Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 156: How much is your life worth?

The area of ​​the inn is small, not even a hundred square meters.

There are a few square wooden tables in the hall, which are arranged exactly in the same way as in ancient TV. There are a few logs standing in the middle of the wooden tables.

Since the town has not been developed into a tourist attraction, the inn looks deserted, except for the boss and the group, there are no other customers in sight.

There is a counter not far away, but there is no one in the counter and I don't know where it is.

He Lao Daquan sat down with a smile, and chatted with Lin Fan without saying a word, but he didn't even mention the main task of entering the mountain this time, even Zhong Yunshan rarely mentioned it.

Lin Fan sneered in his heart. This boss is definitely a thoughtful person, and he is also very suspicious. He is strictly confidential to himself, and he doesn't want to say a word.

Despite this, Lin Fan didn't care, as long as he followed them, why didn't he know what their real purpose was for entering the mountain?

The lean man suffered a serious injury, his arms were twisted and deformed, and his bones were definitely not much better.

The two burly men carried him directly upstairs to deal with it.

At this time, the terrified Ma Cannon walked in, followed by a mixed-race monkey behind him.

"Huh? Brother, this monkey is..." Boss He saw Sun Xiaosheng coming in, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This is a pet I keep. It is very psychic. I may not be able to help us when entering the mountain this time." Lin Fan said with a smile.

Hearing this, Ma Dapao's face changed slightly, psychic? More than psychic, this monkey is so fast that he can even speak.

"Then this time, you can rely on your brothers a lot, don't worry, after the matter is done, my boss will never treat you badly." He said with a smile.

Lin Fan didn't speak, but just nodded faintly.

At this moment, a heavy footstep sounded at the door, and then a man with a big beard and a strong build came in.

Seeing this person, Lin Fan's brows frowned slightly: "It's so bloody, I'm afraid it's also a practitioner?"

Boss He obviously did not hear these words. As soon as this person walked in, his eyes flashed, and he also showed a look of joy. He walked out and said: "Hahaha, Brother He Kui, you are finally Here comes, hurry up, sit inside!"

He laughed and invited this person in. It was a kindness. I don't know if he thought he was the owner of this inn.

The big man named He Kui glanced over Lin Fan and Sun Xiaosheng, and frowned slightly: "Boss He, let's not be polite."

"Yes, yes, come, let me introduce to you, this is the animal master we invited. He is very good at training animals and can communicate with animals. There are too many strange things on the mountain, so I invite Master Lin to come. , Just in case!" He said with a big smile.

Lin Fan didn't get up, just turned his head and nodded slightly at He Kui.

"Brother, this is He Kui, a local. It can be said that no one is familiar with Zhong Yunshan except him. It is also the only one who walked in alive and walked out alive. I invite Brother He Kui to come over. Mainly to be a guide for us!" He said with a big smile.

He Kui smiled coldly, without humility and no excuse. It seems that such a statement is normal.

Pulling a chair, He Kui sat beside Lin Fan, but his eyes kept looking back and forth on Sun Xiaosheng.

It took a long time to say: "This thing is not ordinary, not bad, how much money can I sell?"

"Huh?" Lin Fan frowned upon hearing this.

"Haha, I said this monkey, do you plan to sell it for more money?" He Kuipi repeated with a smile.

Hearing this, Ma Dapao and He Boss both changed their faces.

He Kui came up and asked how much the monkey would sell. Isn't this obviously looking for fault? Although I don't know what kind of monkey this monkey is.

But as long as a person is not stupid, he can tell that this monkey is very important to Lin Fan, otherwise he would not come to places like Zhongyun Mountain and bring it.

Suddenly, the atmosphere in the lobby became a bit solemn and weird.

Boss He just had a smile on his face, bowed his head and said nothing, but Ma Da Pao's heart was about to jump out, his brows locked tightly together.

After a long time, Lin Fan smiled slightly, looked directly at He Kui beside him, and said in a hurry, "How much is your life?"


Upon hearing this, He Kui immediately slapped the table in front of him, with an angry expression on his face, He Lao Dalian hurriedly held him back.

"Hahaha, just kidding, brother He Kui, don't take it seriously." He Lao Dalian hurriedly persuaded him.

He Kui gritted his teeth with hatred, a pair of bull's eyes stared at Lin Fan, and it took a long time to squeeze out a few words from his mouth: "Okay, boy, you have a kind, let's wait and see!"

In his opinion, Lin Fan has been determined to be dead.

It is inconvenient to make too much noise here, so as not to disturb other people in the town, but once you enter the mountains, it will be life and death, and wealth is in the sky.

As everyone knows, these people, including Boss He, were also sentenced to death by Lin Fan.

In the rest of the time, everyone had a simple meal at the inn. The strange thing was that they did not see the owner and staff of the inn from beginning to end.

Even the cooking is done by a burly man among the bosses.

Upon seeing this, Lin Fan understood that the main thing in their profession is to be careful, not to mention that this task is very important, and there must be no leaks.

Therefore, Lin Fan guessed that after Boss He and the others came here, the owner and staff of the inn might have completely disappeared from the world.

As time passed by, the sky soon became dark, the sky was dotted with several residual stars, and a slanting moon hung in the sky, exuding a faint light.

Due to the locality, the locals returned to their homes to rest early.

They don't have any entertainment, let alone a colorful nightlife, everything seems quiet.

Including Lin Fan and later He Kui, a total of seven people plus a monkey appeared in the lobby of the inn, and even the thin man with his broken arm was sitting on a chair with a sling.

Seeing that everyone was here, the boss laughed and said, "Brothers, I won’t say anything more than that. This business is going down, and I dare not say anything else. Several million dollars are enough for our brothers, Ann. It’s been a few years now, so I hope everyone can work together to complete the task together!"

I have to say that Boss He is a very brainwashing person. After a few words, everyone seems to see a rich life in front of them.

Five million U.S. dollars, when converted into soft sister coins, there are tens of millions.

Seeing everyone's look of expectation and excitement, Boss He nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go!"