Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 1221: Wolf King, the gaze of death

"Nima's, Lao Tzu fights with you!"

"Don't run, take out the guys, and kill these beasts!"

This bald head is also a ruthless person.

I saw thirty or forty wolves continuously rushing out of the cave, and all of them were extremely tough.

But in the eyes of this bald head, there was no trace of fear.

On the contrary, he was extremely angry.

He took the shotgun and loaded it, aimed at one of the wolves, and banged it out with a fierce shot.

As a result, a wolf was shot directly through the body.

There was a howl.

He fell directly to the ground and the blood was flowing unstoppable. It was seen that there was less air intake and more outgassing.

The rest of the wild wolves saw it.

Not only did they have no fear, they saw a fierce look flashing in their eyes.

Turning around, staring at the bald head.

He grinned and roared in his mouth.

"Brother, hurry up, get out!"

"You just killed a wolf, you have already angered them, let's go!"

At this time, Huazi and the others all said with a look of fear on their faces.

Hearing this, this bald head snorted coldly.

"Why, it's all rubbish, just a few wolves, just scared you like this?"

"I tell you, whoever is going to run today, don't blame me from now on, don't take them to make a fortune!"

"And if you are seeing you at the bottom of the mountain, you will definitely have to take a fight, and you will do it yourself!"

This bald head is a famous person.

Whether in the mountains or outside the mountains, they are notoriously fierce.

And what he said is what he said.

If this offends the bald head, even if he escaped in this mountain.

I'm afraid they won't be able to live in peace after going down the mountain.

This bald head will definitely lead people to find their homes to make trouble.

Suddenly, a look of embarrassment flashed in the eyes of these people.

At the moment, they are either going in or retreating. They are really in a dilemma.

"What are you doing stupidly? Come to help, otherwise I will feed these animals later, I don't care!"

At this moment, the bald head yelled again.

Hearing this, the people behind him suddenly turned their heads.

At this moment, he was seen around the bald head, a dozen wild wolves were surrounding him.

Perhaps it was because he was afraid of the shotgun in his hand, just surrounded him, and did not dare to attack for a long time.

boom! There was another gunshot, and the shotgun in the bald hand spurted out a flame.

Oooh! Another wild wolf was shot on the spot.

And this time, these wild wolves were completely angry.

This bald head killed two of their companions in succession? It is simply outrageous.

At this moment, a stern and long howl came.

Accompanied by bursts of fishy wind, it blew from all directions.

Suddenly, this seemed to be an offensive order, and the surrounding wolves were desperate, rushing towards the bald head and biting him indiscriminately.

boom! Bang bang bang! Gunshots kept ringing.

From time to time, you can see wild wolves shot to the ground.

In this situation, instead of getting any improvement, the irritating eyes of the wild wolves were scarred.

Oooh! There was another long roar, and the attack frequency of these wild wolves became more rapid.

Just say that Huazi and the others at the moment, dealing with these wild wolves are not as calm as their bald heads.

I was scared to death in my heart.

When these wild wolves pounced, they all dodge instinctively.

However, this effect is minimal at all.

In an instant, three or four people were thrown to the ground one after another.

What is strange is that after these people were pounced, the wild wolves did not bite them in the first place.

He just pressed them to the ground and kept roaring in his mouth.

It seemed to be a kind of intimidation.

As a result, even so, many of them fainted due to fright.

Huazi and Gangzi saw it.

They glanced at each other, so they all learned the appearance of other people.

They closed their eyes one after another, pretending to be dead.

At this time, among the dozen people brought by the bald head.

More than half of them were unconscious with their eyes closed.

The rest of the people are considered to be a man.

They held machetes in their hands and kept waving them to keep the wild wolves away as much as possible.

But even so, their bodies are already scarred by now.

Several blood marks were caught on his body.

However, those wild wolves were really frightened by them.

There is nothing to do with them at once.

We're talking about the bald head of this brother, and I saw that the shotgun in his hand was shooting continuously.

As a result, after a while, I saw a clicking sound in the barrel.

There are no more bullets.

Upon seeing this, the eyes of these wild wolves flashed with a spiritual look.

It seems that there are no bullets in the bald gun.


At this moment, it was the **** howling.

Suddenly, the surrounding wild wolves were all crazy.

Pounced on the bald head one by one, swearing not to give up without tearing him apart.


The bald head's experience in this mountain is too rich.

And the ability of individual combat is even better.

Without the gun, he directly drew a mountain knife from the trouser tube.

Huh huh! After continuous waving, the wild wolves were forced to retreat.

For a time, the two sides were in a state of confrontation.

These wild wolves just circled around the bald head, and did not rush forward to attack.

On the other hand, the bald head did not seem to take advantage.

At this moment, there have been a lot of wounds on his body, and the blood is constantly flowing out.

"Grandma's, I'm in this mountain all year round, can I still be afraid that you won't make it?"

"Come on, don't you want to eat me? Come on, whoever can beat me, I am!"

This bald head is like crazy.

Shouted angrily.

As a result, these words made the wolves become more cautious.

That's right, this bald head is like a lunatic.

There is no fear, even in the face of an attack by the wolves, he is not afraid at all.


He had forgotten that the wolves in front of him at this moment were all wild wolves.

Especially the faint smell of blood permeated the wind.

It stimulated the wild nature of these animals even more.

Although his head is bald at the moment, it is difficult to take it off for a while.

Everyone knows that wolves are the best at teamwork among all kinds of animals.

Just give them a chance to come.

It will definitely be enough for any enemy in front of them to drink a pot.

It's like this.

They kept spinning around their bald heads.

However, they are looking for opportunities.

Look for an opportunity to start.

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw the movement of the bald head and hesitated a little.

Suddenly, I saw a wild wolf, attacking the bare hair from behind.

Leaping up, he leaped towards the bald head.


"Grandma's, get out of here!"

This bald head was really fierce, just when the wolf pounced.

He immediately felt that the bad wind was not good.

Then, I saw him sweeping his legs suddenly and kicking back.


He kicked the wolf abruptly.


The wild wolf let out a scream, and slammed to the ground.

With this gap, the rest of the wild wolves.

They also pounced viciously toward the bald head from all directions.

I have to say that these wild wolves are very big.

And they are all wild, living in this mountain since childhood.

Whether it is speed, attack power, physique, and size, they are much stronger than those seen in the zoo.

Their teamwork ability is unparalleled in the world.

For a time, four or five wild wolves pounced on the bald body.

However, they still underestimated the bald head.

If he was really so easy to deal with, I'm afraid he would have been caught in the mouth of a beast long ago.

How can he accumulate experience over and over again, and make him more proficient in hunting?

"Get out of my way!"

Suddenly, the bald head screamed loudly, and his arms strained.

I saw that the four or five wild wolves that pounced on him had all shaken off him.

Not only that, he had a round stool in both eyes, and a blood-red look came out.

Just like a fierce beast, the mountain knife in his hand swept toward the wild wolves.

Simply, the knife went down, and these wild wolves were not injured.

Therefore, although he cut it for nothing.

But in a disguised way, the wild wolf did not cause any losses.




At this time, the bald head began to gasp.

Looking at these beasts in front of him, he couldn't finish killing no matter what.

If this continues, I'm afraid he will die here sooner or later.


Just when he was a little frustrated, thinking of a plan to get out.

Suddenly, a fishy wind blew over.

All the wolves actually bowed their heads and retreated toward the surroundings.

The bald head condensed in his heart and realized that it was not good.

Look back quickly.

As a result, I saw a wild wolf with a bigger body and a white fur on the top of his head from not far away.

Is taking a steady pace, walking towards him.

Wherever he went, the surrounding wolves put their heads on the ground as much as possible.

This approach is easy to understand.

Among animals, especially among animals in this group.

Generally, if you stick your head on the ground, it means surrender.

And the bald head also understands this.

He frowned slightly, and thought to himself, could it be...this is their wolf king, has appeared?

Sure enough, just when his thoughts had just flashed.

I saw the wolf king with a white fur on the top of his head.

Suddenly let out a hysterical roar.

Suddenly, the surrounding wolves gave way to both sides.

Only leave a piece of space for the wolf king and bald head, enough for the two of them to fight.

At this time, I saw the wolf king staring at the bald head in his eyes.

It's like giving people a stare of death...

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