Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1219: :Wei Dejia smokes

at night.

More than eleven o'clock.

A group of bald heads followed the traces left by the fox.

All the way to the inside of the mountain.

I have to say that this bald head is very familiar with all kinds of animals.

And his hunting experience is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

You can find this place just with a hint of smell.

He is definitely not an ordinary hunter...

"Brother Sheng, there seems to be a hole in front!"

"Hmm, I saw it too, is that the fox's hole?"

"Hehehe, I didn't expect it to be so easy. I found the fox's den. I can't wait to see what the white fox looks like!"

The few people around him all looked very excited.

At this moment, in their eyes, there is no fox in the hole.

But... a lot of money.

Yes, as long as the white fox is caught, they will get a generous fee.

And the money is enough for them to go home and build a new house, marry a wife and have children.

The bald head frowned slightly, although there was some excitement on his face.

But more, it's still sensible.

Although I found the fox's cave, it may not be possible to catch it, which is still a problem.

Once you let them run away, it becomes extremely difficult to find them.

"You all be careful and don't make any noises, lest you be surprised, Huazi, Gangzi, you two have arranged the traps at the entrance of the cave, second child, you guys go and pick up some dry firewood nearby!" Bald heads arranged one by one. The task.

They have no objection to this.

Whatever the bald head asks, they do.

Because in the eyes of these people, bald heads make money with them.

And as far as hunting is concerned, bald heads are experience, far more than all of them present.

As promised, they turned around a few times and left without stopping for a moment.

These people move very fast, less than ten minutes.

Everything is ready.

At the entrance of the cave, a series of traps were set.

As long as those foxes dared to come out, there must be no way to escape.

And those firewood are all piled up on the edge of the hole.

Pour some diesel fuel.

The bald head took out the lighter, snapped, and lit a cigarette.

With his eyes flickering, he looked into the dark cave, a strong smell of fox, pungent.

Analyzing from his experience, it must be the fox den.

As for whether the white fox and Firefox are hiding here, it is not clear.

All can only depend on fate. If you are lucky, you will catch them all tonight.

If you are unlucky...then go to other places, there will always be gains.

It didn't take long, when the bald head drew the cigarette to almost the same time.

I saw him smile slightly, holding the cigarette butt.


Flick the firewood stack in front of you.

At the moment when the cigarette **** touched the firewood, there was still diesel fuel...


All of a sudden, the fire rose.

However, at this moment, several people came forward.

Lots of hay pressed against the fire.

When the fire is suppressed.

Someone brought a fan and fanned it toward the cave.

I have to say that these guys' methods are indeed a bit wicked.

Use smoke? Not to mention animals, even humans can't bear it.

What's more, there may be cubs inside.

Once choked by heavy smoke, it is likely to be smoked to death.

These people are extremely vicious, really hateful.

However, at this time, I saw it in the cave.

Green rays of light flashed out.

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