Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 145: The silver mulberry tree grows!

That night, not long after the zoo was closed, Lin Shu returned home in a hurry.

Instead of going directly to the clinic, he ran to Qingyi Manor first.

"Huh? Lin Shu, why are you back?" Lin Fan, who was sitting in the flowers, asked strangely.

"Boss, I've only left for one day, so what happened to the zoo?" Lin Shu said.

During the day, all kinds of videos about snapping turtles saving people have almost been circulated.

Not only in forums, post bars and meager, even WeChat has been screened by many people.

When Lin Shu saw this video, her face paled in fright. She planned to come back tomorrow morning. As a result, she had to end her vacation early and return directly to the zoo by car.

In her opinion, fortunately there was a little nurse here at the time. Otherwise, even though the snapping turtle rescued the little boy, it would still be in great danger if it is not dealt with in time.

As a doctor, Lin Shu dare not let this happen.

Hearing what Lin Shu said, Lin Fan understood what was going on, and said with a smile: "In fact, it's not a big deal. Even if the little nurse is not there, we won't have any problems."

"Cut!" Lin Shu curled his lips. "By the way, boss, I have a classmate who is a reporter. After this incident happened in our zoo this afternoon, she called me and said she wanted to come over for an interview. Look... ...."

"What's the interview?" Lin Fan was startled.

I have been working in the zoo for some days. I dare not say completely about the temperament of this young boss, but I can also know some.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Fan would never accept interviews from any TV station or media, as he knew about the black bear escape incident last time.

In the zoo, those reporters can shoot some other content at will, but it is impossible to interview the director.

Had it not been for the classmate who called today, and had a good relationship with Lin Shu, she wouldn't even mention it.

"Uh, if you don't want to, I will reply to her later." Lin Shu said with a smile.

Lin Fan's expression and reaction were basically what she expected, and it was not that strange.

However, when she was about to return to the clinic, Lin Fan suddenly spoke and stopped her.

"Wait...When will your classmate interview?" Lin Fan said.

"Huh? Boss, what do you mean?" Lin Shu was taken aback, a little unintelligible, and immediately said again. "She said that if she can, I hope to come over tomorrow morning, mainly for how you train animals, boss, you It will not be..."

Lin Fan nodded: "Let your classmates come, but it can only be your classmates. I will not accept other media reporters."


"What are you doing while standing stupidly? Go back and change your clothes! By the way, how is your grandfather with that bottle of monkey wine? Are you satisfied?" Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Satisfied, very satisfied. My grandfather also said that he would come to thank you in person in a few days. He said that he can drink this kind of wine in his lifetime and he will die without regret." Lin Shu said.

"This is a bit too serious. A little monkey wine is nothing." Lin Fan said with a smile.

"Thank you!" A look of gratitude flashed in Lin Shu's eyes, without saying anything, turning around and walking towards the clinic.

That night, when Lin Fan landed on the "Ten Thousand Worlds Zoo" game, his popularity value had reached more than 5 million, and it was still increasing, but the rate of increase was much slower than during the day.

Despite this, Lin Fan couldn't hide his joy in his heart, so that he could ripen the silver mulberry.

When the night was quiet, a golden light flashed, and after opening his eyes, he had come to Penglai Fairy Island.

A long way away, I saw a jet of water spraying out of the lake, falling precisely on the silver mulberry tree.

Suddenly, the silver mulberry tree undergoes subtle changes, and I saw the original silvery white bones. After pouring the spring water, they slowly opened and turned into fingernail-sized silver leaves.

Maybe the spring water is not enough to allow them to continue to grow, and they will stop just here.

Nevertheless, it is enough to make people extremely surprised.

You know, this is a silver mulberry tree. The conditions for growth are very harsh, and the growth years are still very long.

If it weren't for the 10,000-year ice spring, I'm afraid it would really have to wait, at least it would take more than a thousand years.

If you change to other ordinary plants, I am afraid that it can be fully ripened in just one round.

At this moment, the purple goldfish, who was about to initiate the second wave of watering, seemed to have happened to Lin Fan's appearance. He quickly stopped and said in surprise: "Here is the benefactor? Hehe!"

Hearing the voice of the purple goldfish, Lin Fan was stunned. Is this a little girl talking? Although it sounds a little immature, it is a bit different from yesterday.

I hurriedly walked to the lake, lowered my head and looked inside, I saw that the back of the purple goldfish was covered with scales the size of fingernails.

Even the tail has undergone subtle changes, and there is a feeling of indescribable.

Lin Fan was a little surprised by the fact that such a big change happened in just one day.

The most unbelievable thing was that there was still a faint sign of spiritual energy surrounding the purple goldfish. Lin Fan was surprised to find that the purple goldfish had a repair?

This change was so fast that Lin Fan couldn't believe it.

Seeing Lin Fan’s surprised expression, the purple goldfish was very happy, swimming back and forth in the water, and said after a while: "Benefactor, hee hee, I have reached the enlightenment state, as long as you give me some time, I can return. Go to the sea to find that thing for revenge."

"Vengeance?" Lin Fan was startled.

Then I immediately thought that when I saw the purple goldfish, it was chased by an unknown object in the sea.

Although I don't know what it is, the cultivation base shouldn't be very weak.

Lin Fan nodded and turned around to look at the silver mulberry tree. Compared with yesterday, the silver mulberry tree has grown significantly, and it is almost as tall as one person.

It can be seen that during this period of time, as long as the purple goldfish does not rest, they are basically watering the silver mulberry trees with spring water, otherwise they will never grow so fast.

Now that I know the rareness of the ‘Ten Thousand Years Ice Spring’, if you can save it, you can save a bit of it. Moreover, in the game mall, Lin Fan has almost 10 million popularity points, enough for him to fully ripen the silver mulberry.

[Congratulations to the players for successfully redeeming Super Fertilizer X3, which is worth 2.06 million points. 】

[Super fertilizer has been automatically stored in the game warehouse, please use it by yourself! 】

After spending 2 million people, Lin Fan would definitely feel painful if it were before, but now it seems nothing compared to the silver mulberry tree.

What's more, his current popularity value is also a lot, and these flowers can mature a silver mulberry tree, which is definitely worth the money.

Without any hesitation, all three bags of super fertilizer were used up.

There was a loud bang, and the silver mulberry tree, which was originally only one person tall, grew directly to more than three meters high, and only two people could hug it.

On the trunk, various silver twigs also grow. Pieces of silver leaves hang there, just like a legendary money tree, shining in the sun...