Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 132: Sun Xiaosheng got into trouble

The injuries on the purple goldfish are not too serious, as long as a few days of cultivation can recover.

Just when Lin Fan was about to bring it back to the real world, throw it in the zoo's lake, and give it to the snapping turtle to help take care of it, the voice of the little game assistant came coldly into his ears.

[Purple Goldfish's self-cultivation is insufficient, it is difficult to bear the pressure of space shuttle, and cannot be brought back to the real world, please choose carefully! 】

"Can't take it back?" Lin Fan frowned when he heard the system prompt.

For Lin Fan, the pressure of space shuttle did not feel any special, but after a golden light flashed, it would appear where he wanted to go when he opened his eyes.

But he didn't consider what kind of impact an ordinary purple goldfish with almost no cultivation base would have in the shuttle process.

Before that, even though Lin Fan was in Kunwu Wonderland, he brought the little fox and Sun Xiaosheng, including the weasel, directly back to the real world.

However, their cultivation bases have generally reached the pill state. Perhaps only in such a state can they not cause any harm to themselves and they can move freely in space.

To understand this, Lin Fan felt a little regretful in his heart, but it was not too strong.

Since it can't be taken away, let it stay here to heal on its own. Anyway, under the waterfall over there, there is also a pool of spring water that can just let it live in that place.

It didn't take long for Lin Fan to return to the waterfall, and he could hear the sound of water flowing from afar, as if thunderously.

"Since I can't take it back for you, let's take a shelter here for the time being. It just so happens that you can also help me take care of the situation here." Lin Fan muttered, holding the purple goldfish in one hand.

"Thank you En-gong for your help!"

A belief quietly passed into Lin Fan's consciousness. What was strange was that there was a hint of shyness in these words.

Even a fish is embarrassed? Lin Fan looked down, only to see the purple-golden fish, desperately trying to drill into his fingers...

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan felt unspeakably weird, and faintly felt that there was a hint of chill coming out from behind.

The clear waterfall brought bursts of coolness. The water quality was crystal clear. Except for some water plants, no creatures could be seen living in it.

Throwing the purple goldfish into it carefully, and immediately saw the purple goldfish, which had just appeared dying, swimming happily in the water.

From time to time, I also sent out messages of thanks to Lin Fan, expressing my love for this place.

The strange thing is that when this purple goldfish was just thrown into it, the wound on its body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just a few minutes, even the worst tail was intact.

Seeing this scene, Lin Fan was also surprised. Could it be that the spring water flowing from this waterfall has any magical effect on healing wounds?

Lin Fan reached into the water with his hand, and for an instant, the biting cold spread all over his body, and couldn't help but give an excitement.

The water was very cold, and it was indescribably cold. With Lin Fan's current realm, it was difficult to withstand this cold. It was precisely the purple goldfish that had no cultivation skills, but it could be completely accepted.

"No wonder there are no other creatures here, this cold water is weird!" Lin Fan frowned and muttered.

He took the water out with his hand, and just touched the air, the water instantly turned into a cloud of white mist, which disappeared without a trace before Lin Fan's eyes.

Strange scenes happened one after another, but the more this happened, the more it proved that this water was absolutely extraordinary. After returning home, he had to ask a knowledgeable mysterious person, maybe he would know something.

After placing the purple goldfish in place, Lin Fan has nothing to do here.

When I came to the silver mulberry tree, I took a look. The silver-white trunks and leaves reflected dazzling light under the sun.

A light flick on the silver leaf with your finger will make a metallic noise.

This thing is almost catching up with the iron plate, if it is used as a hidden weapon, it is also a good choice.

Secretly murmured, summoned the game assistant, after a golden light flashed, opened his eyes, but found that he had returned to the real world.

After so long delay in Penglai Fairy Island, the real world has only passed more than an hour, and the sky has just turned dark.

At this time, the zoo was quiet, and most of the animals rested in their cages after dinner.

The little white wolf has now turned into a six or seven-year-old boy. When the moon and stars appeared, he found a stone platform and sat cross-legged on it to absorb the power of the stars.

The lake was also quiet. The snapping turtle sank at the bottom of the lake, burying its head in the silt, and the little brothers who had just received it were patrolling nearby, like sentries standing guard and patrolling the night.

Everything else is normal.

After checking all this, Lin Fan took back his spiritual consciousness, lay on the bed and took out his mobile phone, ready to contact the mysterious person, and ask him about the silver mulberry tree and the strange spring water.

However, just as he lay down, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Fan frowned, waved his hand, and the door opened automatically.

The little fox hurriedly walked in, his face looked a bit dignified, and said, "Brother Xiaofan, something happened in the monkey forest."

"What?" Hearing this, Lin Fan sat up suddenly.

How could something happen in the monkey forest? You know, Sun Xiaosheng is in charge of that place. As the monkey king there, and also a monkey king who only has the pill state, even if someone sneaks into the zoo quietly, it won't make it difficult to deal with.

Could it be another organization that Citigroup has an idea for the zoo? Thinking of this, Lin Fan's face also became gloomy, and he asked lowly: "What's the matter?"

The little fox adjusted his breath, frowned and said, "Sun Xiaosheng, Sun Xiaosheng..."

"Huh? Speak slowly, don't worry, what the **** is going on?" Lin Fan's expression became increasingly gloomy.

"That smelly monkey, I don’t know where the wine was stolen. All the monkeys have drunk some. Now, now it’s full of alcohol. Even Thunderbird and Huli Taoist are drunk and unconscious. "The little fox said angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Fan's face eased slightly, but he did not open his brows.

Sun Xiaosheng is an out-and-out drunkard. This is already an indisputable fact. Lin Fan was worried that it would be fine to drink too much, so he controlled the wine.

Now when he heard this, Lin Fan's heart was furious. It didn't matter if it drank it by itself, it would even harm the entire monkey forest? It is simply outrageous.

Suddenly, Lin Fan stood up and said with a sullen face: "Go, come with me and have a look!"

The little fox nodded, walked out of the room with Lin Fan, and went straight to the monkey forest. ,, ..