Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 105: Don't have a cave

In Penglai Fairy Island, Lin Fan took the little fox and several monsters, exploring all the way forward.

As they walked farther, the sweet taste became stronger, and from time to time there was the sound of waves hitting the coast.

Not long after, when they walked through a thick cloud and came outside the woods, they were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

If Kunwu Wonderland is a paradise, then it is definitely a place like a fairyland.

In front of me is a large patch of colorful flowers, dozens of bees flashing their wings, busy in the flowers, a few butterflies dancing in the air.

Not far away, there are a few fruit trees, a few fist-sized fruits, exuding a sweet smell.

There is a waterfall behind the fruit trees. The clear water flows down surgingly, forming a large crystal lake, especially where the lake and the waterfall intersect, there is a rainbow looming...

A breeze blew, bringing the fruity aroma and coolness, and taking a sip, there was a feeling of refreshing, unusually refreshing.

"Fuck... this place is simply a fairyland on earth..." The little white wolf said subconsciously as he watched the surprise scene in front of him.

Even Little Fox and Sun Xiaosheng, the monsters who practiced in Kunwu Wonderland all year round, couldn't help but feel a tremor when they saw such a beautiful scenery in front of them.

Dao Huli pinched his chin and said in a deep voice: "Master, this may be the place where the hericium fruit grows!"

Lin Fan nodded: "Let's go, let's go over and take a look!"

Ever since, a man led a group of monsters and walked straight to the fruit tree.

After a while, when they came to the fruit tree, each of these fruits looked red and very attractive. Strangely, on the surface, these fruits seemed to be surrounded by a layer of scales, and there was no "hericium fruit". Some description.

"Master, these are not the so-called hericium fruits? How come they don't look like it!" Sun Xiaosheng frowned and said.

"Very, the hericium fruit looks just like your head, don't you see this fruit?" Little White Wolf said with contempt.

"Are you saying it again?"

"What's wrong with you? Let's fight if you refuse to accept it!"

After saying a few words, the two goods were pinched together.

Lin Fan frowned, and his eyes swept over them coldly, which made Little White Wolf and Sun Xiaosheng shrink their necks in fright. They didn't dare to say a word, but they all stared at each other in their eyes, like two The child of no one...

Lin Fan picked one of this seemingly weird fruit. At this moment, the little assistant's indifferent reminder sounded above his head: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the Millennium Fire Phosphorus Fruit!

"Fire and phosphorus fruit?" Lin Fan was startled, looking at the weird fruit in his hand.

【Fire phosphate fruit, born and grown from heaven and earth, a century-old fire phosphate fruit can strengthen the body, a thousand-year fire phosphate fruit can cure diseases and be used as medicine, and a ten thousand year fire phosphate fruit can prolong life! 】

The voice of the little assistant sounded low in Lin Fan's ear.

Is there such a big use? Looking at each tree, there are more than a dozen peculiarly shaped pyrophosphate fruits. If you take all of them back and take out one casually, wouldn't it be possible to sell them for a high price?

However, just as Lin Fan's mind moved, the little assistant spoke again.

[The fire-phosphate fruit is extremely rare, and players can only pick three at a time! 】

"I can only get three?" Lin Fan frowned, but when he was slightly disappointed, he suddenly saw Sun Xiaosheng beside him.

Although they have their own limitations, if they let the little fox pick them, will they have this consideration?

Lin Fan moved in his heart and said to the little fox, "You and Sun Xiaosheng, each one will pick some fruits!"

Hearing this, the little fox nodded without thinking too much.

Ever since, Little Fox, Sun Xiaosheng, Little White Wolf, and Huli Daoist, each took three or four fire-phosphate fruits in their hands, and as Lin Fan guessed, the little game assistant did not come out to stop it, nor did anything. Message prompt.

"If so, as long as you don't do it yourself, they won't have any restrictions!"

If you want to understand this, Lin Fan will not let go of so many good things.

Instruct the little foxes to pick all the ripe fruits, and those fruits that are less than a hundred years old, all stay here, let them continue to grow.

In less than half an hour, on the three fruit trees, all the fruits over a thousand years were left.

Lin Fan didn't even bother to take a look at even the pyrophosphate fruit that was more than a hundred years old and less than a thousand years old.

Put all these things in a bag, put them all in, and hand them to Huli Taoist people.

At this moment, Sun Xiaosheng's eyes flashed, and he looked straight towards the waterfall, his nose was still moving, as if he was sniffing hard.

"Master, it smells so fragrant!" Sun Xiaosheng said fascinatingly.

During this period of time, Sun Xiaosheng had never been on a mission, and Sun Xiaosheng had not taken a sip of wine. As a real alcoholic, as long as the smell of wine wafted out, he would definitely not be able to escape its keen sense of smell.

"Wine? Where is the wine?" Lin Fan asked.

Sun Xiaosheng pointed to the direction of the waterfall, already a little eager to try.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan quietly walked over. The waterfall did not seem to be abnormal. Standing on the side, cool water splashed up from time to time, bringing a hint of refreshment to his body.

The strange thing is that the lake is extremely clear, but there is no fish swimming, and there is no sign of a flower or grass surviving on the shore.

Smell it carefully, in the clear water, there is indeed a slight aroma of wine, but it is not very strong. If you are not careful, it is really difficult to find.

There is a problem with this waterfall. Is it possible that it is made of wine? Lin Fan thought secretly.

At this moment, a golden light flashed, and Sun Xiaosheng, who was on the head of the wine bug, could no longer control the glutton in his stomach. He didn't even say hello, and rushed to the waterfall.

The surging water immediately swallowed Sun Xiaosheng in it, and even a trace of it was invisible.

"This monkey is really addicted to alcohol. In such a place, he dared to run around. It deserves to be unlucky!" The little white wolf said lowly.

As a result, at this moment, I heard a sharp and hollow sound from behind the waterfall.

"Master, come here, there are Hericium, real Hericium..."

Hearing this, Lin Fan and Little Fox looked at each other, and they saw a trace of surprise in each other's eyes.

At the next moment, no one spoke, and under the leadership of Lin Fan, it turned into a golden light and flashed directly behind the waterfall.

When Lin Fan appeared in the waterfall, he realized that there is a cave in this place. There is a cave in front of him. The cave is filled with a strong aroma of wine and fruit. In the center, there is a dead tree without leaves with five fists on it. Fruits of different sizes, each of them resembles a hericium, crying, laughing, lamenting, or sad.

"Fuck, can it be the legendary Huaguo Mountain, Shuiliandong?" Lin Fan said in surprise. ,, ..