Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1149: Monitoring

Xiang City is a unique tourist city in Jiangbei Province.

It is said that tens of millions of tourists come here every year.

Especially in the last two years, many foreign tourists have also poured in.

The scale of its city, as well as its development and construction, has skyrocketed, which is comparable to the prosperity of Huifeng City in Jiangbei Province.

Moreover, the economic situation of the population in the city has become more affluent.

In fact, think about it, whether it is in the past life or in the present life.

As long as it is linked to the tourism industry, the economic foundation will not be too bad.

Lin Fan also felt deeply about this.

Only this time, he came to Xiang City, but it was not for tourism.

Just half a year ago, the retired people of the Xiao family had already settled their retirement place here.

Nothing else, just because Xiang City has a good population base.

In addition, in this era, the global ecological environment has been greatly destroyed, and the air is getting worse and worse.

Only in this city of Xiang, the air quality is considered acceptable.

Moreover, it is a tourist city, and its development and construction are relatively good.

Therefore, they decided to live here for the elderly.

When Lin Fan drove the car and just entered Xiang City.

In the dark, I felt that in this huge tourist city, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring at me in secret.

As if his every move was under the surveillance of the other party.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, and didn't make any moves.

Instead, he drove directly to Zhongyun Mountain, a famous villa area for the rich in this city.

Zhongyun Mountain Villa District is located in the north of Xiang City.

The air quality here is relatively good, and before this is the mountains.

Before it was developed, it was like a paradise. The top of the mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist all day long. It looked like a dream and illusion, which was extremely shocking.

Now, facing the global ecological environment, all have suffered large-scale destruction.

The lingering clouds and mist disappeared, but the quality of the air is still very good.

Therefore, many wealthy people and officials from all over the country have all bought a villa here for retirement.

The same was true for the Xiao family, when the Xiao Group was handed over to Xiao Shiyu.

Those Xiao parents who have been busy for most of their lives have all come here, ready to spend the rest of their lives.

Thousands of things are counted, and they didn't count.

They had planned to support their lives, but they still encountered misfortune.

Inside the Xiao family villa, a group of people with unknown origins have been completely controlled.

Xiao Shiyu's uncle, third uncle, and fifth uncle are all under house arrest here.

This is also true of her cousins ​​and cousins.

And these people are the Red Gang that Lin Fan has been looking for, and has just given him a provocative war...

"BOSS, Lin Fan has entered Xiang City and is within our monitoring range!"

Inside the villa, a red-haired man is sitting in the living room on the first floor drinking red wine.

At this moment, a phone call came in without missing an opportunity.

On the phone, it was a man who spoke a bad Japanese language, conveying the news.

When the man with red hair heard this, a sneer gradually appeared on his face.

In his eyes, there was also a glimmer of success.

"This Lin Fan is really bold, did he come here alone?" the red-haired man asked.

"Yes, BOSS, according to our observations, he is only one person!" The other side replied again.

"Hahaha, it's interesting. It seems that this move is the right move. This Xiao Shiyu is so important to Lin Fan!" The man said with a sneer.

"Boss, what should we do now?" the crappy person on the other end of the phone said again.

"You don’t need to do anything. According to the previous plan, you just need to stare at him in the dark. Remember, you must see clearly, and there is no suspicious person. During this period of time, when you come to Xiang City, if you show up, Call me immediately!" said the red-haired man.

"Okay, BOSS, I know how to do it!"

The voice fell and the phone was hung up.

Immediately, the red-haired man threw the phone on the coffee table in front of him.

With a goblet in his hand, he turned his head and looked at the sofa not far away.

At this time, there were three people sitting on the sofa.

It was Xiao Shiyu's uncle and two uncles.

All of them were more or less wounded, especially Xiao Shiyu's uncle, with a trace of blood on his mouth.

Upon seeing this, the red-haired man shook his head a little regretfully, and said in fluent Chinese: "Tsk tusk tusk, it's a pity, if you didn't resist me at that time, how could you suffer from these flesh and blood, but also It doesn't matter, your savior, the director of the zoo, will come to accompany you soon, hahaha... dare to be an enemy of the Red Gang, and don't look at how much he weighs!"

The voice fell, in the huge living room.

There was a red-haired man with a smug laugh.

However, Xiao Shiyu’s uncle chuckled coldly and said, “Hmph, red-haired boy, don’t be too proud of you too early, Xiao Fan’s abilities are great, he dares to come to Xiang City alone, it shows that he has absolute Hold on, wait, I want to see with my own eyes how you little devils were beaten to death by Xiao Fan!"

This was just said, and I saw a big red man next to him.

Raising his fist suddenly, he slammed it down on Uncle Xiao Shiyu's face.

No nonsense.

Within a short time, I heard the sound of fists to the flesh, in this luxurious villa, from time to time...

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