Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1199: Haunted, haunted?

"What sound? It seems...someone is crying?"

Wang Jianmin walked out, his face looked a little frightened.

He, who was still a little sleepy just now, immediately became energetic.

This is no wonder.

It was late in the night, and the whole village was pitch-black.

There was also a spiritual shed, and the cold wind blew past, accompanied by bursts of crying.

Who can not be afraid instead?

Lin Fan smiled, shook his head and said, "I didn't expect your majestic Director Wang to be so superstitious?"

"Superstition? Uh, no, who can't be afraid of this situation?" Wang Jianmin was a little embarrassed.

Lin Fan smiled.

"Don't worry, it's the sound of the wind blowing. It's close to the mountain. At night, the wind is strong in the mountains and it's normal to blow out!"

"The old man's incense is about to burn out, I'll go and order it!"

While speaking, Lin Fan walked over.

Wang Jianmin and Li Qiang looked at each other.

Each other smiled helplessly.

When the cold wind passed just now, I did hear someone crying.

But in a blink of an eye, the crying disappeared.

Could it be said that it is really caused by the wind?

Walked into the Ling Peng, looked at the old man's coffin there, and looked inside through the glass window.

I saw the old man lying there peacefully.

It's like falling asleep.

Upon seeing this, Wang Jianmin couldn't help but feel sad again.

"Hey, Mr. Shi has been a hero for a lifetime, and he has given everything for this mountain. Now..."

As he spoke, Wang Jianmin's eye circles appeared to be reddened faintly again.

Lin Fan also sighed.

To be honest, the old man has always been a person he respects.

Personalities are also very similar.

I thought, when I was done with things on my side, I would personally come over and take the old man.

Let him enjoy the good fortune in the zoo in Fengshi.

But who ever thought...

Lin Fan's eyes were also a little red.

Because of Father Shi, it reminded him of his parents.

The son wants to raise but the kiss does not wait.

Maybe in the world, there is nothing more uncomfortable than this, right?

"Qiangzi, you can sit for a while, I think you still haven't woken up? If you are too sleepy, go back to sleep, there is me here, you don't have to worry!" Lin Fan said with a smile.

As a result, Li Qiang shook his head.

"Brother Fan, it's okay. I'm always sleepy. Maybe it's too tired to fly. It's okay. I'll just have a pee and smoke a cigarette!"

When the words fell, Li Qiang took out a cigarette from his pocket, turned and left.

Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin sat there, looking at the three sticks of incense that had just been lit.

As a result, there was not even two minutes of work.

Suddenly, I heard a screaming scream not far from the Ling Peng.

Lin Fan's expression changed, and his brows were locked tightly.

He stood up suddenly.

Looked at each other with Wang Jianmin.

"Is it a hadron?"

After the words fell, the two did not continue to hesitate.

After running out of the shed, he ran in the direction where the sound came from.

Soon, when they ran to the place.

I saw Li Qiang sitting on the ground with a panic expression on his face.

"Qianzi, what's the matter?" Lin Fan quickly approached and asked.

Li Qiang seemed to be hell.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he pointed to the distance and tremblingly said: "Fan, Brother Fan, there are ghosts, ghosts..."

Heard this.

Lin Fan and Wang Jianmin looked in the direction of his fingers.


Seen in a forest not far away.

One by one, the green light flashed in the darkness non-stop.

It looked like a ghost fire.

People can't help but feel trembling in their hearts.

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