Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1073: If you can do it, don't talk

"what's going on?"

Seeing these people in front of them, Wang Jianmin and Yang Xin were dumbfounded.

These people looked very hideous and terrifying under the firelight.

It seems that the three of them have been treated as mortal ones.

If there is a slight disagreement, they will directly rush up and kill them without any explanation.

Lin Fan smiled bitterly and shook his head, but did not speak, but looked at these people.

As a result, he discovered that there were more than a dozen children in the crowd, hiding behind and secretly looking at himself.

Lin Fan nodded: "Don't get excited, everyone, we are a task force from the provincial government. If I guess correctly, you should all be villagers in Meihua Village, right?"

When the voice fell, there was no response from those opposite.

Wang Jianmin and Yang Xin were surprised.

In fact, when they saw these people, they already had vague guesses in their hearts, but they had never been sure.

Now that Lin Fan asked, they were still somewhat surprised.

Villagers? Didn't all the villagers disappear overnight?

Why are they here? What makes them so scared?

There seems to be too many secrets hidden in it, and inside information that people don't know.

"You are demons, you are demons..."

At this moment, a slightly hoarse, old voice came from the other side.

Then, the other villagers became fierce, and they all said the same thing over and over again.

"You are the devil, you are the devil, kill the devil, kill the devil..."

"Kill the devil, kill the devil!"

"Kill the devil, kill the devil!"

As more and more people spoke, the voice became louder.

These people actually started to press on Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin step by step.

Judging from their appearance, it seems that they really want to kill Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin in this cave.

Upon seeing this, Wang Jianmin frowned: "Xiao Fan, these villagers are too emotional, let's get out quickly and think of other ways!"

"Don't be impulsive. We are not demons or demons. We are a special team from Jiangbei Province. We are here to investigate your village. Please don't get excited..." Yang Xin is still trying to convince them.

However, the effect is not obvious.

They were still staring at them, and step by step towards Lin Fan and the others.

If you really let them come closer, then the ghost will know what terrible things they will do.

Lin Fan frowned, sighed and said, "Hey, their emotions are a bit agitated now. It is useless to reason with them. The only way to calm them down is...violence!"

"Ah? Violence? Xiao Fan, are you trying to..." Wang Jianmin was taken aback.

Just before he finished speaking, Lin Fan had already rushed towards the villagers on the opposite side.

As soon as I rushed into the crowd, I heard a ‘bang bang bang’ sound.

Then, all the villagers were knocked down to the ground.

In just a few minutes, the hundreds of villagers didn't even have a chance to resist.

Until a dozen or so children were left standing there alone, the rest were all lying on the ground.

Their bodies look very weak, thin, and malnourished.

It's no wonder if they are really villagers in Meihua Village.

The time here is probably not too short.

There is no sunshine for a long time, and there is no food here, it is not easy to survive strong.

"You, you, what are you doing..."

Just after they were knocked to the ground, the hoarse voice spoke again.

Lin Fan smiled coldly and glanced down.

In the crowd, there was an old man who seemed to be in his 60s and 70s, who was lying on the ground and breathing heavily.

And on their faces, they all showed a touch of horror.

"Now can we talk peacefully?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"You, you demons, what are you talking about?" said the hoarse voice.

"Well, just talk about who you are, why are you here, and what happened to you?" Lin Fan said with a light smile.

Suddenly, the whole cave seemed very silent.

No one was talking, including the old man just now.

Wang Jianmin and Yang Xin also frowned and stared at these people in front of them.

However, this silence did not last long.

In about ten minutes, the hoarse old man let out a long sigh.

"Oh, I have known for a long time that this day will come sooner or later. Retribution... is retribution!" The old man said, shaking his head.

"Retribution? What's this saying? Why did you get retribution?" Lin Fan said curiously.

The old man trembling, sat up from the ground.

It's just that he looked very weak, and every move made him consume too much energy.

After a short rest, the old man raised his head and looked at Lin Fan and said, "You said you are a task force sent by the province? I don't care if you are true or not, I can tell you about it, in our Meihua Village. What happened, yes, as you said, we are all villagers here..."