Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 147: Interview,!

"Hello, I am the principal here, Lin Fan!"

Just when Xiao Lei had an idiot, Lin Fan walked over with a smile and said hello politely.

Suddenly, Xiao Lei's face flushed to her neck.

Upon seeing this, Lin Shu was also greatly surprised. As far as Xiao Lei she knew, she was also a figure of a goddess in school, and there were definitely not a few boys who pursued her.

What kind of official second generation, rich second generation, Xiao Xianrou, school grass, have never seen her behave like this idiot, what is the situation?

At this time, Xiao Lei, completely unaware of her expression and nympho's behavior, fell in Lin Shu's eyes and turned out to be very weird.

For a long time, this was hesitating, blushing and stretching out his hand, saying: "You, hello... reporter of, I, my name is Xiao Lei, a classmate of Lin Shu... .... I am 23 years old this year..."

As soon as she reported her age, Xiao Lei felt that her lower back was stabbed hard.

His body trembled slightly, and then he came back to his senses, as if he had said something wrong just now?

As a competent reporter, no matter what kind of person he is facing, he can't show panic, even the Uranus superstar in the entertainment circle.

But she herself couldn't understand why she was completely lost at the moment she saw Lin Fan.

Especially at the moment when Lin Fan's eyes were facing each other, there was an unspeakable fascination, as if those eyes had some irresistible magic power...

Realizing that she had just lost her attitude, Xiao Lei lowered her head slightly, and no longer dared to look directly at the man in front of her.

Lin Fan smiled slightly. He didn't say anything just now. He smiled and said, " I've heard that it is a large-scale online media, but I'm curious. You have not always followed the entertainment industry. Is that something? When did you pay attention to us... zoo?"

"Huh?" Xiao Lei was taken aback, and quickly replied: "Yes, yes, we have been doing entertainment news before, but the purpose of entertainment news is not just those big-name stars, small fresh meats, and occasionally. To enter the folk life and dynamics, for example, the director of Lin Yuan can make a zoo so vivid and colorful. Once it is broadcasted, it can not only improve everyone’s entertainment, but also promote everyone’s responsibility and awareness of protecting wild animals. This is not Is it the best of both worlds?"

Xiao Lei's words actually left Lin Fan speechless, nodded and said: "Yes, protecting animals is everyone's responsibility. Come on, let me take you to see where the incident happened yesterday."

Xiao Lei nodded, greeted Xiao Li, the cameraman behind him, and quickly followed Lin Fan.

It was still morning, and the zoo had just opened, and there were not too many tourists.

Around the lake, there are still some tourists watching here, perhaps because of the snapping turtle rescue incident that was found on the Internet yesterday. Many people took their mobile phones to the snapping turtles in the lake for no dead ends. Random shooting.

The snapping turtle seems to have long been used to this day when people are used as the focal point. He lifted his head slightly, closed his eyes and basked in the sun, and simply ignored the surroundings.

On the other side, a strange crocodile with a whole body of green stared at the pair of frogs with big eyes.

It may also be because of the same skin color. The green crocodile is not hostile to the two funny frogs, and will express a feeling of intimacy from time to time.

It's just that this big guy is too scary. Whenever the green crocodile approaches, the two frogs will flee in a hurry.

Seeing them hop and jump, the green crocodile also followed suit, jumping vigorously behind.

It's just that it doesn't have this ability by nature. When it doesn't jump up, it will look very awkward, and when its huge body falls on the shore, it will make waves of ripples on the lake...

At this time, on the shore of the lake, such a scene happened again.

There was no sign. Just when Lin Fan brought Xiao Lei and the others over, he saw a green crocodile on the shore, struggling upwards. There was no distance of ten centimeters, and he heard a muffled sound. , And fell heavily on the shore.

Suddenly, the few koi that had just surfaced were so scared that they swam to the bottom of the lake quickly.

Even the snapping turtle, who was indifferent to some things, opened his eyes in horror and watched what the old man next door was convulsing.

"My God, that crocodile was learning to leap?" Xiao Lei said in surprise.

"I said reporter Xiao Da, don't be so surprised, it is already normal. If you come here often, you will definitely see this situation often." Lin Shu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Xiao Lei once again looked at Lin Shu next to him with an expression of envy.

However, this envy did not last long, so a snapping turtle basking in the sun not far away was attracted.

Looking at the big guy with a radius of more than one meter, Xiao Lei said excitedly: "President Lin, this snapping turtle is the little warrior who was on the video yesterday, right?"

"Little Warrior" is a name given to many turtle friends on the Internet. It can be said that snapping turtles are now on the Internet, and they are already an out-and-out Internet celebrity.

Lin Fan smiled and nodded, and shouted: "Tietou, come here."

Hearing Lin Fan's voice, even if the snapping turtle was reluctant, he didn't dare to violate anything. He moved its huge and clumsy body and ran straight over here.

"Tietou? Is this its name?" Xiao Lei said strangely.

Lin Fan nodded: "Yes, it was taken by the little boy who was rescued yesterday."

"Very cute name!"

Just when they were talking, the snapping turtle had already come to Lin Fan's, looking like a kid who had done something wrong, bowed his head as if he was ready to accept the reprimand.

Lin Fan personally introduced the snapping turtle to Xiao Lei.

The interview process is also very simple. It is nothing more than asking about the snapping turtle saving people and the director of the Magic Zoo.

At the same time, Xiao Lei will also ask Lin Fan some questions about training snapping turtles, chimpanzees, and thunderbirds for Lin Fan to answer.

Since it is not a live broadcast, Lin Fan can also selectively answer or not answer these questions.

Lin Fan smiled slightly and said, "Of course, my domestication experience will not be directly taught to you, but I think there are also many questions about this matter on the Internet, so today I specially arranged a demonstration for everyone. I believe you will see it later. , You can understand what is going on."

After the words fell, the camera pointed directly at the lake behind Lin Fan. At this time, the snapping turtle had disappeared from the shore.

The next moment, a monkey carried an old white wine bottle in his hand and walked from a not far away. When it reached the waterside pavilion, it suddenly slipped and its body was unsteady directly into the water. Fall down.

Suddenly, it caused Xiao Lei to scream, and even the camera lens on the shoulder of the cameraman Xiao Li trembled slightly.

With a bang, the drunk monkey fell into the water and disappeared immediately.

Just when Xiao Lei looked panicked and didn't know what to do, the abnormality protruded, and huge splashes of water appeared in the water. Behind the big snapping turtle, holding the monkey that had just fallen drunk, floated quietly. Out of the water...,...