Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 113: Let's calculate slowly

They didn't know how to cherish a problem that could be solved by 100,000 yuan.

When Lin Fan got angry, he soared all the way to five million, which calmed the anger.

Looking at the group of gangsters, one by one, their noses and faces were bruised and swollen by stones, and there were blood foam on their noses and mouths, all in a panic.

The little pigtails that are not male or female are even more smashed and bloody. One arm droops down and seems to have been broken.

Not to mention, when he shouted the price of 5 million, Lin Fan thought he was just shouting a number under the circumstances forced by the situation.

As a result, he really shivered with his other hand, and under the watch of Little White Wolf with a smirk, he took the phone and transferred five million into Lin Fan's bank card.

This shows that the goods are really rich.

When Lin Fan sent a text message from his mobile phone to indicate that five million had actually been paid, he nodded in satisfaction.

"Welcome to come to play next time, um, but be prepared for ten million."

Hearing this, everyone shuddered in Lingling.

Ten million? Why come here to fight? How many bags do you have to type out?

Under Lin Fan's gaze, this talent hurriedly escaped from the back mountain in embarrassment, and they never came here to beat Li Qiang with the same majesty.

"A group of useless ants, they couldn't help fighting, and they were so scared to pee their pants after a few strokes. It's boring." The little white wolf said with a curled mouth.

Lin Fan didn't say anything, and went straight to Li Qiang, knelt down and said, "How is the injury?"

Seeing Lin Fan, Li Qiang became very excited.

He could see Lin Fan's shot just now, completely shocked.

This is the real expert. With his hands, the rocks on the ground can fly over and hit people. Isn't it a special ability? Amazing.

Fortunately, I saw the opportunity early and took the initiative to take refuge. If I made up my mind to be an enemy with Lin Fan, I wouldn't know how I died.

Just thinking about it, Lin Fan put his hand on Li Qiang's body, and the next moment he felt an indescribable sensation, the ice penetrated into his body coldly.

It seems to be spiritual, and it is very comfortable to walk around.

It only lasted for a minute or two, Lin Fan took his hand away and said, "It's okay, it's just a skin injury, and it didn't hurt the five internal organs. You can heal with a little training."

Li Qiang nodded repeatedly: "Thank you, Brother Fan, if you don't come here in time today, I am afraid that the life of Li Qiang will be here."

"By the way, what's the matter with that group, they are here for you?" Lin Fan frowned and asked.

"I...I don't know them, and the accent is definitely not our Fengshi people. They are very aggressive and look for things as soon as they come in. Can it be the enemy that Guo Huai used to offend?" Excited, Li Qiang's expression was a bit big, and the wound at the corner of his mouth was immediately affected, and the painful tears almost didn't come out.

Lin Fan frowned and pondered for a long time before saying, "Guo Huai is unlikely. If it wasn't for you, then 80% of it would have been for me..."


Hearing this, Li Qiang and his brothers were all shocked.

Although they have not been with Lin Fan for a long time, they also know what Lin Fan's character is. He is very powerful but not a person who likes to take the initiative to find things. Who would have enemies with Brother Fan?

They didn't understand, but Lin Fan had several goals in his heart.

Either it was just like Linda and the few Fusang people, who came rushing to the saber-toothed tiger, this time I found a few gangsters to make trouble, just want to explore the reality of my side.

You know, in addition to the J group accident, another killer organization is also secretly active.

Or, the person who really has enemies with him.

There are only a few who have been turned over and over again. Li Qiang has already changed his job as a construction worker in his zoo.

There was also the bald head, who was so scared that he was so scared that he didn't dare to trouble Lin Fan even if he borrowed his courage.

In this way, there will be the last one left-Guo Huai.

Although Guo Huai is currently in the game, and with the crimes he committed, I am afraid that he will not come out for ten or twenty years, but he once had a dogleg.

Niu Er never showed up when Guo Huai had an accident. Could it be true that he was the gangster?

Just when Lin Fan was thinking about it, Linda who got the news took Lin Shu and drove over in a hurry. Seeing Li Qiang and several people lying on the ground, they all frowned.

"This is...what's the matter?"

Lin Shu, a student who had just graduated from college, had seen such a scene, and his face paled in fright.

Lin Fan smiled and replied: "It's okay. They are all staff members in the zoo. There are a few small **** who came to collect protection fees and injured them. You can help to see how their injuries are."

Hearing this, Lin Shu breathed a sigh of relief and walked over with her medicine box on his back. While helping Li Qiang check the wound, he turned around and said, "Boss, did you call the police?"

"No, a small matter, no need to call the police."

"This is not a trivial matter. They beat people here today, and they may be here tomorrow. I have watched it on TV before. If they can't get the money, they won't give up easily, or let the police handle it. Right?" Lin Shu said innocently.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "No need, I can solve this problem myself. How are their injuries?"

Lin Shu frowned and wanted to say a few words, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed abruptly, nodded and said: "Fortunately, it is all skin trauma, no muscles and bones were injured. After a few days of recuperation never mind."

Lin Fan nodded: "Xiaobai, you can send them back to the dormitory. Don't do anything these days, just rest in the dormitory, and talk about it when the injury heals."

"Brother Fan!" Li Qiang frowned, still wanting to say something.

The little white wolf beside him smiled coldly: "Whatever you ask you to do, don't talk so much nonsense."

Because he had seen Little White Wolf's ability, Li Qiang didn't dare to offend this young boy, so he nodded helplessly.

Watching Li Qiang and his dozen or so brothers, they were all sent back to the villa.

Lin Fan turned his head indifferently, looked at the direction where the group of gangsters had fled, and said coldly: "This account, let's slowly calculate..."

"Hey, Master, you just planted spiritual seals on those ants? In fact, I also planted one on that male and female, and I secretly planted one. When shall we go to them to settle the account?" Xiaobai The wolf said excitedly.

"Forget it, you will stay here these few days. If strangers come in looking for troubles, let them stay here forever." Lin Fan said.

Hearing this, the little white wolf looked disappointed, but he did not dare to object, and nodded depressed.

"I know.",,..