Metropolis Super Zoo

Chapter 157: Each is pregnant with ghosts,!

Three off-road vehicles, plus a Santana about to fall apart, formed a line and drove straight to Zhongyun Mountain.

In this quiet night, the noise from the car has been spreading far away...

In the car, Ma Dapao's face was always very careful, and from time to time he swept in the rearview mirror, wanting to see Lin Fan sitting in the back and the monkey who only talked.

After going back and forth, Lin Fan looked at the darkness outside the car window, but said coldly, "If you have anything to say, there are flowers on my face?"

"Ah?" Hearing this, Ma Dapao was so frightened that he quickly explained: "Um... Brother Lin, I don't know why, I always feel that we are a little bit uncomfortable going to Zhong Yunshan this time, you Say...Are we in any danger?"

Ma Da Pao said as he drove, in fact, he met Boss He only by chance. If he said how familiar he was, it would not be true.

After graduating from university, Ma Dapao did open a small-scale pet store in Fengshi.

In the beginning, I just sold some pet foods such as cat food and dog food, and then I made a little capital, and then I tried to sell a few pet cats and dogs.

Later, I got acquainted with this boss after a friend's introduction, and said at the dinner table that he wanted to give Ma Dapao a chance to make a fortune.

Slowly, Ma Dapao followed Boss He and the others to poaching in some mountains.

Since the country now strictly protects wild animals, there is basically nothing to see on the mountain, but by luck, what can be caught is nothing.

As for this boss, Ma Da Pao is really not very familiar with it, and there is no friendship between them.

If it weren't for the employer's too much commission this time, Ma Dapao wouldn't want to take such a risk.

"Originally, I just thought, after doing this, I will go back to my hometown with the money, build a house, marry a daughter-in-law, and live this life steadily, and I will be satisfied, but I don’t know why. From here on, my heart is not at ease, and I can't tell you..." Ma Dapao muttered, his voice seemed to be crying.

Hearing this, Lin Fan just smiled. For Ma Dapao, apart from his unpleasant mouth, there is actually nothing wrong with him.

If you really want to say the impression, you can't say that you hate it, let alone the relationship between him and Lin Shu and the reporter Xiao Lei who are still classmates.

Lin Fan chuckled: "It doesn't matter, as long as you stay with me after going up the mountain, I can save your life, otherwise, you can only ask for more blessings."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Ma Dapao got excited, and almost didn't drive the car into the ditch by the side of the road. He stabilized his mind and quickly assured: "Brother Lin, don't worry, after going up the mountain, I will definitely Your horse is looking forward, you let me go east, I absolutely dare not go west, you let me squat, I absolutely dare not stand, you are like that..."

Yes, this time, Ma Dapao's old problem has committed again, and he kept flattering in the rearview mirror, spitting stars flying everywhere...

In the end, even Sun Xiaosheng, who kept a low profile at all times, couldn’t stand it anymore. Holding a mineral water bottle in his hand, he said impatiently: “Okay, it’s almost done. My host is not the one who likes to slap **** casually. People, be careful you are anxious, he is kicking you..."


Although Ma Dapao had seen the monkey uttering words before, he suddenly heard it again without being fully prepared, and his face changed in an instant.

In any case, a monkey who can speak human language is too weird, not to mention that it is still at the foot of Zhong Yun Mountain.

Suddenly, Ma Dapao felt a chill on his back, and he couldn't help but shudder from Ji Lingling, and quickly shut up and dared not speak.

But Lin Fan slapped Sun Xiaosheng's head severely with a slap, and the painful Sun Xiaosheng kept screaming, which made the already silent night more and more weird and gloomy...

From the small town to Zhongyun Mountain, it takes only 20 minutes by car.

After a short while, the car stopped in front of a wasteland.

Boss He and his little companions got out of the car one after another and looked around.

From a distance, Zhong Yun Mountain was very majestic and majestic. When they came to the front, it was like standing in front of a giant, appearing very small.

The strange thing is that near Zhongyun Mountain, it is bare, and a large area of ​​empty land has not been developed yet.

In the dark sky, only a few residual stars dotted it, and a slanting moon poured down the faint moonlight, making this originally mysterious Zhong Yunshan even more mysterious and weird.

"Brother He Kui, shall we enter the mountain here?" Boss He said lowly.

As a local, He Kui was the only one who went up the mountain alive and returned. He Kui seemed familiar with this place and nodded solemnly.

"This is the only intersection that is fairly safe. Just pull over and stop here. Let's walk over." He Kui said.

Hearing this, Boss He nodded, not seeing that he had any doubts, and said to the two burly men around him: "Get ready, let's go into the mountains here!"

Turning his gaze, he fell directly behind Lin Fan and Ma Dapao, and said with a smile: "Brother Lin, the road conditions here are complicated, you have to follow up."

"Hehe, I'm bothering Boss He." Lin Fan nodded with a smile.

At this moment, the two burly men took out several large canvas pockets from the trunk, and opened them. Ma Dapao couldn't help but breathe in the air.

It contained four shotguns and an AK47, as well as several military sabers and pistols.

In addition, there are some military kettles, tents and food.

Boss He didn't talk nonsense. He and his little friends changed into a suit at the fastest speed, which looked just like those special soldiers on TV.

Lin Fan frowned. It seems that Boss He and the others are all well prepared. Although these equipments are not so sophisticated, ordinary poachers can never reach this level.

There is another problem. The boss and the others really didn't regard Ma Cannon as their own. Even a guide like He Kui had a set of equipment, but Ma Cannon did not.

It can be seen that in their eyes, Ma Cannon is nothing but cannon fodder. If there is any danger after going up the mountain, Ma Cannon will definitely let them be the first to push out and become cannon fodder...

"Brother Lin..." Ma Da Pao is not stupid, and naturally he can see the way inside.

He gritted his teeth with hate, but he didn't dare to complain or anger. After all, with his ability, he could not offend the bosses.

Lin Fan smiled coldly: "It doesn't matter, it's the same as I just said, as long as you stay with me, I can save your life, let's go!"

Ma Da Pao nodded heavily, the fear and slight anger in his eyes had completely transformed into expectation and determination.

Everything is ready, He laughed and said, "Brothers, five million dollars are on this mountain, let's go?"