe, and study how to escape by the way.

If it is usual, as long as it emerges from the water, the green crocodile on the side will stare at it with terrifying eyes, watching its every move.

But today, it was a bit abnormal. It was walking back and forth on the shore, and the green crocodile seemed to be completely invisible, still sleeping deeply.

Seeing this, the snapping turtle moved in my heart. Today is a good opportunity to move secretly.

Ever since, it came near the iron net that had been observed for a long time, and bit it with its eagle hook beak.

The seemingly sturdy iron net, under the powerful bite force of the snapping turtle, is like a piece of paper, which is easily snapped off.

The snapping turtle is now smarter. After biting off the barbed wire, it did not continue to bite other places, but first looked back to see if it attracted the attention of the green crocodile.

As a result, it found that the green crocodile still had its eyes closed, completely unaware of its actions here.

Seeing this scene, the snapping turtle's heart beats wildly.

It seems that there is a kind of excitement of being trapped for a long time and finally being able to escape from birth today and regaining freedom...

Click, click!

In just a few minutes, the snapping turtle directly bit the barbed wire into a big gap enough for it to escape with the heavy shell on its back.

Ever since, the snapping turtle didn't even think about it, without turning its head back, wagging its tail, and got out of the gap directly.

In the dark night, the snapping turtle stared at Mung Bean's big eyes, looked around, and after choosing a direction, quickly ran over there.

While running, he looked back to see if the green crocodile was awakened.

Seeing that the green crocodile was still asleep, I felt relieved and muttered to himself: "I finally escaped from this ghost place. I won't have to be bullied by those monkeys anymore..."

Although it hasn't ‘moved’ here for a long time, it has already experienced the horror and despair it has never experienced in its entire life.

The water of the lake is crystal clear, especially in the daytime, under the sunlight, you can clearly see the bottom of the water.

The snapping turtle hides itself in the mud, thinking it will not be discovered.

However, whenever tourists pass by here, they will find this ‘introvert’ guy. Some children are not interested in green alligators but are curious about snapping turtles.

Often when they saw it, they would go to a small wood not far away with excitement, pick up a longer branch and lash into the lake.

Although with the strength of a child, the branch hitting the water surface will not have any effect on the snapping turtle lurking under the water, but it is now like an extremely frightened bird, as long as there is a wind and grass, the small heart will be 'Puff through puff through' frantically dropped.

The most depressing thing for snapping turtles is that there will always be an abominable bird that can sing around.

Whenever a tourist passes by the lake, the bird will always sing to attract their attention, so they will also notice the snapping turtle lurking under the water...

It can be said that during this period of time, snapping turtles spent every day in fear.

Now that they finally escaped in the lake, the snapping turtle found that there was a smell of freedom in the air.

The four small thick legs dragged its heavy shell and ran fast on the ground, and ran straight to the woods not far away.

However, just as it ran to the edge of the woods, it suddenly felt a rustling sound above its head.

Panicked, he quickly looked up, but the snapping turtle was completely confused.

I saw a few monkeys who seemed to be quite frightened. They were peeking out of the treetops and looking down quietly, their eyes colliding with the snapping turtle that had finally escaped..., , ..