Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 144: Fire!


Under the pressure of the girl, the little boy immediately coughed, then choked water in his lungs and vomited it out.

Slowly, the little boy opened his eyes, his face looked a little ugly, perhaps because of choking, or perhaps because he was shocked.

I looked around with my big eyes and burst into tears.

At this time, the little boy’s grandma ran over and hugged her grandson in her arms: "Duo Duo, are you okay? You scared grandma to death just now. If you have a shortcoming, how can I explain it to your parents? ......"

Upon seeing this, the little boy also cried.

Seeing such a scene, many tourists around were moved.

Many parents with children also have red eye circles. I am afraid that what happened just now can only be experienced by parents.

At this time, a burst of sparse applause sounded from the crowd.

The next moment, among the onlookers, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause. I don’t know if they were applauding for the snapping turtle who saved people bravely, or because they could cultivate such a psychic animal in the zoo. Applause, maybe there are both.

At this time, the boy's grandmother stood up holding the boy, and looked at Lin Fan with a grateful look: "The principal, thank you so much. I don't know what to do without you."

The little boy also looked over dimly with teary eyes, his eyes full of panic.

Lin Fan stretched out his hand and patted his head gently, and said, "Nothing. If you really want to thank you, thank this girl. She should come out in time to give Duoduo the first aid."

"Huh?" When the girl heard this, she shook her head again and again. "No, no, I just should do it. I, I am a nurse, so I should save people. Auntie, thank you the principal and the snapping turtle. Well, no head of the garden has trained snapping turtles like this, I'm afraid it really is..."

"Yeah, this snapping turtle is so spiritual, I still saw the scene of the snapping turtle saving people first time!"

"Yes, thanks to the timely appearance of this snapping turtle, otherwise the consequences would be hard to imagine."

The tourists around were also talking about it one after another, and all of their eyes were on the snapping turtle.

At this time, the snapping turtle was resting on the shore and basking in the sun. Suddenly, fiery eyes came to it, making it a little uncomfortable, and it seemed a bit daunting.

Gradually, the snapping turtle tried to retract its head into the heavy shell, but tried several times and failed.

Only then did I remember that I was born with no way to retract my head. It was an ornament...

Seeing this scene, all the tourists couldn't help laughing.

"Look, everyone, that snapping turtle is embarrassed!"

"Hahaha, this is shy!"

"Look, it's going to run, and it's going back to the lake!"

The original dignified atmosphere was relaxed a lot by the snapping turtle's behavior. As everyone laughed, the atmosphere was not as tense as it was just now.

At this time, someone had quietly uploaded the scene of the snapping turtle saving someone on the Internet.

Unlike the previous episodes, this time an animal came out and lifted the little boy out of the water, which immediately aroused the onlookers of many netizens.

When they saw this small video of only one or two minutes, they all felt amazed and moved in their hearts. Many netizens expressed that this snapping turtle was amazing, and it was almost perfect.

Some netizens said that this is the case for animals, but people only use their mobile phones to take pictures and make small videos in that critical situation. They have no intention of going into the water to save people. This has also caused a group of sprayers to anger.

Although someone explained in the comments that there were crocodiles in the lake, no one dared to jump down to save people easily, but they were still pale and powerless.

Perhaps in the eyes of those professional sprayers, as long as they catch one point, they can completely ignore all the truth...

Of course, most people are still looking at the truth about the snapping turtle saving people.

At the same time, some people gloated and thought that the zoo was over. Although the snapping turtle rescued the little boy from the water, it would inevitably make the little boy’s family make a fortune.

Many netizens have also said that this snapping turtle is absolutely fine, otherwise how could it save people? It would be nice not to take the opportunity to hurt people.

For this reason, some people sent out information about snapping turtles, saying that snapping turtles are cold-blooded animals with amazing bite force.

All in all, when this video was posted on the Internet, it caused a lot of controversy and onlookers in an instant. Major online media and well-known public accounts also reposted and forwarded this video, and also related it to the'Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo'. The videos and events of the company were released together.

What "Zoo Director Saves Escape Black Bear", "Chimpanzee Ticket Seller at the Zoo Gate", "A Popular Singer-Bird", "Special Restaurant Features"...

All kinds of content related to the zoo were sent out. Originally, in these videos and articles, some attention and clicks were not high.

It is equivalent to the muffled relics just released, like a stone sinking into the sea.

However, with the speculation of today's matter, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

Many netizens commented, co-authoring these are all news about the "Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo"? Ticket sellers, singing birds, and today there is another snapping turtle to save people.

This is still a zoo, it's a super circus.

In an instant, the number of clicks and comments ‘suddenly’ rose, and the forwarding volume reached tens of thousands in just one hour.

Suddenly, the vocabulary related to ‘zoo’ directly ranked in the top three in the hot search list, and it is still on the rise.

At this time, Lin Fan never expected that just such a small video was posted on the Internet, and the popularity value had exceeded one million in just one hour.

It is an amazing growth rate, and if it continues like this, I believe that at night, it is likely to break through thousands.

In this way, Lin Fan can directly use his popularity value to buy super fertilizer to ripen the silver mulberry tree.

After comforting the old man and Duoduo, Lin Fan asked Linda to take them to the restaurant for a rest, by the way, to eat something to be shocked, and put Duoduo in a new set of clothes.

For this, the elderly are also grateful.

When all the tourists dispersed and continued to wander around in other parts of the zoo, only Lin Fan and the little fox were left around the lake.

At this time, the snapping turtle, who had been hiding in the water and dared not come out, came out quietly, looked around, and made sure that there were not so many eyes on his body, and then he quietly landed ashore.

Arriving near Lin Fan, a wave of information came.

"Boss, I really scared me just now."

Hearing this, Lin Fan couldn't help but smile. ,, ..