Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 131: The fish for help

The gurgling sound of running water came from time to time in my ears, and a sea breeze with a hint of saltiness blew in, making Lin Fan feel a little cool.

The situation here hasn't changed in any way, exactly the same as when he first came back.

There were only a few unripe fruits left on the three fire-scale fruit trees nearby.

The waterfall is like a Yinchuan, pouring down.

Feeling the rich aura around him, Lin Fan took out the small piece of silver mulberry tree from the game warehouse.

Just by hearing the name, the silver mulberry tree is definitely not a kind of small flowers and grasses, but a tree, and the area may not be small.

Before planting, Lin Fan needed to find a larger area.

Fortunately, there are a lot of vacant places here, especially around the waterfall, where there is no grass growing...

[Please choose the place of planting! 】

At this time, an indifferent tone came from the sky, it was the little game assistant.

Lin Fan looked around, and finally found an open space two meters away from the fire scale fruit tree.

Although there is Penglai Fairy Island here, Lin Fan doesn't have much confidence in his heart. If he really said to the mysterious person, the silver mulberry tree is very picky about the terrain and the environment, and ordinary places absolutely cannot meet the growth conditions.

And the place Lin Fan chose was not far from the fire-scale fruit tree, and the fire-scale fruit tree itself was also a rare spirit tree. Since it can survive, it will be about the same as the silver mulberry tree.

Dig a hole and plant the silver mulberry tree in it, revealing only a small section.

At this moment, the indifferent little assistant issued another prompt.

[Congratulations to the player for successfully planting a silver mulberry tree, the growth period is about three thousand years! 】

"Fuck it, three thousand years?" Lin Fan was also taken aback when he heard this, "I really have to wait for it to grow, I don't know how many reincarnations have occurred."

But one thing that made Lin Fan feel at ease was that as soon as the silver mulberry tree was planted, he was prompted by his little assistant, indicating that it could survive here.

[Players can redeem the corresponding fertilizer in the game mall according to their needs! 】

"Fertilizer?" Lin Fan frowned and hurriedly opened the game mall.

Sure enough, in the other column, several new fertilizers were added, which are similar to the time capsules used for hatching pet eggs, which can greatly reduce the growth time of silver mulberry trees.

But the price of this fertilizer is much more expensive than the time capsule.

Among them, the cheapest ordinary fertilizer can reduce the growth cycle time by one year, but the price is 5888 popularity value, while the relatively better speed fertilizer can reduce the growth cycle time by ten years, and the price is also several times higher, requiring 28888 popularity. value.

In the future, there are special-effect fertilizers that can be reduced for 50 years, but the price is more than 100,000, and the most expensive super fertilizer can reduce the growth cycle of 500 years at a time, but the price has reached an unacceptable price, which is 688888. Popularity value.

Looking at these seemingly astronomical figures, Lin Fan was a little dazed, which was too expensive.

"Can't it be cheaper? Even a discount?" Lin Fan said with a wry smile.

[This game is not discounted, players can buy it according to their own terms! 】

[Congratulations to the players for successfully completing the planting task, the system rewards Super Fertilizer X3, please make persistent efforts! 】

Hearing the next section of the prompt, Lin Fan felt like he went from **** to heaven. The routine of this game assistant is a bit deep.

Lin Fan hurriedly opened the game warehouse, and sure enough, three bags of super chemical fertilizer appeared in it. The price of this bag was six to seven hundred thousand yuan. The reward for the little assistant was really generous.

[Does the player need to fertilize the silver mulberry tree? 】


[Please select the amount of fertilizer to be fertilized, and click to confirm! 】

Lin Fan didn't even think about it, so he clicked to confirm. The next moment, he saw three bags of fertilizer in the warehouse, all of which disappeared.

And in front of my eyes, the silver mulberry tree that had just been planted, actually took root and sprouted at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. It didn't stop until it grew to a height of half a person.

At this time, the silver mulberry trees, including the trunk, leaves, and branches, are all silvery white, and even under mild sunlight, they will be refracted.

The curious Lin Fan reached out and touched it, as if he had touched a piece of extremely hard iron.

"What is the function of this silver mulberry tree?" Lin Fan became increasingly strange.

However, the game assistant did not give any answers, and even no sound came out, as if it had disappeared out of thin air.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan murmured: "It seems that only after going back and asking a mysterious person, he might know the real purpose of this silver mulberry tree."

After the task was completed, Lin Fan did not leave directly, but wandered around nearby.

Although Penglai Xiandao is an island, it has a large area. Except for the place where Lin Fan planted it, it was surrounded by woods.

After passing through the woods, a large meadow appeared in front of it, with flowers of various colors interspersed with it, and a few butterflies dancing lightly, as if it were a scene from the painting.

Passing through this piece of grass, there is an endless sea in front of me. The strange thing is that there is a thin layer of white mist on the sea, which makes my vision blurred.

From time to time, the sea breeze is blowing on the face, and the fishy and salty taste becomes more and more intense.

At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly heard a faint cry for help coming from the front...


Lin Fan frowned, fucking, there are people here? Following the direction of the sound, he quickly walked over.

When he came to a huge reef, he saw a purple-gold fish on the reef, almost the size of a palm, stranded there.

The tail kept flapping on the reef, and there was not much power.

When he came to the front, Lin Fan looked at it intently. This fish didn't look strange, and it didn't have any abnormality with ordinary marine fish, but Lin Fan had never seen it or heard of it.

"Please, save me!"

The fish seemed to have spotted Lin Fan, sending a distress signal with a very weak voice.

It is not a word spoken by the mouth, but a message transmitted by a spirit. Perhaps this is related to Lin Fan's mastering of the skills of Animal Friends.

Lin Fan, who had seen many monsters, was not too surprised by this.

He held the fish in his palm, and saw that the scales on its body showed several broken places, and there was also an obvious wound on the tail, which seemed to have been bitten by something.

At this time, Zijinyu was very excited, and a message came and said: "Please, don't let me go back, something is chasing me!"

"Oh?" Lin Fan frowned and swept into the sea.

Sure enough, right on the coast, there was a vague black shadow cruising here, maybe knowing that Lin Fan's gaze swept over, the black shadow quickly turned around and swam into the depths. ,, ..