Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1198: Night Watch

According to the customs of the northeast.

When the old man died, he would stay at home for three days.

The so-called stay is to park the corpse.

However, with the rapid development of the times nowadays, in many places, corpses are not allowed to stay at home, nor are they allowed to be buried in the past.

But in such remote rural areas, especially small villages built on the hillside like Shicun.

This custom has always been preserved and has not been broken.

When Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin came here.

I saw many villagers sitting in Wuyangyang in the yard of the old man's house, all of them came to mourn the old man.

Their faces are all extremely solemn, and some of them have extremely red eye circles.

Although everyone is in the same village, their performance is even worse than those of their sons and daughters.

This shows that the popularity and character of the old man is still quite good.

When Lin Fan walked over, someone naturally gave way to the door.

After walking in, the mourning hall is directly opposite.

The picture of the old man with a smile is placed in the center, and the side of the frame is decorated with white cloth.

In the front of the photo, there is a **** coffin.

Beside the coffin, Ishiye knelt down in front of a brazier, throwing burning paper in it, while tearing.

By Ishino's side, there were several elderly aunts and aunts who were also struggling to say something.

"Brother, Brother Fan, they are here!"

Shi Ying also had red eyes, and hurried to the mourning hall a few steps.

Hearing this, Shi Ye quickly turned around when he saw Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin.

Tears flowed out of disobedience again.

Just about to say hello, Lin Fan waved his hand gently.

Several people came to the center, Lin Fan first, his cousin Yang Li, Wang Jianmin, Lu Yingxue and Xiao Shiyu, stepped forward to offer incense and salute to the old man.

After that, Little Fox and Li Qiang also offered incense.

When all this is over.

Shi Ye stood up slowly and looked at Lin Fan and Yang Li in front of him, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

"Brother Fan, Grandpa kept talking about you before he left, but... it's just that he was leaving, and also, he couldn't meet you..." Ishiye said bitterly.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's eyes were a little moist.

But on this occasion, it’s not the time to cry out loud;.

Otherwise, what would it be like?

Lin Fan pursed his mouth, nodded and said, "I know, but I didn't expect that the old man will leave so suddenly, so don't be sad. Maybe this is a good thing for the old man. Maybe he doesn't have to worry about it. Hanging on that mountain, you don’t have to worry about it all day long!"

"Yezi, when grandpa left, was he peaceful?" Cousin Yang Li was beside him, sobbing softly.

Hearing this, Ishino nodded slightly: "Grandpa left with a smile on his face. He said he could finally take a good rest, but he couldn't see you before closing his eyes. He was the biggest one. Regret, oooooo..."

Hearing this, Yang Li couldn't control his emotions anymore and burst into tears all at once.

With the benefit of their crying, Lu Yingxue and Little Fox kept sobbing and wiping their tears.

The villagers sitting around in the yard were also drawn to tears again.

That night, Yang Li, Shi Ye and the others arranged for the villagers to have dinner, and they all sent them away.

Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin stay here.

One is that there is really no other place to live in the village, and the other is that I want to stay with Ishino and keep the spirit here.

Of course, there is a custom in the Northeast.

The person who keeps the spirit should not be a woman as much as possible, especially the girl who comes to the aunt.

This is not good for them.

Besides Ishiye and Yang Li, the only ones who can guard the spirit are Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin.

The guardian cannot sleep all night.

It is necessary to keep the incense unbreakable, otherwise there will also be bad opinions.

So many people are all crowded here.

Not to mention that the place is not big enough, and it will take one night.

It is difficult for normal people to persist, let alone Lin Fan and the others just recently got off the plane?

Therefore, they decided.

It is divided into two groups, one is responsible for guarding the middle of the night, and the other is responsible for guarding the second half of the night.

Lin Fan was strongly demanded by everyone, and Wang Jianmin was responsible for guarding the latter half of the night.

Let them go back to rest first, otherwise, they will be really lacking energy. ,

Lin Fan couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

It wasn't until two o'clock in the night that Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin were woken up.

When Lin Fan walked out of the house in a daze, a cold wind blew through.

Immediately shake Lingling shivering.

"Okay, leave it to me here, you hurry back to rest, there are still many things during the day tomorrow, you need to be responsible for it!" Lin Fan said softly.

Ishiye and Yang Li nodded their heads before turning back.

At this time, there were only Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin, and Li Qiang.

At this moment, another cold wind blew through.

Vaguely, it was as if hearing the sound of the wind, as if someone was crying...

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