Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 114: Black bear escape incident

The fight in the back mountain is like an insignificant episode.

Since Xiaozizi paid five million yuan, he has never appeared again, as if the world has evaporated.

After three days of recuperation, Li Qiang and his gang of brothers gradually recovered from their injuries. Except for some bruises on their bodies, there was generally no effect, and they were reinvested in the demolition work.

The clinic in the zoo has now become a special attraction.

The quaint two-story building, the retro farmhouse, because the work in the zoo is easy, there are usually no tourists or animals injured.

In his spare time, Lin Shu planted some flowers and vegetables in the yard.

And most tourists, after tired of playing, also habitually like to rest in the woods near the clinic, and some of them are more curious, and even make a special trip to visit the clinic.

Snapping turtles have also been much safer recently. As long as the sun comes out every day, it will emerge from the lake and rest on the shore. It is completely adapted to the living environment of the zoo and does not want to move to another place. Up.

After Lin Fan's reprimand, the monkeys of its mortal enemies did not dare to easily run to the lake.

But Leiyinbird would visit the lake for a while every day.

Either sing on the iron net nearby, or scream on the green crocodile's head.

The snapping turtle who always likes quiet, for this **** bird, but very disgusted, from time to time will use its big mung bean eyes, glaring at it, saying, "You are the kind of amusement sent by the monkeys." ?

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner, but Lin Fan's workload has become more relaxed.

But the little fox and Linda have become ambassadors in the zoo. There is no need to dress up deliberately. The little fox can directly show her furry ears and tail, which can arouse the curiosity and love of a large group of children, and It will also reach the level of being true and false.

Not to mention Linda, she has the aura of a foreign ocean horse, coupled with her sweet looks and superb body, also attracted the attention of many people.

On this day, Lin Fan was sitting in a chair and playing with his mobile phone.

Suddenly, an urgent news popped up on the screen, and Lin Fan was taken aback, thinking that the phone was poisoned.

As a result, there were a few big words on the news: Adult black bears fled into the city, citizens need to be cautious when traveling!

Seeing this news headline, Lin Fan frowned deeply.

Black bears are also one of the protected wild animals designated by the state. Without specific permission from relevant departments, they are all kept in one place.

Why did you run into the city? Lin Fan really couldn't understand.

Besides, in Fengshi today, with the closure of the Star Zoo, he is the only one left.

Lin Fan was puzzled and clicked into the news. After reading the details of the news, he came to understand.

In the early hours of this morning, a container truck was passing through Fengshi from other provinces. The truck contained two black bears, one large and one small. This is a group of bear dealers who wanted to transport the black bears to a specific location before dawn.

As a result, when the accident happened on the outskirts of Feng City, the black bear directly smashed through the door of the container, and fled directly when the car was driving at high speed.

This incident quickly attracted the attention of the local police, traffic police and related departments. The news said that when the black bear was last seen during surveillance, he went straight to the periphery of the city.

After that, nothing happened. Fortunately, with the arrival of the morning peak, there was no riot.

It can be seen that the black bear father and son did not run on the suet avenue with endless traffic, but went to more remote and uninhabited places.

At the bottom of the news, it also emphasized that the two bear dealers have now been controlled by the police, reminding Feng City residents that before they succeed in catching the black bear, they must be cautious when traveling to avoid being injured by the black bear..... .

This news has just been sent out for ten minutes, and the number of comments has exceeded tens of thousands, and it is still increasing.

Related news and information are constantly refreshing.

It is not a trivial matter for a black bear to escape into the city. Although it is also a wild animal that needs protection, it is a big sin if it really hurts innocent people.

Therefore, almost all departments in Feng City were sent out, whether they were police, criminal police, special police and armed police, and even the troops stationed there, were organized to look for the whereabouts of black bears throughout the city.

Strangely, it has been six or seven hours since the black bear fled to the present, but there is no bear shadow at all, as if the world has evaporated.

After reading this news and seeing the tourists who are still coming in to the zoo, Lin Fan laughed. Such a big event seems to have no effect on these tourists.

Still do what you should do, and your heart is big enough.

At this time, the little fox came over and said with a strange look: "Brother Xiaofan, I heard a few tourists say that many armed policemen are patrolling down the mountain, and they seem to be looking for something, it won't be..."

Obviously, she didn't know about the black bear running away, but after hearing about this weird situation, she came to talk to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan smiled and said, "Notify Mount Tai that they are also more vigilant around our zoo. I also just saw the news. A black bear ran into the city early this morning."

"Huh?" Hearing this, the little fox was shocked.

It's no small matter if a black bear runs into the city.

"No wonder there are so many policemen down the mountain, they are looking for the black bear that ran out," said the little fox.

At this moment, Linda walked over in a hurry and said, "Boss, there are a few policemen who want to see you, will they?"

She wanted to ask if she was in Houshan a few days ago, and after they beat the pigtails away, she called the police and asked for trouble.

Lin Fan waved his hand, shook his head and said, "A few small shrimps, they don't have the guts, not to mention that they also took the initiative to find the fault. It should be related to the black bear's escape. It's okay. I'll know when I check it out.

"Black bear running away?" Linda was stunned when she heard this.

Lin Fan didn't explain, he just got up and walked over. When he came near the restaurant, he saw several police officers in uniforms standing there with nervous expressions, whispering something.

Lin Fan knew the two people in the lead. It was Yang Xin who came to investigate the Fusang people not long ago and Captain Wang who had dealt with many times.

As soon as he saw Lin Fan coming, Captain Wang greeted him with a smile: "Hahaha, Director Lin, I'm really embarrassed, but I have to talk about it again.",...