Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1218: The goal is ahead

In the mountains and forests.

There is a group of people around there.

One of them had a bald head, holding a shotgun in his hand, and staring at the front angrily.

"Why, where did you go? What about the dead monkey just now?" The bald head yelled angrily.

Yes, they are the poachers who have just gone up the mountain.

"Brother Sheng, the monkey, the monkey seems to be gone!" Huazi said with an ugly expression.

"Nima's, it's really not easy to open the door. Just as I went up the mountain, I ran into a dead monkey. How about Gangzi? Is it okay?" said the bald angrily.

When the voice fell, the man named Gangzi came over, clutching his head.

With blood all over his face, he shook his head and said, "Brother Sheng, I'm fine, but my head is broken. I'll be fine when I use alcohol to eliminate poison!"

"Yeah!" The bald head was calm and nodded.

In fact, just when they came up, they followed the route in memory and walked all the way up the mountain.

To be honest, they were a little bit unsure in their hearts when they went up the mountain this time.

I don't know if the white fox and Firefox are still in the mountains.

I don't know if anyone finds this place one step in advance.

In fact, hunting is not that simple. It is not only necessary to guard against mountain men, but also to guard against beasts in the mountains.

Be more careful with the secret calculations of peers.

If they are not careful, they may have to come in even for their lives and cannot call the police.

The final fate may become the dung of those wild beasts.

And just now, after they came here, suddenly, something attacked them.

Looking up, there was a monkey with a rock in his hand and smashed it on their heads.

As a result, others escaped.

Only Gangzi did not hide, and was smashed upright.

The blood couldn't stop flowing down.

Upon seeing this, the bald head was very angry, and he would shoot the monkey directly by raising the gun.

But that monkey is also annoying.

After smashing them, he grinned and sneered at them.

After a few jumps, he disappeared in the woods.

Although they fired two shots, they also knew that they didn't hurt a single vellus hair of the monkey at all.

After the bald head calmed down, he calmly said, "Everyone should be careful and report the situation in time. Remember, no one can be injured, let alone be left behind. Otherwise, if you are trapped in this mountain, the only end will be one, death! "

When they heard this, a look of horror flashed in the eyes of other people.

To be honest, they are here just to make money, and no one wants to take their own lives into it.

"Okay, Brother Sheng!"

Everyone nodded and didn't say anything.

Ever since, they followed the bald head and quietly walked into the mountains all the way.

On the way, they have also become a lot more cautious.

Whenever there is a turmoil or something, they will stop and observe.

But this bald head is indeed an experienced hunter.

He knows every inch of land and every flower and grass very well.

Even which flower is poisonous, and where there may be poisonous insects.

Or maybe there is a poisonous snake on that tree.

For these, bald heads are very familiar.

However, just as they walked to a clearing.

The bald head stopped suddenly, frowning, and looked around.

Then, he lowered his head, pinched some sand from the ground, and sniffed it under his nose.

"Brother Sheng, did you find the white fox?" Hua Zi walked over and asked.

The bald head shook his head, but there was a chuckle on his face.

"I didn't find the white fox, but I found other foxes. Let's follow the smell they left behind. Maybe they are all together!"

When the voice fell, the other people who followed him all showed surprise smiles on their faces.

Unexpectedly this time, it would be so easy to find the target.

At this rate, they would be satisfied and return in no more than two days.

As a result, their pace became more brisk and walked forward.

But they didn't even dream of it.

Just where they stayed, three people came out quietly.

Look at the direction they are leaving.

The corner of Lin Fan's mouth showed a faint sneer...

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