Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1054: You can stay here

In the early morning, the rising sun is extremely bright.

A ray of morning breeze hits, with a hint of refreshment.

Lin Fan walked out of the wooden house and saw everything around him, which seemed extremely peaceful.

Svensson, Ham, and Borg have got up early and are working on the ranch.

And Gu Li took William and stood not far away to help.

It's just that they are really rusty about the work of the ranch.

It looks clumsy.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and walked forward. Before he could speak, he was discovered by Guli and the others.

"Lin, are you up?" Gu Li turned her head, but a rare smile appeared on her face.

Lin Fan nodded, "How about it, how did you sleep well this night?"

"Of course, I am very happy. This should be my most secure night in recent months. Thank you very much for your help!" Gu Li said with a smile.

Lin Fan didn't say much, his eyes fell on William next to him.

Suddenly, William trembled all over, hiding behind Guli in fear.

Lin Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Why, am I scary?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

William nodded, and shook his head immediately, and said in a trembling voice: "Mr. Lin, I, I am not doing bad things, please don't punish me!"

"Oh? Why? Why should I punish you?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Because, I, I am very obedient, I promise that I will not do these things in the future, I hope Mr. Lin can let me go!" William said timidly.

"Let you go? Do you mean, let you leave the ranch?" Lin Fan's eyes flashed coldly.

William didn't speak, but it was exactly what he meant in his eyes.

He was really frightened.

Especially last night, after seeing Lin Fan killing those people with his own eyes.

In his heart, there has been a big shadow.

However, Lin Fan didn't care. To deal with children like William who were in the rebellious period, they had to let them know what fear was.

Otherwise, no one can control him.

Just like what he did to Guli before, he didn't know what was right or what was wrong.

He just thinks that that is very prestigious and that is enough.

Lin Fan smiled softly: "William, come here, I want to talk to you!"

Hearing this, William was terrified.

What does Lin Fan want to talk about? He stood there for a long time without moving, but frequently looked at Gu Li beside him.

Gu Li didn't worry too much, she trusted Lin Fan 100%.

Nodded with a smile: "Go, Lin won't hurt you, as long as you are obedient!"

William nodded, he had no other choice now. If he didn't pass, he wouldn't know what Lin Fan would do to him, something that was unimaginable to him.

Ever since, he staggered towards Lin Fan, a hundred unwilling appearances.

Lin Fan smiled lightly and led William to a short distance, as if he was talking to William while walking.

I saw William nodding his head constantly, and put his fingers up, as if he was swearing something.

Seeing this scene, Gu Li was very happy, in fact, when William was a child, he was a very obedient child.

Especially in the orphanage, only William and Guli have the best relationship.

What impressed Gu Li the most was that time, whenever the orphanage delivered fruit.

William will always run over and pick the two biggest ones.

And of the two biggest fruits, he will choose the bigger one for Gu Li.

This is the case every time, and the other children in the orphanage are very envious and jealous.

At this moment, Ham and Swenson walked over.

"Is the boss talking to William?" Ham asked.

Gu Li smiled and nodded: "William is very obedient now. I believe that under the guidance of Mr. Lin, he will return to his previous appearance!"

Ham didn't say much, just nodded slightly, then turned back to work.

And at the same time.

There are reports from all over the United States about the fire that broke out in a bar in another small town near Arad last night.

This incident caused quite a stir on the Internet.

And many people are talking about this matter.

However, no one gave the bar fire incident as murder.

This is normal, the bar is quite chaotic.

And there are all kinds of drinks.

A little carelessness, once a fire occurs, it is easy to cause a large-scale fire.

Fortunately, in this fire accident.

There were no casualties. When the fire started, many people had already fled, so there were no casualties.

Of course, this matter has not received too many people's attention.

The US police, fire department, etc., how to rectify the bar and how to strengthen the awareness of fire prevention have nothing to do with the ranch.

When Lin Fan and William chatted for a while.

Then William walked back with a smile.

That's right, there was a smile on his face, and compared to just now, he seemed to be another person.

"Sister, I want to go to school!"

When he came to Gu Li, William said with a smile.

After hearing this, Gu Li was stunned.

She never dreamed that her cute and obedient brother would actually come back.

"Okay, well, go to school, we can go to school!" There was a tear in Gu Li's eyes.

Lin Fan also smiled and walked over: "Gu Li, you don't have to go to the streets to do the work of a thief. After all, it is disgraceful. Although you don't have a job right now, you can stay in the ranch if you want to. Help, of course, I will pay you every week!"

Gu Li was startled, tears flickering in her eyes.

"But, Lin, you know, I can't do anything in the ranch!"

"Hehe, I can't do it, I can learn it, because I really can't think of it now. What else do you have to do besides staying with me? William wants to go to school, which means he needs a certain financial foundation, and if you don't have money to support him How can he successfully read this study?" Lin Fan said.

Hearing this, Gu Li was also lost in thought.

That's right, this is indeed a big problem. If she doesn't have a job, it means she has no economic income, and she really has no other place to go.

"Sister, I hope you can stay here, and on weekends, I can also come back to help you work!" William said with a smile.

"Well, if William comes back, I will pay him an hourly salary, right?" Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

Hearing these words, Gu Li's tears flowed.

Looking at Lin Fan, it took a long time to say: "Thank you very much, Mr. Lin..."