Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1150: Death is coming?

In the afternoon, Lin Fan drove to the outside of Zhongyunshan Villa.

After parking the car in a temporary parking lot for outsiders, he did not go in immediately.

Lin Fan knew very well that since he entered Xiang City, he might have been closely watched by members of the Red Gang.

Especially the closer he gets to Zhong Yun Mountain, the more careful he will be watched for his deeds.

Instead of this, Lin Fan became less anxious.

Anyway, there is no way to hide it, so why not just be honest, here to appreciate the scenery of Zhongyun Mountain, it is finally no use to come here.

However, at this moment, in Zhongyun Mountain, in Xiao's villa.

The news that Lin Fan had arrived here quickly reached the ears of the red-haired man.

"Hehe, it's all here, but it's still going outside. It seems that this legendary zoo director is nothing but that!" The red-haired man said with a sneer.

When the words fell, he raised the red wine glass in his hand and took a sip.

He looked back at the few people in the Xiao family not far away.

I saw Xiao Shiyu's uncle, third uncle and fourth uncle, all sitting on the ground very embarrassed.

A lot of blood was shed on the head, body and face.

Especially the uncle, almost becoming dying.

"Hehe, take a photo of them and send it to Lin Fan. I don't believe that he can walk outside safely after seeing the photo!" Hong Mao said with a sneer.

As soon as the voice fell, two people walked over.

One person grabbed the uncle, the third uncle and the fourth uncle, took their hair, and forced them there.

Another person took out his mobile phone and took several photos of them in a row.

Immediately, I found Lin Fan's number and sent it directly.

When Lin Fan, who was wandering outside, saw this group of photos.

The look on his face became more solemn.

Although he came here, the main goal was to kill the leader of the Red Gang, and from then on completely wiped out the Red Gang.

But for Xiao Shiyu's family, he also had to be rescued.

When seeing Xiao Shiyu's uncle and third uncle, who were beaten with scars and were about to be dying, Lin Fan's expression became as ugly as it was.

At this moment, another message came.

"Mr. Lin, why should he be outside now that he is here? Could Mr. Lin have some fears? Hahaha!"

When he saw this message, Lin Fan sneered coldly.

Put the phone away and walked straight to the gate of Zhongyunshan Villa.

If it is normal, strangers who come here need a very troublesome registration to let in.

After all, people who live here are rich and powerful.

If something accident happens here, they can't explain it to others, so the management is very strict.

And now, when Lin Fan came to the gate.

Before he could speak, the door was slowly opened.

The meaning is very simple, that is, let him go directly in, without any registration at all.

Lin Fan smiled coldly, too lazy to ask anything, and walked inside.

The park of Zhongyunshan Villa is very large. It will take more than half an hour to walk from the entrance to Xiao's Villa. It will take longer if you look at the surrounding villa buildings halfway through.

However, for Lin Fan, it didn't take that long at all.

In about ten minutes, he had already appeared at the door of the villa.

He raised his head and looked inside, and released his spiritual consciousness, and scanned the surroundings.

As a result, Lin Fan discovered that there were as many as fifty or sixty Red Gang killers in the villa.

And around the villa, there were more than 200 killers in ambush.

And these two hundred people are very evenly distributed and very close to the villa.

As long as there is any noise in the villa, they will arrive here quickly in the shortest time.

Seeing all this, Lin Fan sneered coldly.

"This Red Gang's preparation is really rigorous!"

After the words fell, Lin Fan's face did not show any look of fear.

Just rushed into the villa and walked in.

Just when he walked to the front yard, a dozen people came from the front.

They all held guns in their hands, looking like they were waiting, and they searched Lin Fan.

In this regard, Lin Fan didn't bother to refuse.

After allowing them to search again, they were led into the villa.

When Lin Fan came to the villa lobby, he just walked in and saw the red-haired man sitting on the sofa.

And not far from the side, the dying uncle Xiao Shiyu and uncles.

The red-haired man took a sip of red wine and turned his eyes to Lin Fan.

"Hehe, are you the famous zoo director? Long Yang Long Yang, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that our first meeting was in this way, but there is no way. If you don't do this, I want to meet. Mr. Lin, it's extremely difficult!" Hong Mao sneered.

"I can’t talk about a big name, I really want to talk about it for a long time, but it’s me to you, and your red gang’s name, like Lei Guaner. I used to think that the red gang was just a terrorist organization, but now I found out that your red gang is nothing more than that, even this kind of despicable. You can use all of the methods, it really deserves to be your little devil's consistent trick!" Lin Fan also coldly mocked back.

When he heard this, Hong Mao's face immediately became furious.

He slammed the wine glass on the coffee table and let the red wine spill out without taking a second look.

"Lin Fan, would you dare to speak so loudly when you die? It seems that you really responded to a word from your Chinese, called a cooked duck, with a hard mouth..." Hong Mao said.

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