Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 112: Who compensates whom?

"I am not a little bunny, I am a wolf cub...Bah, bah, I am the ancestor of the wolf." The little white wolf said with a smile.

"Just like you return the wolf ancestor, would you call to see if the wolf dogs in front would agree?" Lin Fan scolded.

"Wolfdog? Even they are worthy? I can run them to death with one finger."

The two people walked, laughing and talking.

At this time, the more than 20 punks who were surrounding Li Qiang all had a dumb expression on their faces.

what's the situation? Why can't you see here? The big and the young talk about cross talk there? What about the duo transfer? Xinte is big enough...

The yellow hair standing in front stepped forward with a face like a ruffian and said, "Boy, who are you?"

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled coldly, his eyes swept over.

The little white wolf beside him pouted his lips in disdain: "Didn't you look for Brother Fan? We are here. If we have the ability, we will come out and make gestures with Brother Fan."

Hearing this, Huang Mao's little gangsters looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing. They pointed at the little white wolf in front of him and cursed: “Hahaha! What brother Fan said I am? I slapped me..."

The words have just come to this, a weird scene happened.

Seeing the direction of Huang Mao's finger, the little white wolf disappeared out of thin air.

The next moment, after hearing a soft bang, Huang Mao felt a burning pain on his face, as if he was slapped severely.

"Fuck, who, who hit me?" Huang Mao covered his face with one hand, and looked around angrily.

"Er, who did you scold just now?"

Suddenly, not far away, a little boy stood there with a sneer, his eyes flashing bloodthirsty and cruel, staring coldly at Huang Mao.

Upon seeing this, Huang Mao's heart shuddered, and the little boy in front of him was a bit weird. He was not there just now, why did he come here in the blink of an eye?

Feeling the pain on his face, a cold sweat broke out on the back of Huang Mao's back. The slap just now was definitely the little boy slapped, but how did he do it? This is so weird.

Huang Mao didn't dare to speak, but the few friends around him didn't know the situation. They curled their necks in dissatisfaction and cursed: "Little bunny, why did you scold you just now? Ask your dad to beat us?"

"My dad? Huh, hitting a few of you ants, do I need my dad to take action?" The little white wolf snorted coldly.

Under everyone's eyes, it disappeared again.

At this moment, the twenty-odd people could see clearly, the face changed drastically, and they quickly looked around, wanting to find the little boy.

However, the disappearance of the little boy is like completely hiding in the air, where is half of it?

What the **** is going on here?

Just when they fear in their hearts and don't know what to do.

Just listened to a continuous sound of ‘pop’, and the few punks screamed screaming, crying for their parents, and they ended up a bit worse than Huang Mao.

There are clearly two small red handprints on both sides of the face. Due to the excessive force, even the nose is bleeding, and some of them simply get a kick on the stomach and back.

Everyone was terrified. This little boy came and went without a trace. It's not something normal people can do. Who is he?

Looking at each other one by one, they obviously saw a trace of fear in each other's eyes.

Having had the experience just now, these little gangsters have all learned well now, and no one dares to take the initiative to provoke the little boy. The beatings are all in vain, even no one can find them.

Upon seeing this, the man with a pigtail who had been hiding behind him, his face sank, and separated the few people around him and walked out.

His gaze fell on Lin Fan who had come to the front, and said coldly: "Are you the owner of this zoo?"

Lin Fan nodded: "That's right."

"Very well, the matter has already happened, and I'm too lazy to talk about the rest of the nonsense. In one sentence, compensation of 100,000 yuan will end this matter, how?" Xiao Zhui said straightforwardly.

He can also see now that the little boy's body is really weird. I am afraid that he has learned some skills, and with his ability and eyesight, he can't catch the little boy at all.

If this is the case, it is better to just end this matter quickly, so as not to be too passive.

Hearing this, Lin Fan smiled: "One hundred thousand yuan? Well, although it's a little less, it's acceptable, Xiaobai, tell the guy who is not male or female... that's right. No one of you is allowed to leave until the 100,000 yuan is in the account."

"Well, I understand!" I don't know where the little white wolf is, just a tender voice floating over.

The next moment, but strangely appeared behind the braid.

A small hand directly grabbed the pigtail, pulled it back, and said with a smile: "Come on, I will tell you the bank number 621235..."

Reading out Lin Fan's bank card number, Little White Wolf did not leave, and urged: "Come on, transfer the money, my master can say, if you don't transfer the money, no one will want to leave here today."


Hearing this, Xiao Zhui's face sank, "Let me transfer money to you?"

Lin Fan nodded: "Otherwise, my brother was beaten by you. Is it possible to leave like this? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"Fuck it, you have to be an inch, I don't think you can see the coffin without tears, okay, ten yuan, right? I will give you..." Huang Mao was furious.

In his opinion, he can't provoke that weird little boy, and can't provoke the opposite kid?

No matter how you look at it, it is a little white face, smiling like a big boy next door is harmless, such a thin-skinned guy, he can deal with it alone.

Huang Mao was suffocating in his heart, and turned around to wink at a few gangsters around him, meaning to stop the little boy, and he was going to subdue his master.

A few friends often mix together, and they all have a certain tacit understanding with each other and nodded tacitly.

Therefore, Huang Mao rolled his arms and sleeves while running towards Lin Fan and walked over cursingly.

As a result, before coming to the front, Lin Fan's expression condensed, his smile disappeared instantly.

"Since you are trying to die, don't blame me for being polite, and none of you want to leave today..."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge coercion overwhelmed.

Seeing the surrounding rocks and dust, all trembling in the distance, the next moment, one after another flew out of thin air, went straight to the little punks and smashed them over.

A scream of wailing resounded in the zoo.

Vaguely, I heard and didn't know who it was, and yelled, "Hey, let's give..."

"I just want to give it now, don't you think it's too late?" Lin Fan sneered.

"No, no, we are willing to pay the highest compensation, one million, we compensate one million..."

"Two million, two million will do?"

"three million......",,..